Research Title: Analyzing the effect of financial development on economic growth – the Jordanian experience
Author: Izzeddien Naef Ananzeh, Published Year: 2019
Investment management and financial innovations, 6, Issue 1,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This study came to inspect the impact of the development of both financial market and banking system on the economic growth of Jordan based on the annual data covering the period 1993–2017. Through the use of many methodologies: Johansen cointegration test, (VECM), and Granger causality test, where real GDP was used as an indicator of economic growth, the real market value of stocks (Market Capitalization) (LCAP) and Share Turnover (LTURN) are indicators for the financial market, Money supply in the broad concept (LM2), and Local domestic credit (LCR) are indicators for the banking sector.The results of this study reported that the study variables are stationary, and in the level of order 2, they are integrated, and a long-run relationship between the study variables existed according to the Johansen co-integration test. VECM model result and the target model result confirm a short-run causality running from the all variables toward GDP. Granger causality test underline a single directional causality running from variables of our study to GDP and denote the short-run impact between LCAP, LTURN, LM2, LCR, and LGDP. The analysis of the variance decomposition shows that the development of the banking system affects economic growth almost equally with the impact of the development of the financial market. The results go to the same line of supply-leading hypothesis.

Keywords: inancial development, economic growth, VAR model,VECM model

Research Title: factors affecting the success of business incubators : evidence frome jordan
Author: Wedad Aqrabawi, Published Year: 2018
الريادة والاستدامه في قطاع الأعمال , جامعة فيلادلفيا / كلية الأعمال
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the significance of incubators for the promotion and development of business startups and the factors affecting the success of Jordanian business incubators from point of view of incubatees. Data were collected through a questionnaire from a sample of incubatees in Jordan. The questionnaire, which was developed and distributed during the spring of 2017, includes (18) items covering various factors affecting the success of Jordanian business incubators. Data have been processed and analyzed through the use of “SPSS” package in order to obtain means, standard deviations, and percentages for the demographic characteristics of the sample. Moreover, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is conducted to test if there are any statistical evidences of the existence of difference between incubatees to the variables (education level, service period, work place ,gender, and age). The study revealed that there are strong statistical evidences exist between incubatees according to their education level, service period ,work place ,gender, and age The study provided a number of recommendations to help dealing with persistent business incubators

Keywords: Business Incubators, Entrepreneurship ,Jordan, Means, and ANOVA

Research Title: The Success and Failure Factors of Internet Technology Startups and their Product Development
Author: Marwa Ahmad, Published Year: 2016
المــؤتــمــر الــعــلــمــي الــدولــي التاســـع, الاردن
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The Success and Failure Factors of Internet Technology Startups and their Product Develop

Keywords: startups

Research Title: Challenges Facing entrepreneurs: an empirical analysis of computer small businesses
Author: Marwa Ahmad, Published Year: 2016
19th Eurasia Business and Economics society(EBES) Conference, تركيا
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the challenges facing small business who own a computer shop. 142 owners were selected . The study found that 45.1% of the sample are from Amman city, 32.4% of the small business age less than 7 years, 59.2% are male, 27.5% Age of Small Business owner are 30 years to less than 40 years .Descriptive statistics used to describe the characteristics of the sample depending on frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviation, “t-test” and “ Scheffe posttest” for prior comparisons, ANOVA used to measure the effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The study found that the owners who are 45 years and more do not feel strongly that the challenges facing small businesses entrepreneurs are having enough cash to cover the bills and transform problems and frustrations into opportunities and hiring employees that can truly help business grow and getting customers or clients and identified measurable goals that support business vision and lack of training .The owner whose location of his small businesses in Irbid feel more than the one in Amman that flat out by big box retailers that they aren't brand builders is one of the challenges facing small businesses entrepreneurs and feel more than the one in Zarka that making customers happy is one of the challenges facing small businesses entrepreneurs. The owner who has a business aged 10 years to less than 15 years feel strongly that don't have big budgets to market and high unemployment rate are some of the challenges facing small business owners. The male feel more than the female that some of the challenges facing small businesses entrepreneurs are don't know how to start a business and don't know how to building a brand and having a client willing to pay on time for a product or service and transform problems and frustrations into opportunities and not knowing the impact of current legislation and getting customers or clients and Marketing business on the Internet and not paying the rent and unwillingness to accept being a small business

Keywords: Keywords: Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Small businesses, Challenges, Means and ANOVA.

Research Title: Factors affecting the success of business incubators: Evidence from Jordan
Author: Marwa Ahmad, Published Year: 2018
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي الحادي عشر الريادة و الاستدامه في قطاع الاعمال, الاردن
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the significance of incubators for the promotion and development of business startups and the factors affecting the success of Jordanian business incubators from point of view of incubatees. Data were collected through a questionnaire from a sample of incubatees in Jordan. The questionnaire, which was developed and distributed during the spring of 2017, includes (18) items covering various factors affecting the success of Jordanian business incubators. Data have been processed and analyzed through the use of “SPSS” package in order to obtain means, standard deviations, and percentages for the demographic characteristics of the sample. Moreover, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is conducted to test if there are any statistical evidences of the existence of difference between incubatees to the variables (education level, service period, work place ,gender, and age). The study revealed that there are strong statistical evidences exist between incubatees according to their education level, service period ,work place ,gender, and age The study provided a number of recommendations to help dealing with persistent business incubators

Keywords: Keywords: Business Incubators, Entrepreneurship ,Jordan, Means, and ANOVA

Research Title: The impact of non - verbal communication on the success of learning process from point of view of undergraduate students of Faculty of Business at Philadelphia University-Jordan / case study
Author: Marwa Ahmad, Published Year: 2019
تقنيات التواصل الحديثه و دورها في رعايه مجتمعات التعلم الفعال, الاردن
Faculty: Business

Abstract: ABSTRACT The main aim of this study is to answer one question: “What is the impact of non-verbal communication on the success in the learning process from the perspective of undergraduate students attending the Faculty of Business at Philadelphia University-Jordan?” The present study surveyed two-hundred-and-sixty students. Two-hundred-and-fifty questionnaires returned, ten questionnaires had to be discounted. The instrument was a questionnaire developed by the researcher, with modifications recommended by referees. Questions were measured on the 5-point Likert scale. Findings reveal that tone is one key of non-verbal communication since it can alter the entire meaning of a sentence. Accounting students most keenly report that silence is a powerful tool in non-verbal communication. It indicates that students are listening carefully and attentively. In addition, visual communication was deemed to have a major impact on non-verbal communication Second level students consider that appearance accounts for a huge proportion of non-verbal communication. Furthermore, they appreciated brief pauses by teaching staff, since these assist concentration and interaction between students. Students aged nineteen to twenty-one had stronger opinions than those aged under nineteen. The human face is a powerful tool in non-verbal communication, as is silence.

Keywords: Keywords: non - verbal communication, Philadelphia University, and Jordan.

Research Title: Parental Child Rearing Practices in Palestine from the Parents and their School aged Children Perspectives
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
14th International Family Nursing Conference (IFNC14), Social Determinants of Family Health: Expanding Family Nursing Capacity, Washington, D.C..United States of America
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: The objectives of this study were twofold: to describe parental child-rearing perspectives and report practices from the perspectives of Palestinian parents and their children, and to explore the relationships between these perspectives. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) was administered to 120 parents and 120 children drawn from four districts in Palestine. Children had higher scores on involvement, positive parenting, poor monitoring, inconsistent discipline and corporal punishment. Three significant parent–child relationships were obtained: parental involvement (r = 0.276, p = 0.003), positive parenting (r = 0.0301, p = 0.001) and poor parental monitoring (r = -0.241, p = 0.008). Accordingly, parents need empowerment, and their child-rearing practices need improvement. They must acknowledge their role as important to child development and school achievement.

Keywords: Child Development, Child Rearing, Palestine, Parental Perception, Rearing Practices, School-Aged Children.

Research Title: The perceptions of palestinian health professionals toward factors facilitating or impeding the prevention of home injuries among young children: A qualitative study
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
PULSUS, , Abu Dhabi, UAE
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: Childhood unintentional injury is an important global health problem that causes considerable mortality, morbidity and disability among children. These injuries are most common among under-fives and form a significant burden on healthcare systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Potentially, health professionals, especially doctors and nurses, have a pivotal role in the prevention of home injuries. In Palestine there is a paucity of research in this area. The aim of this study was to explore health professionals’ perceptions regarding the prevention of home injuries among children aged under-five years in Ramallah district in Palestine. Methods: A qualitative approach was adopted; whereby semi-structured interviews were undertaken with twenty-four health professionals (doctors and nurses) who worked with children in a primary health care setting. The derived data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Three types of factors that facilitated or impeded the prevention of home injuries emerged. First, health professional related factors included lack of training, workload and lack of collaborations. Second, parental related factors included low economic status, level of education, lack of awareness and mothers’ employment status. Finally, the environmental factors which included home size and structure, lack of data, low priority for policy makers, lack of funds and the political situation. Conclusion: The continuous education and specialised training for professionals are imperative in activate their pivotal roles in increasing the awareness of parents and children toward prevention of home injuries in the healthcare settings with limited resources such as Palestine. It is also recommended that policy makers activate the role of many parties, including media, health professionals, and other professionals in minimizing the unintentional home injuries among young children.

Keywords: Home injuries, Palestinian, children, healthcare professionals

Research Title: Views and experiences of using advanced technologies in higher education of health care professionals: A mixed method systematic review
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
New Communication Technologies and their Impact on Effective Learning Societies, Philadelphia University
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: The teaching of healthcare professionals has shifted from conventional teaching methods, and has almost fully embraced the use of technology-based learning instead. It is thought that the use of sophisticated technology in a healthcare training setting has been successful, on account of the value and experience it adds to both the teaching and learning processes, as well as its widespread use within healthcare practice. Since this widespread use of technology is a relatively recent occurrence in the realm of healthcare higher education, there exists a need for the evaluation of how it is experienced, used and viewed. This review synthesises both qualitative and quantitative data regarding user views and experience of technology within healthcare higher education, in an attempt to gather useful insights into how use of such technologies can be improved. Methods: Both quantitative and qualitative data was used for this mixed-method review. The data was combined into a single synthesis, using an integrated approach. The review took note of relevant papers concerning the use of advanced technology among healthcare professionals within higher education, and included the views of both students and lecturers from healthcare related courses such as; nursing, medicine (MBChB), dentistry, medical laboratory science/technology and pharmacy. Eight databases were searched in October 2018, followed by hand searching of related reference lists. The Mixed-Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT – Version 2011) was used to assess the methodological quality of the review. Results: In total, 13 papers were used for the review – ten quantitative, two mixed-method and one qualitative study. Nine of these studied focussed on the experiences of nurses, two on medical doctors, one on pharmacy students, and one on dentistry. The two synthesised findings that were generated are explained below. Facilitators of using advanced technology: It was indicated that technology is an indispensable tool in healthcare education. Many benefits associated with its use were revealed, which included; improved clinical competency, improved overall quality of education, improved patient outcomes, improved research and evidence-based practice skills, improved peer networking, co-working and collaboration, improved learning experience and outputs, and an enhanced understanding of self-directed learning. The results revealed that in order to fully utilise advanced technologies, the provision of adequate resources, as well as access to technical support and mentorship, is required. Challenges of using advanced technology: There were numerous factors which hindered the widespread adoption of advanced technology in healthcare education. These factors included; the high costs involved, a lack of relevant or adequate equipment, a lack of knowledge or understanding in such technology, a dearth of technical support, failure of technology, heavy workloads combined with time constrains, users having a negative attitude towards the use of technology, as well as a more generalised aversion to change. Conclusions: While the use of advanced technology for the training of healthcare professionals is generally embraced, it is not without problems. It is necessary for institutions to offer relevant and accessible support to both students and teachers, in order to improve the use of such technology in teaching and learning practice. Research in future should seek to understand the influence of advanced technology on the education and training of professionals within the healthcare sector.

Keywords: Healthcare professionals, experiences, higher education, systematic review

Research Title: Using Advanced Technology in Nursing Education in Palestine
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2019
New Communication Technologies and their Impact on Effective Learning Societies, Philadelphia University
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Technology has been shown to have a profound effect on education in the 21st century. Using technology in nursing education has become indispensable, due to the need to link theoretical courses with hospital-based practice. Therefore, nursing educators and students must possess high levels of competency in communication and information technology. There has been little research in the Middle East regarding the use of technology in education. Most research on this subject has been carried out in Western countries. Palestine is an example of a developing country with many political issues that can affect its educational environment. However, few studies have been conducted in Palestine that investigate this issue from robust perspectives. Consequently, the present study investigates the experiences of using advanced technology in nursing education from the perspectives of lecturers, students, administrators, and lab technicians at two Palestinian universities. Methodology: This study employed a mixed method of research design. It was conducted in two Palestinian universities and employed several data collection methods: participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and curriculum analysis. A purposeful sampling strategy was adopted to recruit the participants. Maximum variation sampling was employed in order to include participants with different characteristics, which will improve the transferability of the findings to a broader setting. Within-case and cross-case data analysis was undertaken in accordance with Stake’s (2006) recommendations. Findings: Six interviews have been collected to date: assistant professor (n=3) and lecturers (n=3). The initial findings revealed several facilitators and challenges regarding the use of advanced technology in nursing education in Palestine. Although using technology was perceived to be time-consuming initially, lecturers pointed out that technology facilitated their work after they mastered its usage. Technology saved time and effort, for example by providing an accurate grading system for exams. Additionally, some educators reported that they encouraged adopting different technological means by their students who demonstrated advanced technological capabilities. Using technology enabled educators to communicate with students, especially during difficult political circumstances. However, educators reported several challenges pertaining to the use and sustainability of technology in the classroom. The high cost, especially as a part of the university’s budget, was one of the most prominent obstacles to adopting technology. Lack of skills in using technology was another obstacle faced by Palestinian professors. The resistance of some faculty members to the change represented by the adoption of technology was a third obstacle. Finally, educators reported that while it was very important to adopt advanced technology in education, some students could use it negatively, such as to cheat on exams. Conclusion: The study findings reveal several facilitators and challenges faced by Palestinian nursing educators in the use of technology. Continuous training of educators is imperative for increasing the use of communication and technology in nursing education. There is a need for updated policies to avoid advanced technology’s perceived negative consequences and maximize its benefits.

Keywords: Advanced technology, nursing, education, Palestine