Research Title: Procrastination in daily academic tasks and its relationship to self-esteem among university students
Author: Sanaa Nasser Alkhawaldeh, Published Year: 2022
International Journal of Health Sciences,, 6283–6293
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Abstract---Procrastination in daily academic tasks is a popular and complex phenomenon that can be influenced by several factors including self-esteem. The current study seeks to explore the relationship between procrastination in daily academic tasks and selfesteem among university students in Jordan. Additionally, the study aims at examining whether the participants’ gender, academic level and academic specialization have significant effects on procrastination in daily academic tasks and self-esteem. Data were collected form 240 university students in Jordan (123 male & 117 female) by administering an online survey. The study adopted a descriptive correlational approach by employing academic procrastination and self-esteem scales. Results of the study reported a low negative relationship between procrastination in daily academic tasks and selfesteem of participants. The participants reported a moderate level of procrastination in daily academic tasks and self-esteem. The level of procrastination was slightly higher than self-esteem level. Moreover, there was a significant difference in levels of procrastination and selfesteem which were attributed to gender which was in favour of male students. Finally, there were no significant differences between

Keywords: -procrastination, self-esteem, daily academic tasks, university students

Research Title: The predominant leadership styles among private schools' principals during Covid-19 pandemic and its relationship to level of teachers' psychological motivation
Author: Sanaa Nasser Alkhawaldeh, Published Year: 2022
, Journal of Positive
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study pursuits to expansion our knowledge regarding the predominant leadership styles among private schools' principals during Covid-19 pandemic and its relationship to level of teachers' psychological motivation. Moreover, the study attempts to disclose whether teachers' educational stream and experience years interact with leadership styles. 200 participant (100 males & 100 females) have been randomly selected to participate in this study. Their point of views and psychological motivation were measured using 5- Likert scales format. Results of the study find out that the democrat leadership style is the most predominant style from teachers point of views. Moreover, their level of psychological motivation was moderate. The results find out a positive correlation between leadership styles and psychological motivation and its dimensions. It was finally revealed that no significant effects of teacher educational stream and experience years on leadership styles

Keywords: Leadership, Private schools', Covid-19 pandemic, Motivation

Research Title: The Associations Between Patients’ Characteristics and the Quality of Life Among Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2022
Sage Open Nursing , In press
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Abstract Introduction: Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the most significant leading causes of death and disability in the world. The quality of life (QoL) score is used to evaluate the impact of ACS treatments on the patients’ physical, emotional, and social functioning. It is considered a significant indicator of the progress of the patients’ health status and is useful in predicting patients’ needs for continuing, modifying, or changing their treatment plans. Objective: To identify the associations between patients’ characteristics and the QoL among ACS patients in Jordan. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using a convenience sample of 372 participants with ACS from six referral hospitals in Jordan. Results: Jordanian patients with higher educational level and exercise had significant and positive association with QoL (β=0.257, p < .001), (β=0.191, p < .001), respectively. Also, patients who reported having dyslipidaemia and having unstable angina (UA) had lower score of QoL (β=−0.165, p < .001), (β=−0.149, p < .001), respectively. Finally, gender and working status did not significantly appear to have an association with the total QoL. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the importance of increasing the level of patients’ awareness about their illness by educating them about it and encouraging them to engage in physical activity programs

Keywords: quality of life, acute coronary syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, Jordan

Research Title: Jordanian Nurses’ Perspectives of Spirituality and Spiritual Care
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2022
Cancer Nursing , In press
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: Spirituality is considered one of the main aspects of wholesome care for human beings. Spirituality is a multidimensional concept and has several definitions in the literature. Most of the studies concerning spirituality were conducted in Western cultures and the Middle East; however, there are a limited number of studies regarding spirituality in Jordan. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore Jordanian nurses’ perspectives on spirituality and spiritual care in a palliative care unit in 1 cancer center in Jordan. Methods: A descriptive qualitative design with 20 semistructured interviews was used to access Jordanian nurses’ perspectives on spirituality. This study was conducted in the major specialist center for the treatment of cancer in Jordan. A purposive sample of 20 registered nurses who had worked at least 6 months in the palliative care unit was recruited. Results: Nurses’ perceptions of spirituality were represented by 2 themes: spirituality means connectedness to “Allah,” and spirituality evokes enjoyment in life. Two themes emerged in terms of nurses’ perceptions of spiritual care: ensuring patients’ comfort and relaxation, and sharing patients’ religious rituals. Conclusion: These findings underscore the importance of the nurses’ perspectives on spirituality in the context of Islamic and Arabic culture, and the need for training in spirituality. Implications for Practice: The concept of spirituality is recognized as a fundamental aspect of the nurse’s role, making it essential to improve nurses’ capabilities to integrate spirituality courses into the nursing curriculum

Keywords: Nurse Palliative care Perception Spirituality

Research Title: Challenges to online education during the time of COVID‐19: A focus group study
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2022
Nursing Forum,
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Aim: To explore the experience of online education during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) from the perspectives of nurse educators, postgraduate students, and undergraduate students in two universities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). This article only highlights the challenges faced by nurse educators and students. Method: A qualitative design using a focus group strategy was employed. The data were collected from two universities in the OPT from September 2020 to October 2020. The maximum variation sampling strategy was used. Findings: Seven focus groups were conducted with nurse educators (n = 2), postgraduate students (n = 1), and undergraduate students (n = 4). The findings revealed that nurse educators and students faced several challenges when they were abruptly turned to online learning. These challenges included challenges concerning clinical courses, lack of resources, lack of interaction, evaluation, and their home environment. Conclusions: This study is the first to demonstrate the challenges involved in nursing education in OPT during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Impact: The findings of this study can be used to improve the online learning experience during COVID‐19. As a recent change to nursing education, it is vital to understand the nature of the problems related to this sudden change

Keywords: challenges, COVID‐19, focus group, Occupied Palestinian Territory, online education

Research Title: The Effect of Internal Control on Employee Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Jordan: The Role of Accounting Information System
Author: Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract This study explores the role of the Accounting Information System (AIS) in mediating the relationship between internal control and the performance of employees. This study examines whether internal control would influence the performance of employees and whether the AIS would impact the performance of employees in Jordan’s industrial small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Internal control is expected to impact employee performance. The survey questionnaire was used to gather data. A random sampling approach was used to survey the respondents. A total of 270 questionnaires were distributed; only 203, with a 75% response rate, were available. The data was analyzed using AMOS and SPSS. The result from the analyses provides support for the hypothesis that AIS mediates the relationship between internal control and the performance of the employee. Specifically, this study found evidence that internal control yielded a strong positive relationship with employee performance and a positive relationship with AIS. The study also found that AIS had a positive relationship with the performance of the employee. In brief, internal control has major effects on employee performance. Also, the AIS mediates the relationship between internal control and the performance of the employee. The result of this research found that in the relationship between internal control and employee performance, AIS plays an important role.

Keywords: Internal Control, Employee Performance, Accounting Information System, Industrial SMEs, Jordan

Research Title: The moderating role of IFRS in the relationship between risk management and financial disclosure in Jordanian banks
Author: Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Published Year: 2022
Banks and Bank Systems, 17
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract This study investigated the impact of IFRS on the relationship between risk management and financial disclosure in Jordanian banks in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study data were collected from Jordanian banks’ financial reports with the help of panel data to measure IFRS and risk management. The study depended on daily data, at a rate of (256) trading days from March 3, 2020 until April 29, 2021. Also, the study used questionnaires to measure financial disclosure in addition to interviews with eight Jordanian bank managers. Multiple regression was used to test hypotheses. The study found a positive statistically significant relationship between risk management and financial disclosure. The relationship was portrayed by a coefficient of 0.315. The result also showed the moderating role of IFRS in such a relationship, the effect reached 0.696. The conclusions have implications for both theory and practice. In fact, the findings elucidated the connection between risk management, IFRS, and financial disclosure. Finally, Jordanian banks should focus on IFRS and risk management, enhanced management, and employee skills as recommendations in this study. Thus, Jordanian banks pay particular attention to IFRS and risk management in order to achieve profitability through financial disclosure.

Keywords: risk management, International Financial Reporting Standards, fiscal disclosure

Author: Said Ahmad Ammar Ghoul, Published Year: 2022
Proceedings of ICSIC2022 {Scopus), Arab Amman University
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, is an inability to see the difference between certain colors. Men are more likely to be born with color blindness. Most people with color blindness can't distinguish between certain shades of red and green. Less commonly, people with color blindness can't distinguish between shades of blue and yellow. For that it’s a significant barrier to effective computer use. Several research works dealing with blind color user interfaces are currently conducted. However, requirements engineering for such interfaces is still missing. The work presented in this paper is part of an automated blind color user interface generation project which explores suitable input requirements document notations, simplifies the generating process, and outputs generated color blind user interface. It aims to define functional and nonfunctional requirements for powerful color blind user interface and their UML specification. Thus, different recent techniques that deal with these interfaces are selected according to their relevance and up to date, then they are analyzed, the lack of requirements engineering for these interface was stated, and a solution is proposed. It consists of requirements elicitation and specification with UML notations. A case study evaluating the proposed approach is presented. The obtained results confirm the power and positive impact of such requirements engineering on researches in this domain.

Keywords: color vision deficiency (CVD), color blindness requirements, color blindness user interface

Research Title: Automatically Generated Feature Model from Requirements: Toward an Enhanced Formalism
Author: Said Ahmad Ammar Ghoul, Published Year: 2022
Proceedings of ICICS2022, IEEE, scopus, Jordan University of Technology
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: The feature model is one of the most important concepts in software product line development process, as it helps to represent commonalities and variabilities among software products. Several research works are currently conducted to generate a feature model of a software product line from its requirements document. However, the generated feature models do not include data and actors aspects which are essential parts of any software product line. The work presented in this paper is part of an automated feature model generating project which explores suitable input requirements document notations, simplifies the generating process, and outputs generated feature model formalism. It aims to propose a powerful feature model that should be the target of any automated process generating a feature model. Thus, in this work, different recent techniques that automatically generate feature models are analyzed. The lack of data and actors in these generated feature models was stated, and a feature model, aimed to be a good generated target, integrating data and actors with other conventional features is proposed. A case study evaluating the proposed target feature model formalism is presented.

Keywords: feature model (FM), software product line (SPL), unified modeling language (UML), FM automatic generation

Research Title: Automatically Generated Goal Model from Requirements: Toward an Enhanced Formalism
Author: Said Ahmad Ammar Ghoul, Published Year: 2022
Proceedings of ICSIC2022 {Scopus), Arab Amman University
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: The Goal Model (GM) of software is one of the important concepts in the software requirements specification, as it helps in representing the software goals and the relationships between them. Several research works were conducted to generate GM of software from its requirements document. However, the generated GMs merge behavior and soft goals aspects. This merging leaded to tangled and complex generated GMs that are difficult to maintain. The work presented in this paper proposes a GM formalism handling this insufficiency. It is part of an automated GM generating project where it focuses on the target GM. Thus, in this work, different recent techniques that automatically generate GMs are analyzed, their merging, tangling, and complexity of maintenance were stated, and a GM formalism facing these challenges is proposed. It separates goals clearly into behavior goals, soft goals, and constraints aspects. An evaluating case study, which is a partial concrete and real word domain requirements specification, is presented. This separation of concerns leaded to valuable results: complexity reduction, improvement of the understandability, simplicity of maintenance, and raising up the expressiveness power.

Keywords: Goal Model (GM), Behavior goal, Soft goal, Requirement specification, Automated goal model generation, Aspect separation, maintenance