Conference Arrangements
- The Conference will be held from 4 to 6 November 2013. For participants from outside Jordan, accommodation will be provided for the period from 3 to 7 November 2013. Further arrangements concerning accommodation will be sent later.
- All papers will be evaluated through the Deanship of Scientific Research and the accepted ones will be published in the conference book.
- The participation fees is US 300 dollars from those who reside outside Jordan ,and JD 100 from those who reside inside Jordan, to be paid after the final approval of the paper (the fees cover accommodation, internal transportation and paper evaluation).
- Philadelphia University will be responsible for expenses of accommodation in Jordan, board and internal transport in Jordan, while travel expenses from and to Jordan is the responsibility of the participants.
- The Organizing Committee will issue a guide in both hard and electronic forms including the Conference’s program, abstracts of submitted papers, and brief bio of each participant. For this purpose, the participants are kindly requested to provide the Committee with the following (not later than 15 July 2013):
- An error-free abstract of the paper, of approximately one page; the heading should include the paper’s title, the researcher’s name, his/her university or institution, the country where he/she lives.
- A brief C.V. of approximately one page, to be included in the Conference guide, and also for presenting participants during the Conference sessions.
- The Committee will also issue an electronic book on CD containing the full papers presented, and a copy of that CD will be sent to each participant. The participants are kindly requested to take the following into consideration:
- Papers should be submitted by 15 September 2013 at the latest.
- They should not exceed 7000 words, including the notes, appendixes and references. Notes should be appended in serial form at the end.
- They should be sent to the Conference's e-mail: and, carefully proofread.
- The above-mentioned guide will include addresses of participants, so that they are made available to those concerned. The format will be as follows.
- The participants are kindly requested to send a letter of confirmation. May any emergency arise at any time, kindly inform us at earliest convenience. These who need visa are kindly urged to sent modern true copy of their passport not later than 31/8/2013.
Name | University or Institution | Mailing address | Phone, fax | e-mail, site | Specialization/ interests |
Participants are requested to provide us with the above, as accurately as possible; the information received will be accepted as correct, and will be entered in the Guide as provided.