Send the abstract of the research in Arabic and English in (200) words, including: the address of the research, the name of the researcher, the name of the university or institution in which he works, the e-mail address, telephone number and the name of the country to which he belongs, no later than 31/10/2017.
Submit the research, if the summary is approved, in (7000) word, including the margins and the list of sources, references, and annexes. The margins are placed sequentially at the end of the search. The type of font (Simplified Arabic) and font size (14) of the text and (12) of the sources and references - no later than (31/12/2017).
The participating researches in the conference, will be governed by the Deanship of Scientific Research as appropriate, after the conference, and published in an arbitrator's book.
The value of the registration fees ($ 200) for researchers from outside Jordan, paid after the final approval of the research, to cover the costs of accommodation, mobility, arbitration and publication of research.
The participating researchers shall be provided with details of travel, accommodation, payment of fees and the final program of the meetings of the Conference.