Proposed research is accepted in both Arabic and English.
A research abstract of no more than 150 words must be submitted no later than 28 February 2021. The abstract must include the title of the research, the researcher's name, the name of the university or organization they are affiliated with, their email address, phone number, and country of residence.
Participants must submit a one-page CV in order to include in the conference brochure and to be used in introducing speakers.
Research which is approved should be no more than 7000 words including margins, resources and appendices with the margins added automatically to the end of each page. Simplified Arabic in font 14 should be used for the text and font 12 for the resources at the end of the paper. This must be submitted by 15 April 2021.
Participating research will be reviewed by the Deanship of Scientific Research after the conference and will then be published in a reviewed book.
Participants will be provided with travel details at a later time.
All correspondence should be addressed to the conference secretary at the following email address: