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Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: The effect that dipping green pepper (Capsicum annuum, L.) in natural lemon
juice followed by blanching had on the rate of the pepper chlorophyll color retention
was studied. Dipping green pepper in natural lemon juice immediately after
blanched with chloride salts of copper, zinc and magnesium decreased the degradation
of chlorophyll after 2 weeks of storage by 13.6, 31.7 and 74.3%, respectively.
The minimal loss in chlorophyll of green pepper treated with copper
chloride is attributed to the rapid chelating of the copper complexes and higher
heat and acid stability compared to zinc that improved the green color of
blanched peeper during storage. Pepper samples that blanched with different
chloride salts of copper, zinc and magnesium (100 ppm) and coated with carboxymethyl
cellulose (CMC) were not significantly (P<0.05) different in chlorophyll
content from uncoated samples on any given days.
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Research Title: Effect of Soaking and Fermentation of Wheat Bran on Weight Gain, Accumulative Food Intake and Food Efficiency Ratio in Rats
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2015
Journal of Agricultural Science, 7:200-207
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different processing treatments in terms of soaking and
fermentation of wheat bran on weight gain, accumulative food intake and food efficiency ratio in Sprague-
Dawley rats. The experimental diets included casein diet (zero-bran), untreated bran diet, soaked bran diet,
fermented bran diet, “soaked and fermented” bran diet and Arabic bread diet. Each group of rats (6/group) was
fed one of the six prepared diets for 6 weeks. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the body weight
gain among all rat groups, although the rats fed soaked diet tended to have the highest weight gain in comparison
with other groups. There was no significant difference in FER among all groups, although, there was a difference
between groups in the accumulative food intake. Accumulative food intake (AFI) of the rat group fed soaked
bran based-diet was the highest (685.6 ± 17.3 gm) among all groups whereas AFI of the rat group fed “soaked
and fermented” bran-based diet was the lowest (550.0 ± 19.1 gm). Rat group fed “soaked and fermented” branbased
diet had significantly lower levels (p < 0.05) of AFI than those fed untreated bran diet, soaked bran diet
and white bread diet (550.0 ± 19.1, 663.4 ± 16.6, 685.6 ± 17.3 and 629.8 ± 28.4 gm respectively). Accordingly,
the AFI of the rat group fed soaked bran diet was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those fed casein and
fermented diet (685.6 ± 17.3, 598.4 ± 9.2 and 605.8 ± 25.6 gm respectively). It is concluded that preparation of
wheat bran foods by soaking or/and fermentation improve some physiological characteristics of insoluble fibers,
including the body weight changes, accumulative food intake and food efficiency ratio for 6 weeks
Keywords: wheat bran, dietary fiber, soaking, fermentation, weight gain, accumulative food intake, food efficiency ratio, sprague-dawley rat
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Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2015
International Journal of Current Research, 7:23067-23073
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases AD is
characterized by adult- onset progressive dementia, beginning with subtle memory failure that
becomes more severe and is eventually in capacitating. The most common neuropathological feature
of AD is the presence of neurofibrillaryt angles and amyloid deposits that form plaques and cerebro
vascular accumulations. A Disdivided into familial and sporadic forms. AD is considered familial
when more than one person in a family is affected, while sporadic refers to AD cases when no other
cases have been seen in close family members. It has been over 100 years since the first cases of AD
were described, and since then much has been discovered about the molecular nature of the disease.
The genetic control of complex diseases is becoming more apparent as previously unidentified
mutations in the human genome are described. As the genetic control of AD is uncovered, improved
therapies may also be uncovered.
Keywords: Alzheimer Disease, Genetics, Genetic mutations, Genetic testing, Symptoms, Risk factors
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Research Title: Convergent and criterion-related validity of the short form of the International Physical Activity and the Incidental and Planned Physical Activity Questionnaires in people with multiple sclerosis
Author: Shatha Mofleh Al-Khazaaleh, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences
Abstract: Background: Assessing physical activity (PA) in people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) is essential to follow-up the recommended PA level. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Incidental and Planned Exercise Questionnaire (IPEQ) have been widely used, but their validity has not been investigated previously in PwMS.
Objective: This study aimed to assess the convergent and criterion validity of the IPAQ and the IPEQ in PwMS.
Methods: 50 PwMS were asked to wear an Actigraph for seven days and to fill the IPAQ and IPEQ. Sedentary, moderate (MPA), vigorous (VPA) and moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) levels were recorded.
Results: Significant correlations were found between sitting time as reported by IPAQ and sedentary time as recorded by Actigraph (r = 0.41, p = 0.003), VPA by IPAQ and VPA as recorded by Actigraph (r = 0.46, p = 0.001), and MVPA by IPAQ and MVPA by Actigraph (r = 0.36, p = 0.011). IPEQ showed poor both criterion and convergent validity when compared to the Actigraph. Both IPAQ and IPEQ overestimate the intensities of PA for all the derived parameters.
Conclusions: Findings of this study are important as they suggest that IPAQ in particular had convergent validity when compared to Actigraph data, but still had the problem of overestimating PA levels.
Keywords: Actigraph; IPAQ; IPEQ; Incidental and Planned Exercise Questionnaire; International Physical Activity Questionnaire; Physical activity; multiple sclerosis.
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Research Title: A Model-Driven Engineering Transition-Based GUI Testing Technique
Author: Omar Fuad AlsheikhSalem, Published Year: 2016
2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: Model Driven Engineering (MDE) have arisen as a new software development paradigm which is based on creating a set of models that represent the GUI, afterwards to generate the GUI based on these models using a series of transformations to convert the models between the different levels of abstractions, which enables the automation of the development process. This inspires us to think of a model-based testing technique that is able to test the GUIs that are designed using Model-Driven engineering by finding the proper model that can serve as a testing model. This paper proposes model-based testing technique that is derived from the design models used to develop the GUI in the Model-Driven Engineering paradigm.
Keywords: Testing , Graphical user interfaces , Unified modeling language , Navigation , Heuristic algorithms , Switches
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Research Title: d-HMAC Dynamic HMAC function
Author: Firas M.H S Najjar, Published Year: 2006
International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems,
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: In this paper, we want to enhance the powerful of HMAC function (key-hashed message authentication) to be more resistant against the exhaustive search attack and birthday attack by inventing d-HMAC function (dynamic HMAC function). To achieve our purpose we use dynamic values of ipad and opad. The values of ipad and opad are calculated in dynamic way instead of having fixed strings. The calculation of the values of ipad and opad will depend on the input parameters for HMAC and the input message
Keywords: d-HMAC
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Research Title: IPv6 change threats behavior
Author: Firas M.H S Najjar, Published Year: 2015
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 6
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: IPv4 address pool is already exhausted; therefore, the change to use IPv6 is eventually necessary to give us a massive address pool. Although IPv6 was built with security in mind, extensive research must be done before deploying IPv6 to ensure the protection of security and privacy. This paper firstly presents the differences between the old and new IP versions (IPv4 and IPv6), and how these differences will affect the attacks, then the paper will show how the attacks on IPv4 and IPv6 will remain mostly the same; furthermore, the use of IPv6 will give rise to new types of attacks and change other types’ behavior.
Keywords: IPv6 threats
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Research Title: Detecting neighbor discovery protocol-based flooding attack using machine learning techniques
Author: Firas M.H S Najjar, Published Year: 2016
Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing,
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is stateless and lacks of authentication which exposes it to flooding attacks. Securing NDP is critical due to the large deployment of open network. Commonly existing solutions for securing NDP violate its design principle in terms of overhead and complexity. Other solutions suffer from high false positive alerts which affects solution trustiness. This paper aims to investigate the use of machine learning mechanism for detecting NDP flooding attacks. It was found that the advantage of using machine learning is that the detection can be done without relying on attack signatures they can learn broader definitions of attack attributes.
Keywords: Neighbor discovery protocol anomaly detection , machine learning techniques
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Research Title: Neighbor discovery protocol anomaly detection using finite state machine and strict anomaly detection
Author: Firas M.H S Najjar, Published Year: 2015
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is a stateless protocol used by Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) to find hosts and routers in an IPv6 network. Lacking of authentication process makes NDP exposed to various attacks. Securing NDP is a critical task since the large deployment of the Internet is done in public areas such as airports, where no trust between users is existed. Many solutions were proposed to secure the NDP; however, most of them violate the design principle of NDP in terms of complexity and overhead. Hence, further research on NDP is needed in order to identify and model the points that would help improve NDP while reducing complexity. This research uses finite state machines (FSM) and Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) to model the main mechanisms used by NDP for detecting NDP anomalies based on Strict Anomaly Detection. These models can be used as a network security tool or as research tool to study and investigate the behavior of NDP behavior.
Keywords: Neighbor discovery protocol anomaly detection
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Research Title: Intrusion detection and prevention response based on signature-based and anomaly-based: Investigation study
Author: Firas M.H S Najjar, Published Year: 2012
(IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,, 10
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: One of the fundamental topics in network Signature security is to detect intrusions and prevent them from exposing or destroying important information, or breaking down systems.
In these systems the main problem is how to insure the abnormal activity is a harmful activity and what the prop irate response to stop the attack without affecting the whole process of the systems, because wrong response may affect the system more than the attempted intrusion, and because most organizations try to detect every intrusion, they examine every suspicious event; which means that more malicious events are detected but more resources are
Keywords: Intrusion detection and prevention, signature-based and anomaly-based