Research Title: التطور التاريخي لمفهوم وسط أوروبا وتأثير الحرب الأولى1914-1919م
Author: Amjad Ahmad Alzoubi, Published Year: 2016
المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: يرتبط المصطلح الجيوسياسي بدرجة كبيرة جدا بإطار مدلوله التاريخي وفقا لما كان يعنيه في مرحلته وسياقه العام؛ فالمفهوم يكمن في أنه الوعاء الذي تطرح من خلاله الأفكار وتحدد من خلاله الرؤى، فالمفاهيم تقوم على شبكة متداخلة من المعطيات المادية والفكرية التي صاغت وحددت المفهوم. شكّل قلب القارة الأوروبية أو وسطها أو مركزها محورا أساسيا في التحولات الكبرى على صعيد القارة الأوروبية، وتداخلت فيه القوى المتصارعة في الحرب العالمية الأولى التي سعت لتشكيله وفقا لمصالحها ورؤيتها. وتكمن أهمية هذه الدراسة في أنها تضع مصطلح وسط أوروبا في سياقه، وتحاول أن تبين حجم الجدل الذي بدأ واستعر خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى حول المفهوم ومدلوله؛ فالمفهوم هلامي غير محدد الملامح، وهذه الدراسة لا تحاول تعريف ما هو موجود أو متخيل، وإنما ترمي إلى تتبع التطور التاريخي للمفهوم خلال الحرب العالمية الأولى، وإزالة اللبس الذي يقع فيه الكثيرون من الباحثين العرب عند تناول تاريخ المنطقة، حيث تعج الكتب المترجمة والمؤلفة عن المنطقة بمفاهيم وسط أوروبا أو أوروبا الوسطى دون تحديد لهذا المفهوم وبخاصة أن وسط أوروبا هي المفتاح الأساسي لمعالجة الحرب العالمية الأولى ومعرفة ذات جدوى في فهم الآخر. تعالج الورقة البحثية بالإضافة إلى التطور التاريخي جغرافية المنطقة، ووجهات النظر حولها، وعلاقة المفهوم بالمصالح والمشاريع للقوى الكبرى، وبخاصة المفهوم الألماني (Mitteleurpa) ونقيضه الذي طرح بديلا عنه اتحاد وسط أوروبا الديمقراطي، و نهاية الحرب العالمية الأولى، ومؤتمر الصلح في فرساي 1919-1920م، استنادا للمصادر الأولية والكتابات السابقة.

Keywords: وسط أوروبا، جغرافية، تاريخ، الهابسبورغ، فيدرالية، تقرير المصير.

Research Title: Mother Voices: “Being the Main Advocate to our Children”: The Experience of Jordanian Mothers in the Care of Children with Palliative Care Needs during Hospitalization
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) 16th Congress. , Berlin/ Germany. P01-142 in Palliative Medicine
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: Health and social professionals described themselves as being the target of parents’ stress and anger mention that at least some degree of conflict was associated with a wide range of issues in child palliative care. In these situations, the professionals felt themselves powerless and unable to ease the fears and stress of families. Purpose: To explore the experience of communication in the care of children with palliative care needs, from the perspective of physicians, nurses, and mothers in Jordan. In this paper, the findings concerning mothers’ experiences will be presented. Methods: This study employed a collective qualitative case study approach. It was conducted in three paediatric units in a Jordanian hospital. Each case comprised a child aged 1-12 years, their most involved family carer (mothers), physician(s) and nurse(s). Two data collection methods were employed: participant observation and semi-structured interviews with three categories of participants: mothers, physicians, and the nurses who cared for the children that participated in this study. Findings: The parents described themselves as having the responsibility to protect their children from any physical or psychological harm they faced because of their illness. They sometimes felt that they needed to intervene and advocate for their children’s right to receive the best health care available. The mothers were not passive receivers of the treatment given to their children; instead, they were active stakeholders who tried to understand every medical or nursing procedure, and they were curious about any modifications or changes undertaken in their children’s treatment plans. Conclusion: The parents’ experiences should be taken into consideration when the medical teams establish the children’s treatment plans. The continuous education for professionals, which provides staff with specialised communication skills with children and parents will improve the quality of care provided to them.

Keywords: Advocate, Mother, experience, cancer, palliative care, hospitalization

Research Title: Changing Priorities in the Care of Children with Cancer: The Experience of Jordanian Parents
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) 16th Congress., Berlin/ Germany. P01-161 in Palliative Medicine
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the current study is to explore the experience of parenting among parents who care for children with cancer. Methods: A Phenomenological hermeneutic approach was conducted informed by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. The study was conducted in one oncology unit a Jordanian hospital. Parents of children aged (6-18) years old or with all types of cancer were considered eligible. A purposeful sampling strategy was adopted to recruit the participants. Maximum variation sampling was employed. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Findings: Thirty-two interviews were collected involving mothers (n=29), fathers (n=3). The parents changed their focus during the care of their children from an initial emphasis on normalising their children’s lives, to relieving their physical and psychological discomfort. This change of focus accompanied changes in the parents’ understanding of their children’s disease over time. They became more realistic regarding the future of their children, and therefore attempted to make their lives as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. Moreover, they evaluated any activity their children performed according to how much it affected their levels of comfort. When these activities resulted in further physical or psychological effort, the parents prioritised the comfort of their children over the benefits of the activities. Conclusion: The parents’ experiences should be taken into consideration when the medical teams establish the children’s treatment plans. Additionally, the continuous education and specialised training for professionals, which provides staff with specialised communication skills and emotional support for children and parents are imperative in improving the clinical practice in the healthcare settings with limited access to specialist palliative care.

Keywords: Children, cancer, Jordan, mother

Research Title: Systematic review of the experience of communication in the care of children with palliative care needs
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2018
The 3rd ICPCN (International Children Palliative Care Network Conference: Inspiration, Innovation, and Integration’., Durban. South Africa.
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: The care of children with palliative care needs generates specific challenges in the communication process between children, their families and professional care-givers. It is important to address these, since optimal communication benefits care and outcomes just as poor communication compromises them. Aim: To review the international research literature regarding to parents’ and health care providers’ communication experiences in children’s palliative care. Method: We conducted a mixed-methods systematic review of the studies conducted between 2000–2016 that considered communication of families, children and healthcare professionals (HCPs) involved in paediatric palliative care. Included studies reflected a broad range of experience, care settings and geographical locations. Data sources A peer reviewed research papers identified in electronic databases covering the period 2000–2016. Results We found that parents are inclined to protect their children, and that approaches to sensitive discussions around are influenced by culture. For HCPs, judging how much to tell parents, answering difficult questions and conflict with families are key issues. Many feel insufficiently skilled to support grieving families. Conclusion Future studies should consider changes in parent/child communication over time, and investigate communication experiences of parents whose children have life-limiting, but non-malignant, illnesses.

Keywords: Paediatric, Palliative care, Children, Communication, Systematic review

Research Title: Communication with children and their families in Downing, J.(Ed.), Children's Palliative Care : An International Case Based Manual (Book chapter)- Springer Nature
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: This manual enables individuals working in children's palliative care (CPC) globally to learn through engaging real-world cases. The aim is to provide a clinical case-based resource that is globally relevant and accessible to those working in CPC. Drawing on case histories from around the world that reflect key issues and elements of CPC, it provides a practical approach grounded in experience. It addresses multidisciplinary care in the management of children and their families; discusses cases from an international perspective, and shares examples from a variety of countries, utilising cases across a range of ages and conditions, demonstrating holistic care. It represents the first case-based manual on global CPC and is endorsed and promoted by the International Children's Palliative Care Network (ICPCN). Children's palliative care is a rapidly developing field, both in the UK and internationally. The provision of CPC varies considerably, with provision often being insufficient, and over 65% of countries having no recognised CPC service provision whatsoever. As such, while there are an estimated 21.6 million children who require palliative care, in many areas of the world, CPC is poor or non-existent, and children are treated like little adults without their distinctive needs being recognised or understood. There is also a dearth of literature on CPC, hence this clinical case-based manual fills a gap in the market, and is aimed at a global audience, making it a unique text in the field. Chapter 6. Communication to children and their families Sue Boucher - South Africa, Maha Atout - Jordan, Katrina Macnamara GoodgerAlongside assessment, good communication skills, and knowing how to communicate with children and their families difficult and challenging concepts, prognosis etc is essential in the provision of children's palliative care. Through the use of a case study readers will learn about key communication skills, how to utilise play and toys in communication, how to break bad news, communicate difficult concepts and encourage open and honest communication within the family, thus avoiding collusion and the 'elephant in the room'.

Keywords: International, Children, Communication, Palliative care,

Research Title: Development of sandwich ELISA for detection and quantification of human and murine a disintegrin and metalloproteinase17
Author: Mohammed Rasool Shomali, Published Year: 2011
Journal of Immunological Methods, 371(1-2)
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: ADAM17 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase-containing protein 17) is a membrane-bound metalloproteinase, implicates in many physiological processes, including cell migration and proliferation. Of particular note, most of the studies so far are restricted on the analysis of ADAM17 mRNA levels. In this study we generated, utilizing hybridoma technology, three monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) (A 300, A 309 and A 318) against the extracellular domain of human ADAM17 to enable quantification of protein expression. The specificity of these mAbs against ADAM17 was tested by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA), flourescenceactivated cell sorting (FACS) and western blotting. In order to quantify human and murine ADAM17 expression two pairs of these mAbs (biotinylated A 309 in combination with A 300 and biotinylated A 300 in combination with A 318), were used to develop sandwich ELISA. A panel of monoclonal antibodies was generated for first time to measure mouse ADAM17 with a sensitivty of 2 ng/ml. Such systems provide a useful tool to quantify protein levels of ADAM17 and are valuable tools for diagnostic purposes.

Keywords: Human ADAM17, Murine ADAM17, Monoclonal antibodies, ELISA

Research Title: ADAM17-overexpressing breast cancer cells selectively targeted by antibody–toxin conjugates
Author: Mohammed Rasool Shomali, Published Year: 2012
Cancer Immunol Immunother, 62(3)
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: A disintegrin and metalloproteinase 17 (ADAM17) is signiWcantly upregulated not only in malignant cells but also in the pro-inXammatory microenvironment of breast cancer. There, ADAM17 is critically involved in the processing of tumor-promoting proteins. Therefore, ADAM17 appears to be an attractive therapeutic target to address not only tumor cells but also the tumorpromoting environment. In a previous study, we generated a monoclonal anti-ADAM17 antibody (A300E). Although showing no complement-dependent cytotoxicity or antibody- dependent cellular cytotoxicity, the antibody was rapidly internalized by ADAM17-expressing cells and was able to transport a conjugated toxin into target cells. As a result, doxorubicin-coupled A300E or Pseudomonas exotoxin A-loaded A300E was able to kill ADAM17-expressing cells. This eVect was strictly dependent on the presence of ADAM17 on the surface of target cells. As a proof of principle, both immunotoxins killed MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells in an ADAM17-dependent manner. These data suggest that the use of anti-ADAM17 monoclonal antibodies as a carrier might be a promising new strategy for selective anti-cancer drug delivery.

Keywords: ADAM17,· Monoclonal antibody, · Doxorubicin, · Pseudomonas exotoxin A

Research Title: The disintegrin domain of ADAM17 antagonises fibroblast-carcinoma cell interactions
Author: Mohammed Rasool Shomali, Published Year: 2013
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: The malignant phenotype of carcinoma cells depends on their ability to invade into their microenvironment promoting metastasis. Therefore, carcinoma cells overexpress many proteins, including A disintegrin and metalloproteases (ADAMs). ADAM17 is expressed by different cancer cell lines and possesses adhesive as well as enzymatic activities. To address the adhesive properties in tumour progression the recombinantly expressed soluble disintegrin domain of ADAM17 was employed. Fibroblasts and carcinoma cells adhere to the immobilized disintegrin domain. Additionally, the soluble disintegrin domain impaired fibroblast-carcinoma cell interactions and increased the shedding activity of ADAM17. Silencing of ADAM17 in fibroblasts or in carcinoma cells decreases cell-cell interaction between these cells. In summary, our results show that the adhesive properties of ADAM17 are mediated by its disintegrin domain and enables carcinoma cells to interact with their microenvironment.

Keywords: ADAM17, metalloprotease, metastases, disintegrin domain, integrin

Research Title: Solution structure and functional studies of the highly potent equine antimicrobial peptide DEFA1
Author: Mohammed Rasool Shomali, Published Year: 2015
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 459
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Defensins are small effector molecules of the innate immune system that are present in almost all organisms including plants and animals. These peptides possess antimicrobial activity against a broad range of microbes including bacteria, fungi and viruses and act as endogenous antibiotics. a-Defensins are a subfamily of the defensin family and their expression is limited to specific tissues. Equine DEFA1 is an enteric a-defensin exclusively secreted by Paneth cells and shows an activity against a broad spectrum of microbes, including typical pathogens of the horse such as Rhodococcus equi, various streptococci strains, Salmonella choleraesuis, and Pasteurella multocida. Here, we report the three-dimensional structure of DEFA1 solved by NMR-spectroscopy and demonstrate its specific function of aggregating various phospholipids.

Keywords: Antimicrobial peptides, Horse Defensins, Structure NMR spectroscopy

Research Title: عوامل الإثاره في صورة المرأه وأثرها في تكوين مستويات مختلفه من الاستمالات الإعلانيه (دراسه تحليلية على إعلانات مجلة ليالينا الاجتماعية في الأردن )
Author: Faisal Mohammad Al-Omari, Published Year: 2012
Faculty: Architecture and Design

Abstract: يأتي دور استخدام صورة المرأه في الإعلان حيث اصبحت مادة ضرورية لمعظم انواع الاعلانات بل اخذت نصيب الاسد في الماده الإعلانية بشكل خاص والإعلام بشكل عام ، وهذا بحسب رأي خبراء التسويق والإعلان شيء ضروري لا بد منه في أغلب الإعلانات الخاصه بالمنتجات والخدمات من أجل الترويج لها ومن ثم تسويقها ، ومن جهة أخرى يفترض ان المتلقي قد يرغب بتلقي الإعلان من خلال شيء يحمل نوعاً من الإثارة أو لإشباع جزء من رغباته . ويتم من خلال ابحاث السوق ودراسة سلوك المستهلك ، ولكن ما نلمسه في هذا العصر وفي هذه الأيام ان صورة المرأة في الإعلان اصبحت تقدم بشكل مبالغ فيه وباساليب فاضحة لا تتناسب مع طبيعة مجتمعاتنا وثقافتنا العربية وهذا من شانه ان يهين صورة المرأه او الفتاة العربية باعتبار انها سلعة واصبحت شيء مادي يستخدم جسدها كأداة اثارة للمتلقي ولا اقصد المتلقي هنا الرجل وحده وانما ايضاً المرأة كما في الإعلانات الخاصة بجسد المرأه ، كل هذا من شأنه ان يخلق تصوراً لدى المتلقي بأن المرأة قد انسلخت عن الواقع الذي عُرفت من خلاله وهو واقع العفة والحشمة ، ومن جهة أخرى فإن سلوكاً وتوجهاً يتكون لدى المتلقي من خلال صورة المرأة في الإعلانات فيمكن أن يؤدي الى شيء من الانحراف وينتقل إلى مستوى آخر من الثقافة والتفكير تجاه المرآة ومن جهة أخرى قد يكلفه اعباءً مادية أخرى من أجل الحصول على المنتجات في موضوع الإعلان . هناك سبعة أساليب رئيسية من الاستمالات الاعلانية يعتمد عليها صناع الإعلانات وتعتبر هذه الطرق هي الأكثر شيوعاً والأكثر نجاحا ، كما ويمكن اختيار طريقة واحدة أو أكثر من هذه الطرق في تصميم الحملة الإعلانية وهذه الطرق تتضمن : استمالة العقل ، العاطفة ، الخوف ، الدعابة ، الجنس ، الموسيقى ، وإستمالة الندرة . وعند اختيار واحدة من هذه الاستمالات فيجب أن تقوم عملية الاختيار على عوامل أخرى منها الملخص الابداعي ، والهدف من الإعلان ، فان صناع الإعلانات يقومون باختيار الاستمالة التي تتناسب مع المنتج أو الخدمة وكذلك الأخذ بعين الاعتبار ببعض العوامل الأخرى كالثقافة والدين والجنس والعادات والتقاليد . قام الباحث بدراسة وتحليل نماذج اعلانية تحمل صوراً للمرأة علماً بأن هناك اكثر من عامل يمكن ان يشكل اثارة في صورة المرأة ابتداء من الوجه والشعر وحركات العيون والشفاه الى المغريات الاخرى كالملابس وظهور الجسد اضافة الى تكوين الصورة وما يمكن ان يشكله من اثارة ،وسيتم اختيارها من المجلات الاجتماعية في الاردن وتشكل المجلات الاجتماعية توجهاً ترفيهياً للطبقة الغنية من الشعب والتي غالباً ما تغطي المناسبات واخبار رجال الاعمال والسهرات وما الى ذلك وهي متوفرة بكثرة في الأردن ...وذلك لتحديد الاستمالات الاعلانية التي يمكن ان تشكلها صورة المرأة في الاعلان والتي غالباً ما تكون في جانب الاثارة وهناك خمس مستويات مختلفة لتلك الاستمالة . اشارت نتائج الدراسة التحليلية الى ارتفاع نسبة الاعلانات التي تحتوي على صورة المرأة في عينة الدراسة وارتفاع نسبة علاقة صورة المرأة في موضوع الإعلان، وكذلك ارتفاع نسبة حجم صورة المرأة في مساحة الاعلان لكي تصبح هي الموضوع الرئيسي او عامل الجذب وفيما يتعلق بعناصر جسد المرأة والتي تحمل جوانب من الاثارة فكانت اعلى نسبة لظهور منطقة الرأس والكتفين مع الصدر والتي بلغت نسبة 55% من عينة الدراسة وهذا من شأنه ابراز جمال الوجه وربط ذلك بجزء يحمل نوع من الجذب والاثارة اما منطقة الصدر والتركيز عليه فكانت بنسبة 44% ومنطقة الوسط والسيقان كانت باقل نسبة وبلغت 16% اما ظهور الجسد بشكل كامل في الاعلانات ظهر بنسبة 27 % يلجأ بعض مصممو الاعلان والمصورون الى اختيار وضعية الصورة ورسم حركات من خلال نظرة العيون والشفاه لخلق نوع من الاثارة ، فنجد ان نسبة 36% اظهرت ايماءات ذات طابع اغرائي من خلال ملامح الوجه والنظرات وفيما يتعلق بوضعية الجسد وحركاته وطريقة الوقوف فان نسبة 39% اظهرت حركات اغرائية . وفيما يتعلق بوضعية صورة المرأة من حيثية الجلوس والوقوف اظهرت نتائج الدراسة نسبة 11% من صورة المرأة في حالة الجلوس او الاضطجاع كما اظهرت النتائج نسبة ظهور صورة المرأة بشكل شبه عاري 36%. ويشير الجدول رقم 3 الى ان التقنية المستخدمة في استمالة الجنس بشكل اساسي هي تقنية التعري او جزء منه حيث بلغت نسبة 58% اما تقنية الايحاء الجنسي فقد بلغت نسبة 25 % .

Keywords: اعلان- تصميم- صورة المرأة- مجلات اجتماعية- استمالات اعلانية