1. The effect of electronic word of mouth communication on purchase intention and brand image: An applicant smartphone brands in North Cyprus. Management Science Letters, (2019), 9(4), 505-518. (Scopus).

  1. The effect of market-sensing capability on the knowledge creation process and innovation Evidence from SMEs in Jordan. Management Science Letters, (2019), 9(5), 727-736. (Scopus).

  1. Data to model the effects of perceived telecommunication service quality and value on the degree of user satisfaction and e-WOM among telecommunications users in North Cyprus, (2020), Data in brief 28, 104981(Scopus).

  1. Assessing the nexus between knowledge management and firm performance: A data article. Data in brief, (2021), 32, 106283. (Scopus).

  1. The antecedents of supply chain performance: Business analytics, business process orientation, and information systems support. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, (2022), Volume 10, Number 2. (Scopus).

  1. The mediating role of brand credibility between Social Media Influencer and patronage intentions. International Journal of Data and Network Science, (2022), Volume 10, Number 2. (Scopus).

  1. A study to investigate the impact of E-Supply chain on Customer satisfaction: Mediating role service quality and gamification. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, (2022), Volume 10, Number 3. (Accepted, Scopus).

  1. The nexus between Social Media Influencers and Purchase Intention in the Fast-Food Sector in Jordan: Testing a moderated mediation model. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, (2022), Volume 17 (2022), Number 1. (Accepted, Scopus).