- November 2024: Attended "Recognition of Prior Learning and Micro-credentials" workshop organized by National Erasmus+ office at : German Jordanian University (Jabal Amman Campus), Amman, Jordan.
- October 2024: speaker at the "Al-Zaytoonah 9th International Pharmaceutical Conference (ZIPC 2024) Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, organized by the faculty of pharmacy. Talk titled "Nanotechnology Based Antimicrobial Drug Delivery System for Orthopaedic Application".
- May 2024: Keynote speaker at the ‘International Pharmacy Workshop”, Theme: Exploring New Research and Innovative Sustainable Development in Pharmacology and Nanotechnology”, organized by Faculty of pharmacy at Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.
- May 2024: Attended the the Fourth National Pharmacy Conference at Tishk International University (NTPC 2024), Erbil, Iraq. Theme: Innovative research and development to promote wellbeing among cancer patients”.
- September 2024, Awarded the professional designation of "Certified Professional Trainer" after he has successfully met the requirements for the certification as established by the IAPPD (International Association for People Performance Development, London, UK)
- May 2024: Attended How to make your research useful, Usable, Used” seminar held at Philadelphia University. This seminar was delivered by Ian Stewart UNESCO chair in Geoscience and society, University of Plymouth, UK.
- May 2024: Attended Supporting research integrity with trusted tools and data” Webinar organized by Clarivate and Federation of Scientific Arab Research Councils (FASRC)
- May 2024: Attended How the impacts of AI are shaping the future of pharmaceutical sciences” workshop (4, May, 2024) organized by RBCs and Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan.
- April 2024: Attended the 1st Pharmaceutical science conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
- April 2024: Attended "Taylor and Francis Author Services Guide on How to Prepare the Manuscript" webinar (23 April, 2024), organized by Taylor and Francis Group.
- November 2023: Attended the Eleventh Conference on Scientific Research in Jordan, organized by the Jordan Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship, and Creativity (JSSREC), in partnership with Amman National University, 11 November, 2023.
- May 2023: attended the "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Training program" held by OrangeTM , delivered by Rana Dababneh (chief corporate and communication and Sustainability officer)
- May 2023: Attended and chaired a session at the ASU-UNICAM Pharmacy Scientific Day 2023, organized by ASU, Jordan, 21 May, 2023.
- May 2023: Attended and organized the joint scientific day of the faculty of Allied Medical Sciences and faculty of Pharmacy-Philadelphia University "Food and Drug Security: Challenges and Opportunities" (16 May, 2023, Philadelphia University, Jordan).
- June 2022: Attended and organized the 6th Scientific day of the faculty of Pharmacy Philadelphia University "Immunotherapy: History and Developments" (8 June, 2022)
- April 2021: Attended "The School of Pharmacy 2021 Conference. Theme: Recent Updates in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences" (7-8 April, 2021), organized by the school of Pharmacy, the University of Jordan.
- April 2020: completed 20 hours of training workshop about Nanotechnology Curriculum Materials Live-Stream Workshop, this workshop was delivered by Center for Nanotechnology Education Utilization Penn State University, through the NPDP nanotechnology professional development partnership.
- March 2020: Attended Shimadzu seminar for universal testing machine [Material Testing Instruments (Tensile, Compression) and Applications] organised by Modern Scientific Supplies (MSS) at Le Grand Amman, Jordan.
- February 2019: Attended the info seminar day on Newton-Khalidi Fund "Researcher Links Workshops" organised by British Council (19 February, 2019, Grand Hyatt Amman, Jordan).
- January 2019: Attended the ASU Pharmacy Fourth International Conference "Recent Trends in Postgraduate Research" (5-6 Jan, 2019, Applied Science Private University, Jordan).
- September 2018: Attended the Regional Info Day-North of Jordan organized by the National Erasmus+ Office - Jordan (26 September, 2018, JUST, Jordan).
- June 2018: presented my work as an oral presentation in the 22nd International Symposium on Surfactants in Solution (SIS), 3-8 June 2018, Oklahoma/USA. Y Al Thaher, S Perni, P Prokopovich. Role of polyelectrolyte hydrolysis and electrostatic attraction in gentamicin release from Layer-by-Layer coated silica nanoparticles.
- September 2017: presented my work as an oral presentation in the Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), 4-8 September 2017, Athens/Greece. Y Al Thaher, S Perni, P Prokopovich. Nanotechnology based antimicrobial drug delivery system for orthopaedic application.
- May 2017: Poster prize at the of the 15th Speaking of Science conference (SoS), 3rd May 2017, Cardiff/UK. Poster title: Y Al Thaher, S Perni, P Prokopovich. Nanotechnology based antimicrobial drug delivery system for orthopaedic application.