Research Title: إعراب الفعل المضارع بين النظرية والاستعمال
Author: Yousef Rababa, Published Year: 2012
مجلة العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية - جامعة سطيف, 15
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: يسعى هذا البحث للوقوف على قضية إعراب الفعل المضارع بين النظرية التي وضعها النحاة والاستعمال اللغوي له

Keywords: فعل، مضارع، إعراب، استعمال، نظرية

Research Title: الأصوات الصعبة في نطقها وإدراكها لمتعلمي العربية من الناطقين بغيرها مفاهيم صوتية وتقنيات تعليمية لتدريس الأصوات الحلقية والمُحَلَّقة The difficult Arabic sounds with regards to cognitive and phonetic aspects for non-native Arabic speakers who learn Arabic language Phonetic concepts and teaching techniques for the pharyngeal and pharyngealized sounds
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2010
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: تعالج هذه الدراسة موضوع تعليم الصوامت الحلقية والمحلّقة لمتعلمي العربية الفصيحة بوصفها لغة ثانية، إذ يواجه هؤلاء مشكلة حقيقية في ضبط نطق هذه الصوامت وتمييزها ذهنيا عن غيرها من صوامت العربية مما يشبهها في خصائصها أو يتقارب معها في مخارجها. والصوامت الحلقية في العربية هي كل من العين والحاء، أما الصوامت المحلقة – وهي ما عرفت بالمفخمة – فهي كل من الصاد والضاد والطاء والظاء. ركزت الدراسة جل عنايتها في محورين، أولهما : بيان الحقائق الصوتية التي جعلت هذه المجموعة من الأصوات تتسم بدرجة غير بسيطة من الصعوبة من جانب، وتعقب أسباب استبدالها بصوامت محددة في العربية فوناتيكياً وفونولوجياً من جانب آخر. أما ثانيهما، فيسلط الضوء على عدد من التقنيات التعليمية العملية التي تعين متعلم اللغة العربية على تجاوز مشكلة ضياع الحدود الفاصلة بين الصوامت على المستويين: العضوي - النطقي، والذهني - الإدراكي. This study focuses on teaching the pharyngeal and pharyngealized standard Arabic sounds for those who learn Arabic as a second language. Non-native Arabic speakers face a problem in auditory-discriminating and producing the pharyngeal and pharygealized sounds compared to the sounds that are adjacent in their manner and place of articulation. The pharyngeal sounds in Arabic are / ʕ, ħ /, and the pharyngealized sounds (emphatic- sounds) are / ḍ, ṭ, ṣ, ð /. This study addresses two main aspects: First: Showing the phonetic features that make these sounds difficult, and tracing the phonetic phonological reasons for substituting these sounds with other specific sounds. Second: Shedding the light on several techniques in facilitating teaching Arabic for non- Arabic speakers and how to overcome the organic- phonetic, and intellectual- cognitive levels.

Keywords: الأصوات الحلقية ، الاصوات المحلقة ، تقنيات تعليم الصوت اللغوي

Research Title: علاج صوت الراء المضطرب نطقيا في العربية - دراسة صوتية علاجية
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2013
دراسات - الجامعة الأردنية , عدد 40
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: تقدم هذه الدراسة تقنيات متنوعة لعلاج صوت الراء /r/ المضطرب نطقيا لأسباب وظيفية في العربية، فتعرض نموذجا مقترحا يسهم في بيان خطوات نظرية وعملية تفيد أخصائيي النطق واللغة في علاجهم لهذا الصوت الذي تتنوع أشكال الاضطراب النطقي فيه بين الإبدال والتشويه والحذف. وقد اعتمدنا للخروج بهذا النموذج على المنهج الوصفي - التحليلي الذي تتبعنا فيه حالات مرضية متنوعة على امتداد ست عشرة سنة بدأنا معها بتطبيق تقنيات علاجية متباينة على المرضى من فئة الأطفال والبالغين في مراكز نطقية علاجية متعددة، كما أننا أفدنا من تجارب عشرين أخصائيا في العلاج النطقي، وذلك من خلال تعبئة استبانة تضمنت أسئلة متنوعة أسهمت إجاباتها في صياغة الأطر النظرية والتطبيقية لهذا النموذج المقترح في العلاج وجعله أكثر قابلية للتطبيق، وقد عمل هؤلاء في مراكز تقويم نطق ولغة متعددة أهمها: مركز النورس للنطق واللغة/ الأردن، ومركز الدراسات والأبحاث الصوتية في الجامعة الأردنية، ومركز جدة للنطق والسمع/السعودية، وروضة الأهلية والمطران/الأردن. انقسمت الدراسة إلى محورين أساسيين؛ بيّن أولهما أهمية هذا النوع من الدراسات الخاصة بعلم الأصوات التطبيقي والعلاج النطقي متوقفا عند آلية إنتاج الراء /r/ السليم في العربية وما تحمله خصائص هذا الصامت من صعوبة نطقية أدت إلى وقوع الاضطراب النطقي فيه، وكان ذلك في مقدمة الدراسة، وتوقف ثانيهما على طرق علاج هذا الصامت واتبعنا في ذلك الطريقة التقليدية وما تحمله من تقنيات متنوعة. وقُسم هذا الجزء من الدراسة إلى ثلاث مراحل علاجية؛ أولها مرحلة التأسيس، وثانيها مرحلة التعميم، وثالثها مرحلة الإدامة، وتضمنت كل مرحلة من هذه المراحل آليات واستراتيجيات علاجية متعددة لقيت مجالها في التطبيق ونجاعتها في العلاج.

Keywords: الاضطرابات النطقية، الطريقة التقليدية، التأسيس، التعميم، الإدامة، التموضع النطقي.

Research Title: Automatic Diagnosis of Distortion Type of Arabic /r/ Phoneme Using Feed Forward Neural Network
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2014
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems , V 5 - N 12
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The paper is not for recognizing normal formed speech but for distorted speech via examining the ability of feed forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to recognize speech flaws. In this paper we take the Arabic /r/ phoneme distortion that is somewhat common among native speakers as a case study.To do this, r-Distype program is developed as a script written using Praat speech processing software tool. r-Distype program automatically develops a feed forward ANN that tests the spoken word (which includes /r/ phoneme) to detect any possible type of distortion. Multiple feed forward ANNs of different architectures have been developed and their achievements reported. Training data and testing data of the developed ANNs are sets of spoken Arabic words that contain /r/ phoneme in different positions so they cover all distortion types of Arabic /r/ phoneme. These sets of words were produced by different genders and different ages.The results obtained from developed ANNs were used to draw a conclusion about automating the detection of pronunciation problems in general.Such computerised system would be a good tool for diagnosing speech flaws and gives a great help in speech therapy. Also, the idea itself may open a new research subarea of speech recognition that is automatic speech therapy.

Keywords: Distortion, Arabic /r/ phoneme, articulation disorders, Artificial Neural Network, Praat

Research Title: Deglottalization in Jordanian Arabic: Syntax-Prosody interface
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Deglottalization occurs when a word starts with the definite article hamzatu l-waSl 'connective glottal stop' and in some noun and verb cases. In this paper, we address deglottalization in Jordanian Arabic (JA) from the standpoint of syntax-prosody interface. We study the mapping of syntactic phrases onto phonological ones. We argue that JA marks left edges of phonological phrases in the case of deglottalization. We discuss the role of epenthesis in easing the transition between words when the first ends with a closed syllable. We also maintain that Arabic resorts to compensating the deleted syllables so as to preserve the structure of syllables before the application of the rule; the syllable produced after deglottalization has the same structure as that of the definite article before the application of deglottalization

Keywords: Arabic, Syntax-Prosody Interface, Edge Marking, Deglottalization, Phonology.

Research Title: Evaluation of dynamic current testing for CMOS domino circuits
Author: Anis Mousa Al-Nazer, Published Year: 2005
IEEE International Workshop on Defect Based Testing, Palm Springs, CA
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: Transient current (iDDT) refers to the current drawn from the power supply during the transient switching of CMOS gates. Testing based on the transient current can detect many of the defects that can occur in ICs, such as resistive opens, which may not be detected by traditional voltage testing or by Leakage current (I DDQ) testing methods. A major set back for IDDQ testing methods is the increased leakage currents in today's ICs. Thus iDDT based testing has been often investigated as an alternative or supplement to (IDDQ) testing. Little work has focused on iDDT testing for domino circuits. In this thesis, we propose a method for testing domino CMOS circuits using the transient power supp ly current. The method is based on monitoring the peak value of the transient current. This peak varies considerably with process variations, so each process ha s different thresholds; this problem will be addressed by proposing a normalization procedure that allows us to use a single threshold for all processes. We present also a test vector generation algorithm for testing large domino circuits. We evaluate the effectiveness of this testing method by simulation on various domino circuits of different sizes. We develop and implement a partitioning technique to improve the fault coverage of the test method when used with large circuits. The algorithm divides the circuit into different clusters where each cluster is fed by a different power suppl y branch. We also provide an automation system to simplify the process of genera ting the simulation files, injecting the defects in the circuit, running the simulations, storing the simulations output, processing the output signals, and fin ally gathering and analyzing the results.

Keywords: iddt testing, VLSI testing, Domino curcuit testing

Research Title: Ubiquitous Robotics for Knowledge-based Auto-configuration System within Smart Home Environment
Author: Mustafa Awwad Al Khawaldeh, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: The present paper is anchored in the area of Embedded System and Robot and Ambient Intelligent which considered in the ICICS 2016. The wide availability of services and devices within contemporary smart home environments make their management a challenging and rewarding task. Maintaining complex smart home systems throughout their lifecycle entails considerable resources and effort. These challenges have stimulated the need for dynamic auto-configurable services amongst such distributed systems. Although significant research has been directed towards achieving auto-configuration, none of the existing solutions is sufficient to achieve auto-configuration within smart home environments. This research aims to devise methods to automate the activities associated with customised service delivery for dynamic home environments by exploiting recent advances in the field of ubiquitous robotics and Semantic Web technologies. It introduces a novel approach called the Knowledge-based Auto-configuration Ubiquitous Robotics for Smart Home Environments, which utilises the Sobot to achieve auto-configuration of the system. A proof-of-concept testbed has been designed, implemented and validated via several case studies.

Keywords: Smart home, ubiquitous robotics, and Semantic Web.

Research Title: " Individual Character Comparison Technique for Improving the Internal Memory Performance"...British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science , 12(3): 1-13, 2016.
Author: Jasim Abdullah Ghaeb, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: The efficiency of the cache mapping technique depends on how the cache lines are organized and the way that is used to look for and hit the target cache line. In this paper, an efficient technique is proposed to obtain a significant improvement in average hit time of a line in the cache. The paper presents Distributive Comparison Approach (DCA) that significantly minimizes the hit time and improve cache hit ratio. The efficient of DCA is based on how the cache lines are compared and picked up the coveted one leading to a low cache hit ratio. In DCA, the cache line is assigned by multi tags where each individual tag is only one character. Then, instead of one line tag of complete characters per a comparison cycle, the comparator is flushed by multi tags of different lines in the cache. Also the cache lines that are come from the main memory classified into two groups; even and odd line's tags to reject the unwanted lines form the multi-tag comparison. These two procedures practically speed up the repelling of misfit tagged lines and consequently the hitting of the target line in the cache. Simulation results show that the DCA outperforms well-known mapping techniques including FAMT and SMT.

Keywords: Cache memory; memory hierarchy; cache hit ratio; tw o-level memory; cache mapping.

Research Title: Banking Regulations and Supervising, and the Soundness of Banks in MENA Countries
Author: Mohammad Oqlah Al-Smadi, Published Year: 2015
European Journal of Business and Management , 7
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The consequences of the last financial crisis have increased the debates about the role of banking regulations and supervision in maintaining banks' soundness. This study investigates the impact of banking regulations, supervision on bank soundness, using a sample of 177 banks operating in 10 MENA countries. Four explanatory variables were used: capital regulatory requirements, regulatory restrictions on banks' activities, independence of supervisory authorities, and official supervisory power, while controlling for other macroeconomic and banking industry characteristics. The results show that bank soundness increases when the stringency of capital requirements increase. Greater restrictions on bank activities enhance bank soundness. Moreover, banks operating in countries with greater independence of supervisory authorities have more soundness, while official supervisory power does not have an impact on bank soundness. The outcome of the study provides empirical evidence for supervising authorities and banks' management about the role of banking regulations and supervising in maintaining banks' safety and soundness in MENA countries.

Keywords: Regulations, Supervising, Soundness, MENA banks.

Research Title: An Adaptive ECO-Path Recommendation Protocol for VANETs
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2015
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Traveling vehicles increase the harmful gases (e.g., CO, CO2, HC, NOx, etc) all over the atmosphere. This problem becomes more serious year after year by increasing the number of vehicles over roads every year. In this work, we aim at introducing an environmentally-friendly path recommendation protocol for downtown grid-layout areas. The introduced protocol recommends each driver to take the path that consumes the least amount of fuel and releases the least amount of gases to the atmosphere. We introduce our protocol details, compare it to other path recommendation protocols in this field and report on its performance using an extensive set of scenarios and experiments implemented by the NS-2 simulator. From the experiments results, we can infer that our protocol provides 30% and 20% better performance than the Shortest and Fastest paths respectively, in terms of fuel consumption and gas emission metrics.

Keywords: Path Recommendation, Traveling Time, Traveling Distance, Fuel Consumption, Gas Emission