Research Title: Green Synthesis of Gold, Iron and Selenium Nanoparticles Using Phytoconstituents: Preliminary Evaluation of Antioxidant and Biocompatibility Potential
Author: Abeer Shnoudeh, Published Year: 2022
Molecules, 27
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: This study aimed at fabricating gold (Au), iron (Fe) and selenium (Se) nanoparticles (NPs) using various natural plant extracts from the Fertile Crescent area and evaluating their potential application as antioxidant and biocompatible agents to be used in the pharmaceutical field, especially in drug delivery. The Au-NPs were synthesized using Ephedra alata and Pistacia lentiscus extracts, whereas the Fe-NPs and Se-NPs were synthesized using peel, fruit and seed extracts of Punica granatum. The phytofabricated NPs were characterized by the UV-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscope technique showed that the synthesized NPs surface was spherical, and the particle size analysis confirmed a particle size of 50 nm. The crystalline nature of the NPs was confirmed by the XRD analysis. All synthesized NPs were found to be biocompatible in the fibroblast and human erythroleukemic cell lines. Se-NPs showed a dose-dependent antitumor activity as evidenced from the experimental results with breast cancer (MCF-7) cells. A dose-dependent, free-radical scavenging effect of the Au-NPs and Se-NPs was observed in the DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay, with the highest effect recorded for Au-NPs

Keywords: gold-nanoparticles; iron-nanoparticles; selenium-nanoparticles; antioxidant potential; biocompatibility; green synthesis; Punica grantum; Ephedra; Pistachio leaves

Research Title: La relation entre hommes et femmes : point de vue d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi.
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2022
مجلة دراسات : العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: La relation entre hommes et femmes : point de vue d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi. Résumé La relation entre l'homme et la femme semble ambiguë malgré son abondance dans les écrits d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi. Très peu de chercheurs ont abordé ce sujet et selon nos recherches en bibliothèques et en ligne personne n’est allé chercher quel genre d’hommes existe dans ses écrits. Dans cette recherche nous avons essayé d'éclaircir la relation entre l'homme et la femme vue par Ahlam Mosteghanemi en répondant sur la question suivante : quels sont les trois genres d’hommes entre lesquels Ahlam est écartelée? Nous avons analysé sa vision de l'homme, et cherché les types d'hommes qui ont influencé ses idées. A travers une large étude des œuvres de cet écrivain, nous avons trouvé trois types d'hommes. Ce sont l'amant, le politicien et le patriotique. Mots clés: Ahlam Mosteghanemi, femme arabe, homme arabe, littérature francophone. Littérature française. The relationship between men and women: Ahlam Mosteghanemi’s point of view Abstract Despite the abundant discussion of the relationship between men and women in Ahlam Mosteghanemi's novels, the nature of this relation is not yet obvious. A few researchers have tackled this issue but none have investigated the types of men found in her novel. This research aims at clarifying the relationship between men and women in Mosteghanemi's novels through answering the following question: what three types of men whom Ahlam has been split between? Through the analysis of her vision towards men and through investigating the men who influenced her thoughts, three distinctive types of men are found in her novels; the lover, the politician and the patriot. Key words: Ahlam Mosteghanemie, arab woman, arab man, francophone literature. French literature. ملخص العلاقة بين الرجل والمرأة: وجهة نظر أحلام مستغانمي ان العلاقة بين الرجل والمرأة تبدو غير واضحة رغم وفرتها في كتابات احلام مستغانمي. ان الباحثين الذين تطرقوا لهذا الموضوع قليلون جدا وحسب البحوث التي اجريتها في المكتبات وعبر الشبكة العنكبوتية لم يبحث احد منهم عن انواع الرجال الذين تواجدوا في كتاباتها. في هذا البحث, لقد حاولنا توضيح هذه العلاقة حسب ما رأته احلام مستغانمي من خلال الاجابة على السؤال التالي : ما الانواع الثلاثة للرجال الذين تقاسموا احلام؟ لقد حللنا رؤيتها للرجل وبحثنا عن الرجال الذين اثروا في افكارها. من خلال الدراسة الموسعة لأعمال هذه الكاتبة وجدنا الانواع الثلاثة لهؤلاء الرجال. انهم العاشق والسياسي والوطني. الكلمات الدالة : أحلام مستغانمي, المرأة العربية, الرجل العربي, الأدب الفرانكوفوني, الأدب الفرنسي

Keywords: Ahlam Mosteghanemi, femme arabe, homme arabe, littérature francophone. Littérature française.

Research Title: Thematic and Artistic Structure in Ibn al-Markhi's Andalusian letters
Author: Omar Faris Yousif AlKafaween, Published Year: 2022
مجلة العلوم العربية, 67
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study dealt with the letters of Ibn al-Markhi al-Andalusi (T536 Ah/1141 AD) _ one of the writers of Andalusia at the time of the Almoravids_ and studied its thematic and artistic structure. This was done by monitoring its most prominent its themes, and classifying them into Brotherhood, Diwaniyah, Social, Description of nature, Zarzouriyat (after the Starling bird, “Zarzour” in Arabic), and what falls under Each class of dimensions and topics, and then the study analyzed the artistic structure of the letters by highlighting the most important artistic mechanisms that the writer manipulated to represent his ideas, and give them beauty and poetic such as the introductory structure, the artistic image, quotation and inclusion, and the art of the exquisite. The study adopted descriptive method, integrated with the aesthetic/formalistic approach, since both have a complementary role in uncovering the topics of the letters, discussing them, monitoring the technical means and mechanisms that helped to represent them, besides demonstrating their artistic impact.

Keywords: Thematic structure, artistic structure, Ibn al-Markhi, the art of letters.

Research Title: The Synthetic Displacement in the Poetry of Yahya al-Ghazal al-Andalusi
Author: Omar Faris Yousif AlKafaween, Published Year: 2023
مجلة أبحاث اليرموك: العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 32/1
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study discussed the phenomena of the synthetic displacement in the poetry of Yahya ibn Ḥakam al-Ghazal al-Andalusi, and it observed the most prominent manifestations of this displacement such as preluding, delaying, excluding, repetition, enallage, and interpolated clause. Moreover, studies have handled synthetic displacement’s role in forming a text based on two levels: the literal and the artistic. It showed its effect in imparting semantic plural contexts and artistic values, and it adopted the survey approach based on monitoring the manifestations of synthetic displacement, and analyzing them objectively and semantically, integrated with the artistic approach that helped highlight the aesthetics of those displacements. This study concluded that the synthetic displacement represented a prominent stylistic phenomenon in al-Ghazal poetry that he represent his ideas and draw his pictures, which enriched his poetic experience, and made it able to interpretation and interpretation.

Keywords: al-Ghazal Poetry, Synthetic Displacement, Displacement Manifestations.

Research Title: The Aesthetics of language in the Poem “An Apparition manifested out of a white hand of his” by Hazem Al-Qartajani
Author: Omar Faris Yousif AlKafaween, Published Year: 2021
المجلة الأردنية للغة العربية وآدابها, 18/1
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This paper investigates the aesthetics of language in the poem “An Apparition manifested out of a white hand of his” by Hazem al-Qartajani, in which the poet praisedthe Caliph Al-Mustansir (D 675 Ah/ 1276 Ad), one of the kings of the Hafsian State in Tunisia. This study looks at the most prominent semantic fields related to the poet's poetic dictionary such as the field of colors, the field of nature and the field of warterms, in order to represent the purpose of the poem, in addition to highlighting its artistic effect in the text. The study aims to address the significant linguistic and aesthetic phenomena used by the poet to reflect his ideas and figurative images such as antonymy, synonymy and intertextuality. This is achieved through studying the relationship between form and structure, and how the linguistic choices play a role in portraying the poet’s ideas and making the text poetic

Keywords: Aesthetics of language, Hazem Al-Qartajani, Semantic fields, linguistic phenomena

Research Title: Entrepreneurship in Jordan: The Eco-system of the Social Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (SESOs)
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship , 11
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study aims at assessing the Social Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (SESOs) in Jordan with an updated eco-system reflecting the better resourced Social Entrepreneurship eco-system characterized with comprehensive information; covering the stakeholders’ identification data, ongoing projects and initiatives, work scope, and their targeted groups, accurate data based on a well-developed survey and analysis of the survey data by our experts. This study also aims at assessing the SESOs capacity by coincide their desired needs and their actual needs and limit the social innovation concept variation among the different institutions in the ecosystem. This study provides a survey analysis for the Social Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (SESOs), and an attempt to identify their characteristics and roles in Jordan by adopting the qualitative and quantitative analysis approach as its methodology. Results show that (57.89%) of the SESO’s in Jordan have dedicated programs that focus on women's inclusion, and that (68.42%) are hiring more than 50% in their staff. Besides that, results also show that (59.65%) of the SESO’s in Jordan did not dedicate programs for people with disabilities (PWD); which is a high portion in neglecting this segment of people. Besides that (54.39%) do not have designed facilities friendly using for people with disabilities. Moreover, results show that (73.68%) had dedicated programs for youth with different age groups, and (77.19%) of the SESO’s in Jordan had attempted to identify, understand, and actively removing barriers that exist for certain groups of young people in society. Moreover, (70.18%) of the SESO’s in Jordan had organized specific outreach mechanisms to identify, meet, engage, and/or serve different population groups. Finally, results show that (38.60%) of the SESO’s in Jordan had dedicated programs for refugees.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship; Eco-system; Jordan

Research Title: The effect of mixed sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyethylene glycol systems on kinetic of oxidation of o‑Cresol by cerium(IV) in H2SO4 medium
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2022
Colloid and Polymer Science, 300
Faculty: Science

Abstract: The kinetics of the oxidation of o-Cresolby cerium(IV) have been investigated spectrophotometrically at 298K in the absence and presence of sodiumdodecyl sulfate (SDS) and polyethylene glycols (PEGs) in sulfuric acid mediumto examine the catalytic behavior of SDS, PEG (600, 1500, and 4000), and themixed systems of PEG 600, 1500, and 4000 with SDS. The reaction was first orderwith respect to [cerium(IV)] and fractional order with respect to [o-Cresol]and [H2SO4]. However, the effect of SDS catalysis was explained via Piszkiewicz’scooperativity model to calculate the cooperative index (n) and dissociation constants (kD)of substrate–surfactant aggregates, while the catalytic activity of PEGs wasalso examined by use of the Benesi–Hildebrand model. In general, reaction rateenhancements have been observed in the oxidation of o-Cresol bycerium(IV) in the presence of SDS andPEG (600, 1500). On the other hand, the catalytic profiles of the various mixedPEG–SDS systems have shown a suddenincrease in the observed rate constant (kobs)values even before the actual critical micelle concentration (CMC) of SDS. Thispremicellar catalysis can be interpreted on the basis of the formation of theactive PEG–SDS aggregates at various[SDS] and [PEG]. A plausible mechanism of the oxidation reaction has beensuggested; in addition, the major final product was salicylic acid, which isseparated by column chromatography and tested by melting point,ultraviolet–visible, and FTIR spectra to compare with the original sample ofsalicylic acid.

Keywords: Micellar catalysis · o-Cresol · Cerium(IV) · Polyethylene glycols (PEG) · Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) · Mixed PEG–SDS system

Research Title: Analysis of recent shared ancestry in a familial cohort identifies coding and noncoding autism spectrum disorder variants"
Author: Raida W. Khalil, Published Year: 2022
Genomic medicine , 13
Faculty: Science

Abstract: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social communication and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior or interests. ASD is highly heritable, but genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous, reducing the power to identify causative genes. We performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) in an ASD cohort of 68 individuals from 22 families enriched for recent shared ancestry. We identified an average of 3.07 million variants per genome, of which an average of 112,512 were rare. We mapped runs of homozygosity (ROHs) in affected individuals and found an average genomic homozygosity of 9.65%, consistent with expectations for multiple generations of consanguineous unions. We identified potentially pathogenic rare exonic or splice site variants in 12 known (including KMT2C, SCN1A, SPTBN1, SYNE1, ZNF292) and 12 novel candidate (including CHD5, GRB10, PPP1R13B) ASD genes. Furthermore, we annotated noncoding variants in ROHs with brain- specific regulatory elements and identified putative disease-causing variants within brain-specific promoters and enhancers for 5 known ASD and neurodevelopmental disease genes (ACTG1, AUTS2, CTNND2, CNTNAP4, SPTBN4). We also identified copy number variants in two known ASD and neurodevelopmental disease loci in two affected individuals. In total we identified potentially etiological variants in known ASD or neurodevelopmental disease genes for ~61% (14/23) of affected individuals. We combined WGS with homozygosity mapping and regulatory element annotations to identify candidate ASD variants. Our analyses add to the growing number of ASD genes and variants and emphasize the importance of leveraging recent shared ancestry to map disease variants in complex neurodevelopmental disorders.

Keywords: Autism

Research Title: أثر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على التنشئة الاجتماعية
Author: Hisham Nabeel Bani Amer, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: هدف البحث التعرف إلى أثر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على عملية التنشئة الاجتماعية، واتبع الباحثان المنهج الاستقرائي، من أجل عرض الأطر النظرية المتناولة لمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من حيث مفهومها وأهم المواقع المستخدمة وسلبيتها وايجابيتها، وكذلك الأطر النظرية المتعلقة بالتنشئة الاجتماعية ومفهومها وأهدافها وأهميتها ومؤسساتها، وتم استخدام منهج تحليل المضمون لعرض الدراسات السابقة التي تناولت تأثير التواصل الاجتماعي على التنشئة الاجتماعية والسلوك الاجتماعي وتحليل نتائجها وتوصياتها. وتوصل الباحثان إلى أن عملية التنشئة الاجتماعية لا تتوقف عند فئة الاطفال والمراهقين بل تستمر خلال مراحل الحياة، وتحتاج الي تقويم في كل مرحلة، كما أن معظم مستخدمي المواقع يتشكل لديهم بناء معتقدات جديدة، وأفكار مستوردة لاسيما لدى الاطفال والمراهقين والشباب، وذلك قد يعارض أو يخالف معتقدات الأسرة وأفكارها الاجتماعية، كما أن عملية التنشئة كانت ذات نمط منغلق قبل وجود مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وأصبحت ذات نمط منفتح أدى إلى انحسار أدوار مؤسسات التنشئة الاجتماعية، وأصى الباحثان إلى ضرورة تحمل أولياء الأمور مسؤولياتهم الاجتماعية تجاه الابناء، وتأطير استخدام مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للاستفادة منها في عملية التنشئة والحد من سلبياتها، وكذلك ضرورة اهتمام الدولة بالنشئ الجديد وتكثيف الجهود المشتركة سواء من المدرسة أو الأندية أو وسائل الإعلام إلى جانب مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من أجل مخاطبة الجيل الواعد وتوعيته وإرسال رسائل الاندماج والانتماء له.

Keywords: التنشئة الاجتماعية

Research Title: الأجراءات القانونية للحد من إنتشار التطرف من وجهة نظر طلبة الدراسات العليا بالجامعة الأردنية
Author: Hisham Nabeel Bani Amer, Published Year: 2021
مجلة كلية التربية بجامعة أسيوط, 37
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: هدف البحث التعرف إلى دور الإجراءات الوقائية (السياسية والاجتماعية والتربوية والحزبية والنقابية والاقتصادية) في الحد من انتشار التطرف في الأردن من وجهة نظر طلبة الدراسات العليا بالجامعة الأردنية، واتبع منهج المسح الاجتماعي بالعينة، حيث بلغت العينة العشوائية (١٧٥) مبحوثا، وتم تطوير استبيان يغطي محاور الدراسة ويجيب عن تساؤلاتها. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن الإجراءات السياسية أكثر الإجراءات الوقائية تأثيرا في الحد من انتشار التطرف، تليها الإجراءات الوقائية الحزبية والنقابية لدورها في تكوين الفرد ودمجه بالمجتمع، كما جاءت الإجراءات الوقائية الاقتصادية في المرتبة الثالثة في الأهمية للحد من انتشار التطرف، وأوصت الدراسة إلى أن الإجراءات الوقائية تحد من انتشار التطرف بشكل ملحوظ وشامل وتكلفة أقل من باقي الإجراءات التي تكافح التطرف، فلابد من إجراء إصلاح سياسي ودعم العمل الحزبي والنقابي والحد من ظاهرة البطالة وتدني الأجور من أجل تحقيق وقاية أفضل في المجتمع تحول من انتشار التطرف.

Keywords: التطرف