The 22nd International Conference on Arab History and Modern Thought Methods - April 24-26, 2018
Khaldunya represented a rational and realistic achievement in the history of the Arab world, but this achievement was not built on it, in terms of its concepts and provisions and its vision of history, which is no longer merely an account of the facts, events and the progress of individuals, but expanded to encompass knowledge systems such as economic, social and cultural history.
In the beginning of 1950s, the knowledge wave in the humanities was most evident in the curricula of history and new history, which was presented to the traditional and positivist methods of thinking that were in the niche and opened to the gains of the human sciences and employed in its total readings and transcendence in history. The history of heroes and individuals, towards the approach of structures, ideas and phenomena, the history of the imagined and imagined images of the self, the history of history and the history of the other and the history of marginalized.
In the light of the recommendations of the participants at the Philadelphia International Conference, 21 the intention of the Organizing Committee was to hold its twenty-second conference between April 24-26, 2018 under the title (Arab History and Modern Thought Methods), according to the following proposed axes: