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Research Title: المنهج التكاملي في نقد القصة القصيرة في الاردن
Author: Leedya Rashed Abu mariam, Published Year: 2020
جامعة العلوم الاسلام في غزة, 2020
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: المنهج التكاملي في نقد القصة القصيرة في الأردن :محمد عبيدالله وعلي المومني نموذجًا
ليديا راشد علي أبو مريم
جامعة فيلادلفيا- مركز اللغات- الأردن
يسعى هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن ملامح المنهج التكاملي في نقد القصة القصيرة الأردنية في مؤلفات الناقدين الأردنيين محمد عبيدالله وعلي المومني التي اختصت بدراسة هذا الفن، وهي: القصة القصيرة في فلسطين والأردن منذ نشأتها حتى جيل الأفق الجديد لمحمد عبيدالله إضافة إلى كتابي علي المومني فن القصة القصيرة عند رجاء أبو غزالة ، وكتاب الحداثة والتجريب في القصة القصيرة الأردنية ، وهي مؤلفات جديرة بالدراسة بسبب صلتها القوية بمنجز القصة القصيرة في الأردن، وقد كان المنهج التكاملي من أبرز المناهج النقدية في تلك المؤلفات، حيث اعتمدا على هذا المنهج في دراستهما النقدية لحركة القصة القصيرة في الأردن، علما بأني لم أجد أية دراسة سابقة عنيت بنقد القصة القصيرة في الأردن من منظور المنهج التكاملي.
استنتج البحث أن المنهج التكاملي في نقد القصة القصيرة في الأردن لدى كل منهما اتسم بتغطيته لإنتاج عدد جيد من الكتاب والكاتبات وإبراز أصواتهم الإبداعية، و لفْت انتباه الدراسين إلى فن القصة القصيرة في الأردن، كما استند عبيدالله إلى المنهج التكاملي من خلال تضافر المنهج التاريخي والمنهج الاجتماعي والمنهج الجمالي في دراسته للأعمال القصصية، في حين طبّق علي المومني المنهج الاجتماعي والمنهج الجمالي والمنهج السيميائي في دراسته للأعمال القصصية، وقد أبرز البحث مدى فعالية هذا المنهج في معالجة القضايا التي عُني بها الباحثان
كلمات مفتاحية: نقد القصة القصيرة في الأردن، المنهج التكاملي
This research aims at revealing the aspects of the Integrated approach in criticizing the Jordanian Short Story in the related compositions of the Jordanian critics: Muhammad Obaidallah and Ali Almoumany.These compositions are: short story in Jordan& Palestine from its emergence till the new prospect generation for mohammad obaidullah, and the two books of almomani: The art of short story in Rajaa abu Ghazaleh, and the book of novelty and working out. These compositions are really worthy to be studied because of their strong relationship with the achievement of the Short Story in Jordan. The Integrated approach in these compositions is the most prominent in which the two critics follow in their critical studies of the activity of the short story in Jordan. The researcher in fact couldn’t find any previous studies related to criticizing short stories in Jordan that based on the integrated approach.
The research concludes that the Integrated approach in criticizing the Short Story in Jordan for the both critics is characterized by covering the production of a good number of writers in Jordan and showing their creative talent. it also pays the researchers’ attention to the art of Short Story in Jordan.
In studying short story works, it becomes clear how Obaidallah relies on the Integrated approach from the interlacing process among the Historical, Social and Aesthetic approaches. on another hand, Almoumany applies the social, Aesthetic and cinematographic approaches to his studies. The research highlights the effectiveness of this Integrated approach in addressing the cases which attract researchers.
Keywords; the Critic of short story in Jordan, Integrated approach
Keywords: نقد القصة القصيرة
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Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2018
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the effect
of ozonation at concentrations of 0.4 ppm on cypermethrin
and chlorpyrifos pesticides residues reduction
in spiked tomato fruits at different concentrations.
The pesticide residues were extracted from
homogenized tomato fruits with acetonitrile using
QuEChERS method and the determination was carried
out on GC-ECD using splitless injector and HP-
5 capillary column. The maximum reduction percentages
of chlorpyrifos pesticide after 30 min exposure
to ozone at concentration of 0.4 ppm of spiked
tomato fruits with 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 ppm
were 97.9, 97.9, 95.3, 94.9 and 95.9%, respectively,
while for cypermethrin pesticide at similar concentrations
and conditions were 83.3, 82.8, 83.8, 84.9
and 87.3%, respectively. Results showed that
chlorpyrifos pesticide degradation is more sensitive
to ozonation than cypermethrin residues. The effect
of ozonation at concentration of 0.4 ppm on degradation
of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin residues is
time dependent, whenever the exposure time increased,
the degradation of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin
residues also increased.
Keywords: Cypermethrin, Chlorpyrifos, Pesticide residues, Ozonation, GC-ECD.
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Research Title: Chemical and Microbial Environmental Contaminants in Fruits and Vegetables and their Effects on Health: A Mini Review
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2019
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT), 13
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: The fresh food products like fruits and vegetables became an important element in the consumer’s daily meal in view of their high nutritional value, low caloric value, availability, and somewhat low prices. Most of the fruits and vegetables contain a high percentage of water that ranges from 78% in potatoes to 94.8% in lettuce. As well, their protein and fat contents do not exceed 3.5% and 0.5%, respectively, except some cases such as raisin and dates, whose water content is low and which can not be considered as fresh in comparison with other fruits. Demand on these products is ever growing. But, similar to other agricultural products, they are prone to pollution and/or spoilage, either naturally or by human interference. The first manifestation of spoilage starts from the soil in which the crops are planted as a result of their pollution with acidic rain water or polluted irrigation water; human and animal wastes; sanitary drainage water (sewage); fertilizer and pesticide residues; oil pollution; and microbial pollution with bacteria, fungi, and parasites of their various types, as well as the residual toxins and excretions which result from them and that adversely impact the agricultural products, and, in consequence, consumer’s health. Use of organic fertilizers is regarded as safer than use of chemical fertilizers. If the latter are used rationally and at concentration that does not exceed 300 kg/ha, then this will not lead to accumulation of the toxic chemical elements in the soil (Moustafa, 2018). Hence comes the importance of finding the suitable ways and solutions for reducing extent of hazard of these pollutants through which (the solutions) the consumer guarantees her/his safety and non-exposure to diseases, as well as reducing the treatment costs resulting from effects of pollution of its different kinds.
Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Heavy Metals, Fertilizers, Agricultural Pesticides, fruits and vegetables
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Research Title: Validation of the Arabic Version of the Mini- Depression, Anxiety and Sleep Disturbance Questionnaires in Jordan
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2019
International Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing, 6
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Arabic version of mini depression, anxiety
and sleep disturbance questionnaires from Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System.
Background. No Arabic version of these questionnaires has been validated. Considering the increase in the
number of infants admitted to the Neonate Intensive Care Unit in Jordan, therefore imperative and necessary to
valid the Arabic version of mini depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance questionnaires from Patient-Reported
Outcomes Measurement Information System.
Design. A cross-sectional descriptive study
Methods. A total of 310 parents with hospitalized infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at two major
hospitals in Jordan. The questionnaire was translated from English to Arabic. Forward and backward translation
was performed. Factor structure was determined by confirmatory factor analysis. Composite Reliability to
evaluate internal consistency was calculated.
Results: The confirmatory factor analysis extracted three constructs with 12 items [anxiety = 4, depression = 5 and
sleep disturbance = 3] with good fit indices results [χ2=1.398; GFI=.963; CFI=.996; IFI=.996; RMSEA=.036].
Average Variance Extracted and Composite Reliability of the three constructs were larger than .50 and .70
respectively, showing good convergence, discriminant validity, and construct reliability for the three constructs.
Conclusion: The mini Arabic version of the three constructs for anxiety, depression and sleep disturbance
questionnaires were found to be a reliable and valid measurement to assess depression, anxiety and sleep
disturbance symptoms in Jordan.
Relevance of clinical practice: The result of this study provide Arabic version for Mini depression, anxiety and
sleep disturbance questionnaires which help nurses to assess psychological problems for parents with infant in
Keywords: anxiety; depression; sleep disturbance, validity, reliability, PROMIS, Arabic, Jordan.
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Research Title: Iron Bioavailability, Deficiency and its Consequences in Infants and Children: State of the art
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2019
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 8
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Globally, micronutrient deficiency is considered one of the major concerns of public health bodies and institutions in the
world. Examples of these greatest public health significance are those of vitamin D, vitamin A, iron, iodine...etc. Iron
deficiency is the single most common nutrient deficiency in the world today and affects affluent societies and developing
countries. Iron is an essential nutrient for individuals of all ages. Symptoms of the iron deficiency are basically related to
the duration and the severity of the deficiency. In addition, iron deficiency affects nervous system and has been reported
to cause retardation on cognitive function and detrimental effect on cortical reactivity. Iron is present in food in two
forms: (1) heme iron, as found in the hemoglobin or myoglobin of animals, or (2) nonheme iron, which is found in both
animal and plant foods, primarily as iron-containing salts. Absorption depends on the body’s iron status or level of iron
stores and on iron bioavailability from the diet. Iron is an essential nutrient throughout the lifecycle and it remains a
serious nutrition concern among important sub-groups of the population. For optimum nonheme iron bioavailability,
people should be encouraged to consume at least one source of vitamin C, particularly with meatless meals.
Keywords: Iron Bioavailability, Iron deficiency , Micronutrien, Infants , Children
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Research Title: Alarming High Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Adults in Jerash University: A Cross-Sectional Study
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2019
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 8
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Obesity is a major cause of death globally and is common among adults and children. This study was conducted to
investigate the prevalence of obesity among the university population in Jordan, specifically, in Jerash University in the
north of Jordan. Three hundred individuals were randomly selected from both genders, with 41% of them being women
and 59?ing men at different ages. Measurements of height and weight were taken and the body mass index (BMI)
was calculated. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software. The participants were classified based on weight, where
45.7% of them were having normal weight, 34.7% were having overweight, 11.3% were obese, and 8.3% were
underweight. Together, nearly 54.3% of the participants were having malnutrition with 46.0% and 8.3% overnutrition
and undernutrition, respectively. The male participants were more obese and having overweight than the females. The
finding that about half of the sample community are suffering from overweight and obesity raises a warning alarm for
the universities and the Jordanian public health institutions and is due to prompt them to initiate good extension and
education programs directed at the local community.
Keywords: Overweight, Obesity, Body mass index (BMI), Cross-Sectional Study, University, Jordan
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Research Title: Premenstrual Syndrome Is Associated with Dietary and Lifestyle Behaviors among University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study from Sharjah, UAE
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2019
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a cyclical late luteal phase disorder of the menstrual cycle
whereby the daily functioning of women is aected by emotional and physical symptoms substantially
interfering with their quality of life. Little is known about PMS in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and severity of PMS among university students in
Sharjah, UAE, and clarify its associations with dietary habits, lifestyle behaviors, and anthropometric
factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted on female college students at the University of Sharjah,
UAE. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and anthropometric assessments.
Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Participants were 300
adult university students aged 18–24 years (mean age 20.07 1.53 years). In total, 95% of participants
reported at least one PMS symptom during their menstrual period. The prevalence of PMS was
35.3%, with mild symptoms being the most commonly reported. Multiple regression analysis showed
that smoking was associated with increased risk of reporting psychological (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.1–5.8;
p < 0.05) and behavioral symptoms (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.0–4.9; p < 0.05), while high calorie/fat/sugar/salt
foods intake was associated with increased risk of reporting physical symptoms (OR 3.2, 95% CI
1.4–7.3; p < 0.05). However, fruit consumption (OR 0.34, 95% CI 0.125–0.92; p < 0.05) was associated
with a decreased risk of reporting behavioral symptoms. A high prevalence of PMS was reported
among university students, with smoking and high calorie/fat/sugar/salt food consumption identified
as strong risk factors for PMS.
Keywords: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS); anthropometry; dietary habits; lifestyle behaviors
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Research Title: Factors that influence quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis in Saudi Arabia
Author: Fuad Abdul Rahman Taha Abdulla, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Purpose: To study the factors which may contribute to quality of life (QOL) in patients with multiple
sclerosis (pwMS) in Saudi Arabia.
Methods: 175 pwMS and 71 age-, gender-, and BMI-matched healthy subjects participated in this cross sectional
study. QOL was studied by the multiple sclerosis quality of life-54 (MSQOL-54) while depression,
disability, and fatigue were measured by the beck depression inventory-II (BDI-II), the expanded disability status scale (EDSS), and the modified fatigue impact scale (MFIS), respectively. The effects of demographic and clinical characteristics on MSQOL-54 were studied.
Results: QOL was worse in pwMS. A better QOL in pwMS was linked to being male, having relapsing remitting MS, having lower BMI, being employed, having a low disability, having no or minimal depression, and not fatigued. Age, disease duration, marital status, living status, and level of education did not affect the QOL. QOL showed a moderate to strong correlation with depression and fatigue and a weak correlation with EDSS. Depression and fatigue were the strongest predictors of QOL. Other predictors included gender and BMI but not EDSS.
Conclusions: Many of the factors which seem to influence QOL in pwMS are modifiable. Evaluation and management of such factors may improve QOL in pwMS.
Keywords: Quality of life (QOL); multiple sclerosis (MS); depression; fatigue; disability; gender; body mass index (BMI)
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Research Title: Varied Composition and Underlying Mechanisms of Gut Microbiome in Neuroinflammation
Author: Fuad Abdul Rahman Taha Abdulla, Published Year: 2022
Microorganisms, 10, 705
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: The human gut microbiome has been implicated in a host of bodily functions and their
regulation, including brain development and cognition. Neuroinflammation is a relatively newer
piece of the puzzle and is implicated in the pathogenesis of many neurological disorders. The
microbiome of the gut may alter the inflammatory signaling inside the brain through the secretion
of short-chain fatty acids, controlling the availability of amino acid tryptophan and altering vagal
activation. Studies in Korea and elsewhere highlight a strong link between microbiome dynamics
and neurocognitive states, including personality. For these reasons, re-establishing microbial flora
of the gut looks critical for keeping neuroinflammation from putting the whole system aflame
through probiotics and allotransplantation of the fecal microbiome. However, the numerosity of the
microbiome remains a challenge. For this purpose, it is suggested that wherever possible, a fecal
microbial auto-transplant may prove more effective. This review summarizes the current knowledge
about the role of the microbiome in neuroinflammation and the various mechanism involved in this
process. As an example, we have also discussed the autism spectrum disorder and the implication of
neuroinflammation and microbiome in its pathogenesis.
Keywords: autism; disorders; gut microbiome; neuroinflammation pathogenesis
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Research Title: Antitubercular, Cytotoxicity, and Computational Target Validation of Dihydroquinazolinone Derivatives
Author: Wafa Moh'd Khair Hourani, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Pharmacy
Abstract: A series of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one derivatives (3a–3m) was screened for in vitro whole-cell antitubercular activity against the tubercular strain H37Rv and multidrug-resistant (MDR) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) strains. Compounds 3l and 3m with di-substituted aryl moiety (halogens) attached to the 2-position of the scaffold showed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2 µg/mL against the MTB strain H37Rv. Compound 3k with an imidazole ring at the 2-position of the dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one also showed significant inhibitory action against both the susceptible strain H37Rv and MDR strains with MIC values of 4 and 16 µg/mL, respectively. The computational results revealed the mycobacterial pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent aminotransferase (BioA) enzyme as the potential target for the tested compounds. In vitro, ADMET calculations and cytotoxicity studies against the normal human dermal fibroblast cells indicated the safety and tolerability of the test compounds 3k–3m. Thus, compounds 3k–3m warrant further optimization to develop novel BioA inhibitors for the treatment of drug-sensitive H37Rv and drug-resistant MTB
Keywords: Keywords: dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones; anti-TB activity; MTT assay; molecular docking studies; molecular dynamic simulations studies