Title: The role of interior design in increasing quality, efficiency, and service in healthcare clinics and its reflection on patients behavior positively
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022

Abstract: يدرس هذا البحث دور التصميم الداخلي في رفع أداء وكفاءة وخدمات العيادات الصحية، إضافة إلى دراسة تأثير ذلك على سلوك المرضى من النواحي الصحية والجسدية. تتلخص مشكلة البحث في الحاجة الماسة الى تطبيق المبادئ التصميمية السليمة الواجب على المصممين الداخليين اتباعها من اجل تحسين جودة البيئة الداخلية لكي تعمل على تلبية الاحتياجات للمرضى وتقديم أفضل الخدمات والإسراع في عملية الشفاء في العيادات الصحية. يكمن التساؤل الرئيسي في معرفة ما هو دور التصميم الداخلي في تحسين جودة البيئة الداخلية في العيادات الصحية وصولا الى خلق مناخ مناسب يوفر الاحتياجات الصحية الملائمة للمرضى. يهدف هذا البحث الى تقديم نصائح وارشادات وحلول تصميمية للبيئات الداخلية اثناء عملية التصميم الداخلي للعيادات الصحية نظراً لما نراه من قلة الاهتمام بتصميمها وتأثيرها سلبا على صحة المرضى. تكمن أهمية البحث في دراسته لعناصر التصميم الداخلي في العيادات الصحية ودورها في تحقيق بيئة صحية متكاملة تحسن سلوك المرضى إيجابيا مما سيسرع من عملية الشفاء عندهم. اعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي في جمع المعلومات، من خلال جمع وتحليل مجموعة من المعلومات من الدراسات السابقة والحالات المشابهة ذات العلاقة، وتوزيع استمارة الاستبيان على مجموعة من المختصين ومستخدمي تلك العيادات الصحية ذات الوظائف المختلفة، بالإضافة الى عمل مقابلات شخصية مع مختصين وزيارات ميدانية للملاحظة ودراسة واقع الحال فيها. تم تحليل المعلومات الكمية احصائيا في جداول، وتحليل المعلومات النوعية عن طريق تفريغها وتبويبها وترميزها في جداول خاصة من عمل الباحثين. جاءت نتائج البحث لتركز على ان للتصميم الداخلي دورا هاما في حل مشكلة العشوائية في تصميم العيادات الصحية، بالإضافة الى ايجاد حلولا تصميمية أفضل للعيادات لتصبح ذات جودة لتشجيع الناس على الإقبال عليها من خلال التصميم الداخلي بتخصيص مساحات الفراغات الانتفاعية بدقة بحيث تشمل المنفعة والاستعمال الحقيقي لها.

Keywords: التصميم الداخلي; جودة البيئة الداخلية; سلوك المرضى; العيادات الصحية

Title: Wayfinding and Color: Perception of Interior Design Environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2019

Abstract: Color is an essential component of interior design that provides functional and aesthetic qualities for space users. Colors in an environment work as communication tools between people and the objects or surfaces surrounding them. Therefore, colors should be used to give the right message to people through the built environment. The purpose of this research is to identify how color can aid wayfinding in the built environment. The question presented in this literature review addresses whether color has an effect on human behavior linked to wayfinding. The objective of this paper is to address, support, or nullify whether color aids wayfinding in the built environment through the evaluation of journal articles discussing wayfinding, behavior, and perceptions for occupants that are impacted by color. The method of the study includes reviewing the available literature on wayfinding strategies to find out possible useful locations for applications of color and incorporating the prior research work on the issue. The methodology of conducting research for the literature review involves the thematic approach, in which credible scholarly books and journal articles written in 1978 till present were reviewed with the relation of occupant’s behavior and color in wayfinding. In this study, findings show that color is essential for wayfinding in the built environments. Consequently, using color in wayfinding is the impulse for building a relationship between people and the physical environment. Color is an important component of design that aids in wayfinding, which create and preserve the well-being of users in the built environment. Color works as an environmental information tool for user’s successful wayfinding experiences.

Keywords: color, wayfinding, built environment, behavior, environment, function and aesthetic.

Title: The structural analysis of interior environments components and its significance in improving individuals behavior in hospitals
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2021
Research in Specifics Education, 39

Abstract: 0

Keywords: 0

Title: The significance of using sustainable design along with interior design and its impact on users behavior in hospitality buildings
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2019

Abstract: Introduction: Many studies in architecture and design have recently focused on increasing the use of foundations and elements of sustainability in the hospitality sector to form a large part of the effectiveness of commercial and tourism buildings to increase their attraction and reflect on increased sales. Users appreciate the performance of buildings in sustainable design hotels in their interior design and may be willing to pay higher prices for their services if sustainability is used as an attraction for their comfort, well-being, health and reflection on your health within those places. Research problem: Previous research lacks the importance of sustainable design in interior design and does not reflect the motives to be followed when applying the foundations and elements of interior design and the impact on users in built environments especially in hospitality buildings. Research Questions: What is the role of sustainable design in interior design in hospitality buildings? What are the conditions and criteria to be followed by the internal designer when using the foundations and elements of sustainable design in the hospitality premises? Does sustainable design affect customers’ behavior within the hospitality premises? Is this reflected in attracting customers to these places and increasing income? Research Objectives: The importance of this study is to search about the important use of sustainable design in interior design of the built environment and its impact on the user's behavior in terms of providing comfort and safety and well-being for the user for carrying out daily activities inside hospitality buildings. Research Methodology: The methodology used in the research is descriptive analysis, where questionnaires were distributed to a group of faculty members working at the university which include questions about the impact of internal design elements in their offices on behavior, productivity, and loyalty. Research Findings: Through study and research, it was found that: 1) The role of internal designers in the use of foundations and elements of sustainable design in the interior design of hospitality buildings to attract a wider customer base and gain competitive advantage in the market; The use of sustainable design in interior design because of it’s obvious impact on health, safety, comfort and well-being of users of these buildings, and their impact on their behavior; (3) the interior designer must use sustainable design in the interior design of hospitality buildings to increase efficiency (4) The role of the interior designer is to have the moral and social responsibility to contribute to the efficiency of the building through the adoption of sustainable design practices; (5) The interior designer takes into consideration the building requirements according to the wishes of the customers in accordance with the design 6) The role of interior designers is to harness the foundations and the sustainable design elements in line with the requirements of the building first and the customer's personal interest secondly with the design interest thirdly during the design process to better suit all the efficiency of the building in the end.

Keywords: Sustainable Design, Interior Design, Hospitality Buildings, Behavior.

Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2021

Abstract: Providing a special corner for prayer inside the house is missed, while family members pray in random places. Due to prevention of roaming and leaving houses coused by COVID19 crisis led to the emergence of providing a special corner for worshipers inside the home. This research is presenting solutiuons for designing prayer corner and giving different conceptual ideas according to the different areas and locations within the houses. Designing a corner for prayer inside the house and the impact of that on the behavior of family members, determining the conditions to take into account when designing a prayer corner inside the house, and finally knowing the role of lighting, colors, furniture and personal space in designing a suitable corner for praying is important. This research was conducted by making a questionnaire and distributing it electronically to random samples from families in Jordan. Interviews were conducted with specialists from academics and interior designers. Samples of prayer corners in some homes were collected and studied and considered to give some design ideas. Findings come to emphasize the importance of designing a special corner for prayer as a necessity in houses by providing atmosphere of, tranquility, stability and comfort inside houses. Prayer corner can be designed in several forms such: room pre-designed in the house plan, corner in one of the areas, unused room, corner in corridor, or any clean corner that accommodates the prayer rug. Lighting, colors, furniture, and personal space play an important role in designing the prayer corner inside houses.

Keywords: Prayer Corner; Interior Design; House; Comfort; Safety; Worshiping

Title: The Role of Sustainable Interior Design and its Impact on Customer’s Behavior in Commercial Environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022
. International Conference on Sustainability: Developments and Innovations, SCOPUS, Riyadh, KSA

Abstract: 0

Keywords: 0

Title: The role of music in increasing creativity level among interior design students during design process in educational environments.
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2021

Abstract: يدرس هذا البحث دور الموسيقى وعناصرها في دعم وتعزيز السلوك الابداعي بين طلبة التصميم الداخلي في البيئات التعليمية، وتتلخص مشكلة هذا البحث في عدم الفهم العميق من قبل اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية لخصائص الموسيقى وللأبعاد التي يمكن أن تحدثها هذه الموسيقى في سلوك واداء الطلبة عند قيامهم بمراحل التصميم اثناء العملية التصميمية، مما يؤدي الى خفض الانتاج الفكري والابداعي لديهم. المنهج المتبع في هذا البحث هو الوصفي التحليلي والتجريبي، حيث قام الباحث بتوزيع (120) استبانة على عدد من طلاب التصميم الداخلي في جامعة اليرموك اللذين درسوا مساقات تختص بالموسيقى، كما تم اجراء مقابلات شخصية مع عدد من المختصين (30) شخصا من قسمي التصميم الداخلي والموسيقى في جامعة اليرموك للاطلاع على رايهم فيما يتعلق بالدور الذي تقوم به الموسيقى في التأثير على مستوى الابداع عندهم، كما تم اجراء تجربة على عدد من طلاب السنة الرابعة في قسم التصميم الداخلي في جامعة اليرموك (60 طالب وطالبة؛ 30 إناث، 30 ذكور)، حيث تم تقسيمهم إلى ثلاث مجموعات على ثلاث جلسات مختلفة (جلسة تصميم بدون موسيقى، جلسة تصميم مع غناء بدون موسيقى، جلسة تصميم مع غناء يصاحبها الموسيقى) وطُلب منهم الانضمام إلى هذه الدراسة. جاءت نتائج هذا البحث لتوضح دور الموسيقى في التأثير بشكل مباشر على مواقف وسلوك الطلبة اثناء قيامهم بمراحل التصميم، ولكنها تؤثر بشكل غير مباشر على اداء الطلاب وافكارهم اتجاه الإبداع في التصميم. تظهر فوائد عناصر الموسيقى في التأثير على سلوك طلاب التصميم من خلال زيادة نسبة الابتكار (على سبيل المثال، أفكار جديدة وغير تقليدية)، والشعور بالسعادة (مثال، المزيد من السعادة، أقل مللاً)، والتركيز (مثال، ضبط النفس)، والتفاعل الاجتماعي (مثال، الرقص مع الموسيقى، والتواصل اللفظي)، والتعاون في التصميم (على سبيل المثال، التفاعل مع الموسيقى).

Keywords: البيئة التعليمية; الموسيقى; التصميم الداخلي; سلوك الطلبة; الابداع في التصميم

Title: The Role of Expressive Values of Smart Materials in Influencing the Quality of Interior Design Functionally and Aesthetically
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022

Abstract: There is an important role that the expressive values of smart materials play in influencing the quality and efficiency of interior design and its reflection on the behavior of individuals. Materials are generally one of the most important complementary elements that the interior designer resorts to during the design process in its various forms. The research problem is that some interior designers are not aware of the importance of using and employing smart materials, which leads to a problem and reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of these environments. The research aims to assess the role of expressive values resulting the use of smart materials in the process of interior design in built environments by exploiting these materials in the design of ceilings, floors, walls, furniture and lighting in the built environment. The significance is summarized in providing some explanations, examples, and limitations that can be followed by interior designers in order to enhance the quality of the interior design process in built environments, by using and employing smart materials in the design process, and providing some realistic applications of the expressive values of materials. The methodology that was used is descriptive analytical. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of individuals present within their built environments. The results came to clarify the role that the expressive values of smart materials play in raising the quality of interior design, depending on the characteristics that these materials have, which contribute to raising the effectiveness of the built environment.

Keywords: Built environment; expressive values; smart materials; interior design; individual behavior.

Title: The Relation of Residential Lighting and Occupants Behavior, Perception and Welfare
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2016

Abstract: Lighting is an essential component of interior design that provides functional and aesthetic qualities for the users of the space. The impact of Lighting not only on the reduction but also to highlight the beauty of residential space according to function and distribution of selected spaces is of interest in this study. The purpose of this research is to generate a complete overview of residential lighting that demonstrates the relation of residential lighting and residents users’ perceptions. The question presented in this study addresses whether residential lighting has an effect on human behavior, which eventually impacts how the occupants feel comfort, safety, and relaxation. The methodology of conducting research from the prior research involves the thematic approach, in which credible scholarly journal articles written between 1996 and 2010 were reviewed with the relation of occupants’ behavior and residential lighting in mind. The objective of this paper is to explore-support, or nullify-whether lighting affects human behavior in residential environments through the evaluation of journal articles discussing occupant’s behavior, perceptions, and energy efficiency that is impacted by lighting. The findings suggest lighting design in residential environments is essential for the well-being of occupants. While lighting may not directly affect occupants in a noticeable way, evidence from research indicates that occupants are in fact influenced by lighting. Designers must determine occupants’ needs for light in every corner as appropriate to their specific family requirements, taking into account the activities that occur in every room of the house. Designing lighting should be accompanied by taking care of the designed environment, sensitive optical artistic inclinations, as well as the overall quality of lighting

Keywords: Residential Lighting Occupants Behavior; Perception interior design

Title: The Relation of Ergonomics and Classroom Environment Interior Design
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2016

Abstract: Ergonomic is one of the areas that support ergonomics and deals with the human body measurements that refer to body size, strength, shape and work capacity. Appropriate use of anthropometry in design may improve the well-being, health, comfort and safety of students. The purpose of this research is to study and evaluate the anthropometric concepts and elements in classrooms relating to interior environment. The objective of this research is to address, support or nullify whether anthropometric affects human behavior in interior space design. The methodology used to write this research paper was through data collection from books and specific journals which studied ergonomic elements and concepts in different school applications. The anthropometric elements evaluated include user types or scales, comfort, performance, attention and productivity for students in classroom. The information provided by the references supports ideas about the relation of anthropometry and interior space design as presented in the form of text, as well as visual components such as graphs, diagrams and charts. In findings, anthropometry created through interior space design is essential for the physical and mental well-being of users and addresses the user scale, comfort, performance, attention and productivity. Anthropometric measurements are important in determining if furniture is comfortable for students. Designers should consider anthropometric dimensions correlated with the dimensions of classroom furniture and the effect on students’ musculoskeletal health. The furniture best fit” the anthropometric dimensions of the students must provide comfort and high performance and human needs. A good fit between school furniture and the anthropometric measurements of students may result in an improved learning environment and increased comfort for students. It is important to provide students with school furniture that matches their physical needs to prevent potential posture health problems in the future.

Keywords: Ergonomic, Environment, design, interior design, comfort, safety, health

Title: The intelligent design of furniture and its influence on individuals behavior with interior residential environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2021

Abstract: يدرس هذا البحث أهمية التصميم الذكي في الاثاث وتأثيره على نمط حياة وسلوك الأفراد داخل البيئات السكنية. تكمن مشكلة هذا البحث في قله وعي المصممين الداخليين في دور التصميم الذكي في الاثاث وكيف يمكن أن يؤثر على أداء وكفاءة وخدمات البيئات السكنية، وتحسين سلوك الأفراد فيها من اجل رفع جودة وكفاءة وفاعلية التصميم الداخلي ككل. تم إتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي من خلال عمل استبيان واجراء مقابلات لمعرفة اراء المختصين والمهتمين بالتصميم الداخلي ومحاورتهم ببعض الاسئلة عن مدى توظيف الاثاث الذكي في البيئات السكنية، وتم تفريغ وترميز وتبويب البيانات التي تم جمعها لتحليلها احصائيا.

Keywords: التصميم الذكي; الاثاث; البيئات السكنية; التصميم الداخلي

Title: The influence of furniture design on individuals behavior and its impact of their comfort and well-being in banks
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2019

Abstract: Introduction: Design furniture is very important in the success of the interior design of banks, as it impacts the comfort and well-being of individuals, and affects the exchange process between each of customers and their relationship with the bank and the services that provided by bank to them, and the most important elements of furniture design to be observed during the process. Furniture design inside banks buy using appropriate color, suitable materials, high agronomy and quality of design, in order to improve individuals’ behavior in place where they works and moves. All these design’ elements have a real impact on the behavior, comfort, well-being and productivity of both customers and employee within banks. Research problem of: The problem of research in the lack of previous studies to know the impact of furniture design in the interior design for banks on customers and employees and their perception on their behavior, and these elements of the impact of a large (positive or negative) on behavior and comfort and welfare of the employee during his work, and on their relationship with others (customers or co-workers), which affects productivity, performance and loyalty of the client and the position in the bank. Research Questions: What is the impact of designing furniture on customer and employee behavior within the bank? What is the impact on their productivity, performance and loyalty? What is the role of using colors, materials, ergonomic and design quality in furniture design to raise levels of comfort and welfare to customer and employee within banks? Research Objectives: The objectives of this research are: 1) To know the extent of the impact of design furniture on customer's behavior and its impact on comfort and profitability of the furniture and the extent of its reflection on the productivity, performance and loyalty of customers and employees in banks, 2) to Determine the importance of furniture design elements (colors, materials, ergonomics, and design quality) (3) to study problems and design solutions when designing bank furniture, and finally 4) to develop a set of foundations, standards and conditions to be followed when designing bank furniture. Research Methodology: A questionnaires were designed and distributed to some groups of customers and employees within banks. The questionnaires included a set of questions about the impact of furniture design elements on the behavior of individuals in banks. The important of using of furniture, and its reflection on productivity, performance and loyalty of customers and employees. In addition, a number of visits and interviews were conducted with a group of customers and employees to examine the importance of furniture design and its impact on their behavior, comfort, performance and productivity within the banks. Also, furniture items (old and new) were shown to to compare about their impacts on behavior inside banks> Finally, the results were analyzed in tables to exit the recommendations and final results of this research. Research Findings: Through the study and research, came out with the following findings: 1) The use of comfortable and quiet colors increase the comfort and well-being and health and psychological client and employee in the banks, 2) The high quality materials and natural materials used in the manufacture of bank furniture stimulate positive behavior at The customer and the employee together, 3) The care to provide egronomy in the design of furniture in banks provides the user comfort and well-being and thus health and safety for the exercise of daily activities with high accuracy, 4) Care of the industry of bank furniture quality and professionalism increases the levels of satisfaction and stability and tranquility when 5) If furniture design elements (color, materials, ergonomics and design quality) are available and studied with great care, it stimulates customers and employees and increases their production, performance and loyalty to banks significantly.

Keywords: Interior design, Furniture design, Behavior, Comfort, Welfare, Productivity, Performance, Colors, Materials, Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering), Design quality.

Title: The Impact of Sustainability Foundations and Elements on Interior Design Quality and Student’s Behavior in Educational Environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022
Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Keywords: 0

Title: The Impact of interior design factors on workers and students behavior in healthcare centers in universities
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2018

Abstract: Introduction: Interior design affects the behavior of individuals, whether they are employed or sick in health centers. Bad interior design of health centers may have a direct impact on comfort, well-being, health and safety, thus affecting on getting of the best treatment services by employees and reducing treatment speed in patients. It is important to know the components of the interior design in health centers. Research problem: The problem of research is the lack of previous studies that enable us to know the effect of interior design elements on individuals in health centers and their behavior when using the facilities of health centers in universities, and these factors affect the comfort and well-being, health, safety and speed of treatment of patients. Research Questions: The main question goes around employees and patients behavior. What is the role of interior design in comfort and well-being? What are the positive or negative outcomes depending on interior design? The Research Objectives: To provide a number of tips and design solutions for interior designers to study the elements of interior design significantly before starting the design process. The Research Methodology: Analytical research results, survey participation, and interviews were used. The results were analyzed in this research. Research Findings: Interior design also has a clear impact on the behavior of staff and students in health centers. Best interior design impact users behavior and makes them more comfortable and safe. Designers must take into account interior design to reach better place, which increases users loyalty, belonging. Also, Best interior design will impact on patients stay in healthcare centers and gives them the ability to be healed faster weather physically or psychologically.

Keywords: Interior design, healthcare design, special planning, furniture, colors, lighting, behavior, design and treatment, building performance and efficiency.

Title: The Impact of interior design factors (color, light, personal space) in offices and its impact on faculty members behavior, comfort, productivity, and loyalty in universities
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2017

Abstract: إن الاهتمام بالتصميم الداخلي في المكاتب مهم كونه يؤثر على المستخدمين بصورة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة، فهو يؤثر فيهم ويتأثر بهم. ومن أهم عناصر التصميم الداخلي الواجب مراعاتها أثناء عملية تصميم مكاتب أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في الجامعات هي: اللون المناسب والإضاءة المريحة والحيز الشخصي الذي يعمل ويتحرك به، فجميع هذه العناصر لها تأثير فعلي على سلوك وراحة ورفاهية وإنتاجية وولاء المدرس داخل الجامعة.

Keywords: المكاتب، المدرسين، الجامعات، التصميم الداخلي

Title: The impact of indoor environmental quality in interior design and its effect on individuals’ behavior within their housing
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2020

Abstract: Interior design plays an important role in designing the indoor environment of the house, by creating the physical environment for indoor spaces in which the daily activity of individuals is practiced easily and easily, which leads to the promotion of positive behavior among the individuals of the house, measuring the success of the interior design of the house in order to achieve a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment inside it. The research problem is summarized in the individuals’ needs and issues inside the house by focusing on the quality of the components of the indoor through daily activities. This research aims to provide information on the effect of the quality of components of the indoor environment on the behavior of individuals within their housing. The methodology used in this research is the analytical descriptive method. A statistical program (SPSS) was used after the collection of data. General research results have approved the effect of the quality of the components through: 1) The use of comfortable and calm colors increases comfort, luxury and health of individuals, which reflects positively on their behavior, productivity and loyalty within their housing. 2) Designing comfortable and suitable lighting improves positive behavior of individuals in their interior residences. 3) The distribution of furniture in the ideal studied manner ensures comfort and luxury that provides satisfaction and reassurance. 4) Good ventilation creates an environment that is safe, healthy, and free from diseases by eliminating moisture, mold, bacteria, insects, and different pollutants, finally 5) Customizing indoor spaces as it is inside their housing increases their levels of privacy.

Keywords: Indoor Environment, Individuals Quality, Interior Design, Behavior, and House

Title: The Impact of Implementing Smart Technology on Interior Design Quality and its Impact on Students Behavior in Educational Environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022
ICDSIS2022 (The 3rd International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent System, Sharjah, UAE.

Abstract: 0

Keywords: 0

Title: Indoor Environmental Quality in Sustainable Interior Design and Its Impact on Individual's Behavior in Commercial Environments
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2022
ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS, Applied Science University, Bahrain

Abstract: 0

Keywords: 0

Title: Implementing technology in Interior design in emergency centers and its influence on individuals behavior due to COVID-19
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2021
Research in Specifics Education, 39

Abstract: 0

Keywords: 0

Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2016

Abstract: Problem: Few studies were considered the role of furniture layout/arrangement design within study library environments through experiments conducted on students’ behavioral responses. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore the behavioral responses in a study library environment and determine how designing the interior furniture impacting on users’ activities. Hypotheses: Furniture layout/arrangement within the study library environment can indirectly impact students’ behavior positively or negatively. Question: What are the behavioral responses to furniture layout/arrangements in a study library environment? And how these responses will affect students’ behavior during study? Methodology: Research methods for observation included observation without interaction, timed observations, partner comparisons and studies, drawing and sketches, photographs, and field note taking. Data was analyzed from the observation sketches and photographs for consistency and validity with two observers’ note taking. A descriptive statistics method was made to analyzing data in this study. Findings: Study environments need to provide a variety of stimulation, be flexible to the activity being performed, and provide appropriate furniture design (i.e., layout/arrangement) in such environments. Topics studied were including: proximity, clustering, interactions, territoriality, patterns (movement, behavior, etc.), and time all together affecting duration of stay, movement, and circulation. While, students performing the study task in the appropriate furniture layout/arrangement in a study library environment performed better than those performing the study task in the random furniture design in same environments.

Keywords: Ergonomics, Behavior, Response, Library, Study, Environment, Furniture, and Layout/Arrangement.

Title: Designing for the Elderly: Comfort, Health and Well-Being
Author: Saif Obeidat, Published Year: 2016

Abstract: Designing elderly units is an essential component of interior design that provide functional and aesthetic qualities for the elderly in the built environment. A plethora of designs in the residence include design that is utilized to ccommodate the elderly through elements of physical and mental comfort. Due to a lack of available current research on a direct relationship of the effect of design on elderly behavior and design, this research paper addresses designing elderly residential units according to effects on elderly well-being. The purpose of this research is to address and support designing elderly units to affect elderly well-being; through the evaluation of journal articles that discuss the elderly’s well-being impacted by design. The question presented in this research his whether designing elderly residential units has an effect on elderly behavior, which eventually impacts the elderly feeling of well-being. The research methodology used a credible scholarly journal articles written between 1997 and 2011; and was reviewed keeping the relation of elderly behavior to the design of residential units in mind. Also, a design project for elderly care unit was developed upon findings from the review of literature. In the findings, while design may directly affect the elderly in a noticeable way, there is also evidence from research that indicates that elderly people are in fact influenced by design. When designing for elderly people; a variety of spaces, comfort, safety, and relaxation are important components of design that can aid in creating and preserving the well-being of the elderly. Designers need to produce design products, systems, and services that are usable to the elderly and people with disabilities in care units. The physical environment, when designed to be self-evident (easily understood and easy to get around in), can help compensate for the physical and mental losses of the elderly.

Keywords: Elderly; Interior design; Residential environments; Care Home Layout