Submitting an abstract of no more than (200) words in both Arabic and English. the heading should include the paper’s title, the researcher’s name, his/her university or institution, the country where he/she lives. The deadline for the abstract submission is January 1, 2017.
Papers should not exceed 7000 words, including the notes, appendixes and references. Notes should be appended in serial form at the end. The font should be ‘Simplified Arabic’, and the font size should be (14) for texts, and (12) for references. Papers should be submitted by Febreuary 1, 2017 at the latest.
All papers will be evaluated through the Deanship of Scientific Research and the accepted ones will be published in the conference book.
The participation fees is US 300 dollars from those who reside outside Jordan, and JD 100 from those who reside inside Jordan, to be paid after the final approval of the paper (the fees cover accommodation, internal transportation and paper evaluation).
Participants will be provided with details of transportation, accommodation, payment of fees, and the final program of the conference sessions.