Research Title: جريمة التهريب الجمركي وفقاً لأحدث تعديلات قانون الجمارك الأردني" دراسة تحليلية
Author: Moayd Husni Al-Kawaldah, Published Year: 2021
مجلة جامعة الحسين بن طلال ,
Faculty: Law

Abstract: إن التنظيم القانوني لجريمة التهريب الجمركي في الأردن لها عواقبها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية والأمنية ومع ذلك فإن الدراسات القانونية بما يتعلق بهذه الجريمة قليلة، ولهذا كان لابد من توضيح الأركان القانونية لها وأن تكون هذه الجريمة بيد السلطة القضائية دون أي سلطة أخرى وبيان مكامن النقص والثغرات القانونية الجزائية التي نص عليها قانون الجمارك الأردني، ولقد توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى عدد من النتائج والتوصيات ومن أهمها. أما بالنسبة للنتائج فالمشرع الأردني في قانون الجمارك أعطى سلطة المصالحة في جرائم التهريب الجمركي للوزير(وزير المالية) وهذا يؤدي إلى إسقاط الدعوى الجزائية عن المهربين أما بالنسبة للتوصيات أتمنى على المشرع الأردني تعديل المادة 212 من قانون الجمارك بإلغاء السلطة الممنوحة للوزير(وزير المالية) في عمل المصالحة في جرائم التهريب الجمركي وحتى لو كانت هذه المصالحة تتم عن طريق إصدار دليل للتسويات الصلحية من الوزير ونشرها في الجريدة الرسمية وهذا ما تطرقت إليه المادة 213/ب من القانون السابق والسبب في ذلك خوفًا من تداخل المصالح الخاصة والتدخلات وهذا يتعارض مع المصلحة العامة؛ لأنه عند عمل المصالحة قد لا تكون لمصلحة الأردن وكأنه تنازل عن حقوق الأردنيين وإنما يجب أن تكون هذه السلطة بيد القضاء باعتباره صاحب الصلاحية والاختصاص وليس بيد السلطة التنفيذية المتمثلة بوزير المالية.

Keywords: التهريب, الجمارك, الجزاء,الضابطة العدلية

Research Title: criminal liability resulted from the sexual harassment crime according to the Jordanian penal code
Author: Moayd Husni Al-Kawaldah, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Law

Abstract: The protection of the female or male is the duty of any country in the world which matter starts by protecting the body against sexual assault which has been criminalized by the legislator in the Jordanian Penal Code through explicit provisions providing for criminalizing a number of crimes, eg the crime of rape when the victim is a female only or the crime of molestation when the victim is being (a male or female) or of inappropriate flirtation in a public place or inappropriate flirtation in a private place. In fact, and as for the verbal or gestural sexual harassment, then the same was not approached by the Jordanian Penal Code. Yet, would the traditional provisions be sufficient to criminalize the same or that explicit legal provisions should be laid down? In addition, what is the criterion for the existence or non-existence of the sexual harassment for which this crime that has been spreading largely in the Jordanian …

Keywords: crime, sexual Harassment,penal code

Research Title: Stress levels and coping strategies among Jordanian parents caring for newly diagnosed children with leukemia: A cross sectional descriptive correlational study
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, In press
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: The purpose of this study was to describe the stress experienced and coping approaches exhibited by Jordanian parents of children recently diagnosed with leukemia. Method: This cross-sectional study collected data from parents of children who had been diagnosed with leukemia within the previous three months (N = 130; 57 fathers (43.8%) and 73 mothers (56.2%), age (Mean = 37.5, SD = 8.4)). The Parenting Stress Index–Short Form was used. Similarly, parents’ coping approaches were assessed with the Coping Health Inventory for Parents. Results: Parents’ mean total stress and coping strategies scores were 108 (± 26.8) and 93.9 (± 15.6), respectively. There were significant negative relationships between parents’ stress levels and age (r = -0.46, p = .01), education level (f = 28.5, p < .05), and income (r = -0.65, p = .01). Additionally, there were significant positive relationships between parents’ coping strategies and age (r = 0.34, p = .01) and income (r = 0.53, p < .01). There were non-significant differences between fathers’ and mothers’ stress levels and coping strategies. Conclusions: Parents of children with leukemia experienced high stress. The findings also confirmed the negative relationship between parents’ stress, age, education level, and income; and the positive relationship between parents’ coping strategies, age, and income.

Keywords: Stress; coping strategy; Jordanian; children; leukemia, parenting

Research Title: Auxiliary verbs in Jordanian Arabic
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Abstract There are a number of helping verbs in Jordanian Arabic that are confused with light verbs or serial verbs. This paper, first, establishes the criteria on which they have been identified as auxiliary verbs. The paper shows the similarities and differences between the inflection of lexical verbs and AUX’s in JA. It also tackles the loss of θ-assigning properties which is the crucial property that differentiates between AUX and lexical and serial verbs. Second, given the fact that Arabic has rich verbal morphology which provides enough justification for factoring TP into TP and AspP (and perhaps AgrP), the study adopts an articulated version of the IP, in which inflection is separated into its constituent components, each has a maximal functional projection. The study also builds on Ouhalla's proposal (1990, 2005) that auxiliaries originate outside the VP shell. Based on evidence from the distribution of VP adverbs, negation and floating quantifiers, the paper proposes that auxiliaries in Jordanian Arabic are classified under two lexical auxiliary groups. T-aux are borne in a functional projection under T, but raise to T0 to carry and reflect tense, while Asp-aux are base-generated under Asp0 and only raise to T in the absence of a T-Aux.

Keywords: Jordanian Arabic; auxiliary verb; Tense; Aspect; inflection; agreement.

Author: Nashat Ali Al-Masri, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, Volume 24, Issue 7
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This research investigates the role of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) in enhancing the quality of external audit procedures. An empirical survey was conducted to gather the data using online questionnaire to achieve the research aim about how AIS influence the quality of external audit procedures. The research hypotheses were tested regression analysis. The findings illustrate that there is a statistically significant impact of the availability of appropriate AIS in improving some aspects of the external audit quality. This research highlighted that external auditors believe the significant function of AIS on the quality of external audit procedures. The results also show how AIS can enhance the quality of external audit performance. The findings also illustrate that elements and applications of AIS contribute significantly to improve the quality of the external audit procedures (the planning for the audit process, audit testing procedures, risk assessments, implementation of the audit), which indicates the availability of components computer and technology Due to the recent development in IAS and the use of computerized systems and applications in the audit process and the importance of the study stems from the lack of such studies related to the extent of the role of using AIS on the external auditing process. AIS are assumed to improve audited accounting information and external audit procedures for audit firms.

Keywords: Accounting information System; Quality of external audit procedures; Information technology

Research Title: Context Prediction of Highways Based on The Vehicular Traffic Distribution
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2021
IEEE International Conference on Communications,
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Traffic distribution over highways affects several applications and functionalities of traveling vehicles. The level of traffic congestion has been scaled over road networks based on the traffic density, traveling speed or estimated traveling time of the investigated road scenario. These measurements have been used individually or combined with other parameters to indicate the level of the traffic congestion on certain road scenario. In this paper, we propose a context-aware traffic prediction technique. It predicts the context of the highway scenarios in terms of the existence of obstacles, broken vehicles, or entrance/exit points based on the distribution of vehicles' traveling speed. From the experimental study, we can see that the proposed protocol have succeeded to predict the context of the highway. Our results indicate that our propose scheme exhibit good performance based upon an extensive set of simulation experiments.

Keywords: Context predictions; Context-Aware; Network-based; Road network; Traffic densities; Traffic distributions; Traffic prediction; Traveling time; Traveling vehicle; VANET

Research Title: Towards a Sustainable Highway Road-based Driving Protocol for Connected and Self-Driving Vehicles
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2021
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing,
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Fuel consumption and gas emissions of traveling vehicles have become of great consideration for green environmental researchers. Several technologies have been developed to enhance the efficiency of daily traveling vehicles in terms of fuel consumption. Moreover, many protocols have been developed to reduce the fuel consumption and emissions of traveling vehicles. However, most of these protocols were dedicated to downtown and urban areas, since they are considered more consuming scenarios. Drivers spend a long time traveling over highways toward a targeted destination. Small mistakes could lead to greater fuel consumption; the percentage of extra fuel consumption can be drastically increased when drivers repeatedly make the same efficiency mistakes during their trips. In this work, we aim to introduce a green protocol to assist drivers and self-driving vehicles to drive efficiently over highways in order to reduce the fuel economy and gas emission of their vehicles. This protocol is designed to keep the speed of the traveling gasoline vehicles steady as much as possible in order to save energy and enhance efficiency. It also smooths the acceleration and deceleration reactions of vehicles when required. The performance of the proposed protocol has been evaluated using an extensive set of experiments.

Keywords: Green protocol, Driving assistant protocol, Efficient protocol, Fuel consumption, Gas emission, Highway.

Research Title: Carbon-carbon cross-coupling reactions of organomagnesium reagents with a variety of electrophilic substrates mediated by iron catalysts
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2021
Organic Communications, 14
Faculty: Science

Abstract: Iron complexes are one of the most promising catalysts for carbon-carbon coupling reactions due to their relatively low cost, widespread availability as well as lower toxicity. Many researches have been successfully done to develop efficient protocols for the cross-coupling reactions of organomagnesium reagents with various substrates mediated by iron catalysts to generate a wide spectrum of important organic compounds.

Keywords: Iron catalysts; organomagnesium reagents; carbon-carbon formation; cross-coupling reactions

Research Title: Micellar and Polymer Catalysis in the Kinetics of Oxidation of L-lysine by Permanganate Ion in Perchloric Acid Medium
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2021
South African Journal of Chemistry, 75
Faculty: Science

Abstract: Kinetics of oxidation of L-lysine by permanganate ion in a perchloric acid medium was investigated to explore the order of the reaction with respect to oxidant and substrate and to study the catalytic behaviour of sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and polyethylene glycol (PEG). The reaction was found to be first-order with respect to the oxidant and the substrate and zero-order with respect to hydrogen ion. Changes in the sodium sulphate concentration produce a non-significant variation in the rate of the reaction. SLS and PEG were found to catalyze the reaction. Surfactant catalysis was modelled by Piszkiewicz’s cooperativity model, while polymer catalysis was explained with the help of the Benesi-Hildebrand equation. The temperature dependence of the rate of the reaction was elucidated, and activation parameters were obtained. Interestingly, the reaction was found to possess positive activation entropy indicating the dissociative nature of the transition state and outer-sphere electron transfer mechanism. A mechanism of the reaction that is supported by the experimental findings was suggested

Keywords: L-lysine, permanganate ion, micellar catalysis, polymer catalysis, outer sphere electron transfer mechanism

Research Title: Kinetics of oxidation of aspirin by Ce(IV) in surfactant, polymer, and mixed surfactant‑polymer media
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2021
Colloid and Polymer Science, 299
Faculty: Science

Abstract: The catalytic effects of the two surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dimethyldodecylammonium oxide (DDAO), and the two polymers polyethylene glycol (PEG) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVD), on the kinetics of oxidation of Aspirin by Ce(IV) were investigated. Mixed systems of the two surfactants and SDS-PEG/PVD were also examined as catalysts of the reaction. Both surfactants catalyzed the reaction, but the DDAO was found to work only above its critical micelle concentration (CMC), whereas below it a precipitate appeared and retarded the measurements. The catalytic profiles of both surfactants showed maxima, which enabled the application of Piszkiewicz’s model to calculate the cooperative index (n) and dissociation constants (kD) of premicellar substrate-surfactant aggregates. Besides, less values of dissociation constant and a higher value of n were found for DDAO compared to those of SDS. The results proved higher catalytic activity of DDAO because the SDS counter ions may impose some restriction on Ce(IV) diffusion toward the substrate solubilized within the micellar core. Both polymers, PEG and PVD, were found to catalyze the reaction, and their catalytic data was modeled using the Benesi-Hildebrand equation. Interestingly, the catalytic profiles of mixed SDS-DDAO and SDS-PEG/PVD reflected the detailed surfactant-surfactant and surfactant-polymer interactions reported in the literature. The reaction’s product was identified from UV–VIS spectra assisted by the calculations of reaction stoichiometry and 2,4-dnitrophenylhydrazone test. A mechanism of the reaction that coped with the experimental data was suggested.

Keywords: Micellar catalysis · Polymer catalysis · Mixed-surfactant system · Surfactant-polymer interaction