Research Title: ANFIS-based Mathematical Model of Mechanical Ventilator
Author: Mustafa Awwad Al Khawaldeh, Published Year: 2024
2024 17th International Conference on Development in eSystem Engineering (DeSE) , University of Sharjah, UAE
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: The modern industrial revolution and the spread of viruses have resulted in an increase in respiratory diseases and lung cancers. These problems arouse the interest in research on artificial respirators and their mechanism of operation and control. Designing a mathematical model of mechanical ventilator helps in demonstrating its behaviour during the process of artificial ventilation. To address this research problem, this study aims to validate the impact of a newly developed mechanical ventilator model on patient’s lungs. It compares the new ANFIS-based model with an existing mathematical model of mechanical ventilator. The simulation of both ventilators in Matlab includes certain parameters namely respiratory rate (RR), positive end-expiatory pressure(PEEP), tidal volume and pressure wave. The developed model demonstrates high accuracy in comparison with the existing model. Changing one of these parameters reveals its influence on the lungs’ volume, flow and PV loop. The MATLAB simulation constitutes a uncomplicated environment for testing and observation respiration parameters (flow, dynamic compliance and volume) during artificial ventilation. The simulation results are promising as this facilitates studying any type of ventilation modes virtually without jeopardizing the life of mankind during clinical trials.

Keywords: ANFIS-based Mathematical model, transfer function, mechanical ventilator, lung model, MATLAB Simulink.

Research Title: Economic Analysis and Design of Sustainable Solar Electric Vehicle Carport at Applied Science Private University in Jordan
Author: Akram Mohammed Al-mahrouk, Published Year: 2024
Energies, 17
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: Electrical vehicles are finding wide acceptance in the Jordanian transportation market; this has caused an accelerating shift in the emissions of greenhouse gases from the direct burning of fossil fuels consumed by the transportation sector towards the power generation sector. On the other hand, as electric vehicles gain more popularity, an extra load is added to the electrical power generation systems, raising essential concerns such as the capability of the power network to support this massive extra load and the increased emission of greenhouse gases caused by power plants. Studies show that Jordan’s weather is known for being bright, sunny, and very suitable for the generation of electric power from solar energy sources. Therefore, with an infrastructure that can support convenient off-grid charging, a huge burden will be taken off the national grid and the environment. Therefore, this work proposes a basic design for an off-grid PV-covered carport and presents a study of the economics and effectiveness of using such a system to charge electric vehicles owned by the students and employees of the Applied Science Private University. The study is based on actual solar irradiance data collected on-site during university working hours (8 a.m.–5 p.m.) to allow students and employees to charge their electric vehicles from an off-grid carport system while on campus. Space limitations for carport design, initial design cost, return on investment, and annual electricity consumption are discussed to demonstrate the benefits of such a system for both the consumer (convenience and low charging cost) and the power company provider (less load to maintain).

Keywords: renewable energy; electric vehicles; carport; solar irradiation

Research Title: Exploring the Experience of Patients Who Received Mechanical Ventilation Support during Their Intensive Care Unit Stay
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2024
Healthcare , 12
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the experiences of patients who received mechanical ventilation (MV) support during their intensive care unit (ICU) stay in Jordan. Methods: A phenomenological hermeneutic approach was conducted, informed by the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Fifteen patients participated in interviews regarding their experiences during their time in the critical care unit of three public hospitals in Jordan. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse the data. Findings: The findings of the current study indicated that patients who received MV support during their ICU stays experienced both physical and psychological suffering. A pattern of shared experiences among intensive care patients was identified. Five main themes captured the patients’ experiences: (1) feeling powerless, (2) being unable to recognise time, (3) feeling dead, (4) experiencing physical pain, and (5) having future concerns. Conclusion: The current study found that mechanically ventilated ICU patients suffer both physically and psychologically. Nurses should use specific strategies to relieve discomfort in addition to pain treatment. This is especially essential for non-verbal patients, whose actions may resemble those of their clinicians in pain.

Keywords: experiences; patients; mechanical ventilation; intensive care unit; Jordan

Research Title: Computational Design of a Novel Inhibitor Against COVID
Author: Mohammad Bayan, Published Year: 2024
Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 21
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Background: In recent years, in silico computational approaches have tremendously guided computational medicinal chemists and research scientists to analyze protein structures, kinetics, functions, and molecular interactions of the administered drugs. Objective: This study aimed to identify a novel inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2 using human CD26 and modeled spike protein through suitable in silico approaches. Methods: In this work, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation experiments were conducted to gain insights into the binding affinity and stability, respectively. The docked complex of CD26 with modeled spike protein showed higher binding affinity than the complex of CD26 with resolved spike protein due to the existence of strong interactions with the crucial amino acid residues of the target proteins. Results: The results of the molecular dynamics simulation demonstrated that CD26 with the modeled spike protein docked complex showed good stability when compared with the resolved protein. Conclusion: From this computational finding, it was also suggested that the structure was stable and would rapidly guide the discovery of potential inhibitors against COVID-19.

Keywords: Computational design, molecular dynamics simulation, molecular docking, CD26, COVID

Research Title: Computer-Aided Biopharmaceutical Model Development
Author: Mohammad Bayan, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Any medication that is derived from or partially synthesized from a naturally occurring biological source is referred to as a biopharmaceutical. The research and development of a new medicine is a complex process, and forecasting pharmacokinetics and drug targeting has proven difficult for scientists. During the discovery and development stages, particularly the early ones, it is crucial to understand the biopharmaceutical profile of drugs. A new drug’s introduction into the market is a labor-intensive procedure that is expensive in terms of both time and money. Drug development and discovery are said to take between 10 and 14 years and cost more than $1 billion. By offering a quick and inexpensive method to assess the bioperformance of medications, computational modeling has developed into a vital tool that accelerates the formulation development process. In-silico screening models have been widely used in the research and development of biopharmaceuticals, such as gastrointestinal absorption simulation, in silico computational modeling, monoclonal antibodies, predicting the corneal permeability of some medicinal agents, and the identification of potential compounds to treat diseases. The concepts and advancements of computer-aided biopharmaceuticals are briefly discussed in this chapter.

Keywords: Computer-Aided Pharmaceutical, Computational Pharmaceutics, Simulation Models, In-silico.

Research Title: Towards Building Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Higher Education in the Arab Region
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2024
The 8th International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education , Dublin, Ireland
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study aims at exploring the role of higher education in the Arab region in building peaceful and inclusive societies. It discusses promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs) by attempting to answer the question of the study on how can higher education contribute to achieve all sustainable development goals; specifically, SDG 16 through teaching, research, and governance for building peaceful and inclusive societies. higher education contributes to achieve all sustainable development goals; specifically, SDG 16 through teaching, research, and governance in building peaceful and inclusive societies; goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals is focused on the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies, ensuring access to justice for all, and the establishment of effective and accountable institutions at all levels. The study uses the inductive analysis methodology. The study concludes that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Arab region have the potential to expand knowledge on various subjects, and have the ability to cultivate students' abilities to navigate complexity and enhance their learning through dialogue and effective communication. And the relationship between SDGs 4 and 16 is one of interdependence, as education cannot thrive without the presence of peaceful and just societies, and at the same time, education plays a crucial role in promoting these values.

Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals; Higher Education; Peaceful and Inclusive Societies; Arab Region

Research Title: الادارة الاستراتيجية (إعادة تخيل ريادة الأعمال
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: تأتي أهمية كتاب الإدارة الاستراتيجية (إعادة تخيل ريادة الأعمال) كونه يتعامل مع أكثر مداخل العمل أهمية من حيث ريادة الأعمال وفق المستجدات التنموية الاستراتيجية التي تصنع فرقا واضحا في عالمنا هذا إن أردنا نقلة نوعية مرغوبة نحو المستقبل . ويستهدف الكتاب هذا فئة الدارسين والمهتمين في المجالات الإدارية والتنموية والفكرية بالعموم،حيث يتناول إعادة تخيل ريادة الأعمال ضمن منظورات الإبداع، الابتكار، والتميز. ويقدم الكتاب رؤية جامعة للإدارة الاستراتيجية من حيث الجودة والابداع والريادة في الأعمال وأيضا التعليم لإحداث التغيير الإيجابي المنشود. ففي حين يهتم الدارسون لعلم الإدارة في فهم نظرياتها المختلفة ،نرى أن المهتم بدراسة الإدارة الاستراتيجية لابد أن يسبر جوهر الادارة والاستراتيجيا والدور التكاملي لها من خلال قيادة ورؤية استراتيجية مستقبلية ريادية ،وهي تبرز أكثر احتياجا في المجالين التنموي والتعليمي. يأتي كتاب الإدارة الاستراتيجية (إعادة تخيل ريادة الأعمال) في إحدى عشر فصلا ، تتناول المجالات الادارية والاستراتيجية والتعليمية . ولعل المطلوب هنا إعادة تخيل ريادة الأعمال من أجل النمو في المجال الادارة الاستراتيجية وهو أحد المحددات الأساسية في أي جهد تنموي مطلوب ، وهذا يتحقق من خلال إعادة النظر في أساليب الإدارة والاستراتيجيات المتبعة ،والاهتمام بالجودة والريادة والابداع. أما المجال التنموي فهو شامل لكافة أهداف التنمية المستدامة حتى عام 2030 والتي اتفق عليها عالميا قادة الدول، وأخص بالذكر هنا الأهداف 8 ,9, 12 ,17 . ويسعى الهدف الثامن إلى تعزيز النمو الاقتصادي المطرد، والشامل للجميع، والمستدام، والعمالة الكاملة والمنتجة، وتوفير العمل اللائق للجميع. والهدف التاسع يهدف إلى إقامة هياكل أساسية قادرة على الصمود، وتحفيز التصنيع الشامل للجميع، وتشجيع الابتكار. أما الهدف الثاني عشر فيهتم بضمان أنماط الاستهلاك والإنتاج المستدامة، وهو أمر أساسي للحفاظ على سبل عيش الأجيال الحالية والمستقبلية. لاسيما وأن كوكبنا ينفذ من الموارد، وعدد السكان مستمر في النمو. ومن الواضح أن هذه الأهداف التنموية لايمكن أن تتحقق دون بناء شراكات قوية وفقا للهدف السابع عشر والذي يفيد بأهمية تنشيط الشراكة العالمية من أجل التنمية المستدامة،حيث ان ذلك يتطلب شراكات بين الحكومات والقطاع الخاص والمجتمع المدني. يقدم الكتاب فكرته الريادية في المحاور الادارية والتنموية بالتصدي لإحدى عشر فصل ، فيأتي الفصل الأول ليقدم مدخلا للجانب المفاهيمي للإدارة الاستراتيجية،حيث يدرس العلاقات الترابطية والتفاعلية للإدارة الاستراتيجية والقيادة والابداع والريادة . أما الفصل الثاني فيتناول التخطيط الاستراتيجي والتنفيذي والتكتيكي،وذلك مع نظرة لأهم مستويات التخطيط المنشودة في عالم ريادة الأعمال على المستوى العالمي. ويطرح الفصل الثالث الإدارة الاستراتيجية وإدارة العمليات بشكل يوضح ركيزة أساسية للأعمال والعمليات الناجحة. ويتصدى الفصل الرابع للإدارة الاستراتيجية والتسويق،على اعتبار مراعاة أهمية التسويق من أجل ريادة الأعمال . أما الفصل الخامس فيتناول الإدارة الاستراتيجية وثورة الاتصالات باعتبارها من أهم أدوات التغيير قدرة على تحقيق الأهداف التنموية لتحدث فرقا. ويبحث الفصل السادس في الإدارة الاستراتيجية والتعليم لما لها أثر كبير في التنمية المستدامة. ولا يفوتنا في هذا الكتاب بحث مجالات الإدارة الاستراتيجية وإدارة الجودة الشاملة،كما قدمه الفصل السابع. كما يقدم الفصل الثامن الإدارة الاستراتيجية والتميز كنتيجة طبيعية عند تحقق ما سبق. كما دعى الكتاب في فصله التاسع بعنوان الإدارة الاستراتيجية والتفكير الإبداعي الخلاق إلى أهمية إعادة تخيل وهندسة الإدارة الاستراتيجية . ثم جاء الفصل العاشرليبحث دور القيادة في الإدارة الاستراتيجية ، وأخيرا الفصل الحادي عشر الذي يبحث في كيفية فهم أهمية ودور الإدارة الاستراتيجية في ريادة الأعمال.

Keywords: الادارة الاستراتيجية ، ريادة الأعمال

Research Title: Effect of size of holes on Flexural response of strengthened concrete beams with CFRP rope
Author: Ala Taleb Obaidat, Published Year: 2024
Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Congress (CAUSummit 2024), Antalya (Turkiye)
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: The electro-mechanical pipe systems that run through longitudinal or transverse holes in the secondary reinforced concrete (RC) beams can enhance the maximum floor height of the building. In this work, the effect of longitudinal hole size on the flexural behavior of RC beams has been studied experimentally. Furthermore, studies were conducted to determine whether carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) may enhance the flexural response of hollow-sectioned reinforced concrete (RC) beams. The ultimate load and related deflections were reduced by the holes, regardless of their size. Regardless of the size of the hole and the CFRP arrangement, the application of CFRP increased the ultimate loads and cracking loads of beams by a maximum of 22% and 14%, respectively. Every tested solid beam exhibited flexural shear behavior. In the end, using CFRP rope for strengthening led to a 22% increase in energy dissipation; however, as the hole's size increased, this increase reduced.

Keywords: Holes, CFRP rope, ultimate load, cracking load, energy dissipation, Ductility, Stiffness.

Research Title: Effect of size of holes on Flexural response of strengthened concrete beams with CFRP rope
Author: Ala Taleb Obaidat, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: The electro-mechanical pipe systems that run through longitudinal or transverse holes in the secondary reinforced concrete (RC) beams can enhance the maximum floor height of the building. In this work, the effect of longitudinal hole size on the flexural behavior of RC beams has been studied experimentally. Furthermore, studies were conducted to determine whether carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) may enhance the flexural response of hollow-sectioned reinforced concrete (RC) beams. The ultimate load and related deflections were reduced by the holes, regardless of their size. Regardless of the size of the hole and the CFRP arrangement, the application of CFRP increased the ultimate loads and cracking loads of beams by a maximum of 22% and 14%, respectively. Every tested solid beam exhibited flexural shear behavior. In the end, using CFRP rope for strengthening led to a 22% increase in energy dissipation; however, as the hole's size increased, this increase reduced.

Keywords: Holes, CFRP rope, ultimate load, cracking load, energy dissipation, Ductility, Stiffness.

Research Title: Flexural behavior of RC beams incorporating recycled concrete aggregate and reclaimed asphalt pavement exposed to elevated temperatures
Author: Ala Taleb Obaidat, Published Year: 2024
Results in Engineering , Volume 22 , June 202
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: Reducing the environmental footprint of concrete is one of the most effective methods to mitigate climate change since cement production contributes to about 8 % of global CO2 emissions. This paper presents an experimental investigation into the strength and flexural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams incorporating natural aggregate (NA), recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), and reclaimed asphalt pavement concrete (RAP) at normal and elevated temperatures. The NA was replaced by RAP at three replacement ratios of 40 %, 60 % and 80 %. Additionally, there were four mixes of 80 % RCA-20 % RAP, 60 % RCA-40 % RAP, 40 % RCA-60 % RAP, and 20 % RCA-80 % RAP. A total of 16 beams (L: 1400 mm, W: 150 mm, H: 250 mm) and 128 cylinders (H: 200 m, D: 100 mm) were tested to evaluate the flexural capacity and material strength. Eight RC beams were tested after exposure to a temperature of 600 °C for 3 h. The compressive strength, ultimate flexural load, and mid-span deflection were measured. The results showed that temperature has an adverse effect on the s compressive strength, flexural load capacity, and deflection of RC beams. Specimens made with the RAP and RCA combination showed a significant loss in their load-carrying capacity under elevated temperature by (55 %–65 %), while the temperature effect was relatively less severe in specimens made with high RAP replacement of NA. Increasing the RAP percentage increased the reduction of flexural capacity in RCA-RAP mixes by (3 %–10 %), while in NA-RAP mixes, the effect is similar except for 60 % RAP, which has a smaller reduction compared to 40 % and 80 % RAP.

Keywords: Flexural behaviorReinforced concrete (RC) beamsRecycled coarse aggregate (RCA)Recycled asphalt paving (RAP)Elevated temperatures