Publications in Journals and Academic Conferences :
1. "An Extended Knowledge Management Framework During Software Development Life Cycle", Proceedings of International Arab Conference on Information Technology ACIT, Yarmouk University,Irbid-Jordan,19-21,December,2006. [Abstract]
2. Reality and Impacts of Utilizing Computerized Information Systems: Field Study at the Headquarters of Jordanian Ministry of Education”. The Arab Journal for Management, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 57-109, 2002. In Arabic Language. [Abstract]
3. "e-Business Value Creation: An Exploratory Study", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Business, Taipei, December 2-6, 2007. [Abstract]
4. "A Framework for E-Business Value Creation: Towards Enhancing the Firms’ Performance", Proceedings of
International Business Information Management Conference (9th IBIMA) on January 4-6, Marrakech, Morocco, 2008.
5. "E-Business Value Creation in Jordanian Banking Services Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Key Factors",
International Arab Conference on e-Technology (IACeT'2008). Arab Open University, Amman-Jordan. October 15-16, 2008. [Abstract]
6. "An Extended Knowledge Management Framework during the Software Development Life Cycle", International Technology Management Review (ITMR), Volume 1, Number 2, November (2008), pp. 43-62. [Abstract]
7. "The Role of Knowledge Management in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)", Proceedings of International Business Information Management Conference (11 IBIMA) on January 4-6, Cairo, Egypt, 2009. [Abstract]
8. "E-Banking Diffusion in the Jordanian Banking Services Sector: An Empirical Analysis of Key Factors", International Journal of Actor-Network Theory and Technological Innovation, 1(2), 50-65, April-June 2009. [Abstract]
9. "AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE SOURCES AFFECTING E-BUSINESS VALUE CREATION IN JORDANIAN BANKING SERVICES SECTOR", The International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT). Vol.1, issue. 2, June 2009. [Abstract]
10. "Development of MIS Courses through Knowledge Management: An e-learning Project for Online Delivery by the Ministry of education in Jordan". Proceedings of International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM) - 21-23 May 2009, Dubai, UAE. [Abstract]
11. "Some Topics in E-Government", Proceddings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication technology Accessibility, May 7-9, 2009, Hammamet- TUNSIA. [Abstract]
12. "The Role of Knowledge Management in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)", Communications of the IBIMA Journal, Volume 10, number 13, 2009, pp. 98-109. [Abstract]
13. " An Exploratory Study of the Drivers of E-Business Value Creation in the Jordanian Banking Sector", ISIICT 2009 Third International Symposium on Innovation in Information Communication Technology 15 - 17 December, 2009, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan [Abstract]
14. "An Ontology for the Quality Attributes of web services ", Proceedings of the 13th International Business Information Management Association Conference, November 9 - 10, 2009
Marrakech, Morocco, pp.1348-1358. [Abstract]
15. " A 5x20 Matrix for Knowledge Management Lifecycle Based on the Five C’s Model and a Critical Review ", Proceedings of the 14th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference, June 23 - 24, 2010 Istanbul, Turkey, [Abstract]
16. "Factors and Rules Effecting in E-Government", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2010). [Abstract]
17. "An Approach of Web Services Quality Attributes Specification". Communications of IBIMA Journal, Volume 2010 (2010). [Abstract]