Research Title: Political Reform in Jordan (2011-2022) Positioning Youth Political Participation in Large Power Distance National Culture‏
Author: Hisham Nabeel Bani Amer, Published Year: 2024
International Journal of Religion, 5 (3)
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The engagement of youth in the formal political process is essential not only in building stable and peaceful societies but also in developing policies that respond to the specific needs of younger generations. This study aims to model the impact of the large power distance dimension of culture in developing youth political participation in Jordan. The study will also compare the efforts of Jordan in promoting political participation among youth in 2011 and 2021 as part of political reform strategies. It also provides potential solutions that will lead the way to a more inclusive national culture. The study utilized the power distance index of Hofstede's cultural dimension. The result of the study revealed that the Jordanian culture is dynamic, and as such may witness a level of transformation, while keeping the power vertical, through the active involvement and engagement of youth in the political process and decision-making through unconventional participation. Thus, creating both committees clarifies the placement of youth in political participation in large power distance natural culture, where the gap is wider than expected. It was recommended that youth should take bold steps in establishing promising networks in their field of expertise, social circle, and beyond. They should eliminate barriers to engagement in political participation including the creation of parties that are based on ideologies and aspirations.

Keywords: National Culture, Large Power Distance, Youth, Political Participation, The Jordanian National Dialogue Committee 2011, The Committee for the Modernization of Political System 2021

Research Title: الخصائص الفيزيائية لزمن نطق صوت الراء /r/ المضطرب نطقيا بنوع التشويه في العربية وعدد دورات التكرار المتشكلة معه دراسة مقارنة بين الراء السليم والراء المعتل
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2022
مجلة دراسات – العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, Vol 49 No.2 2022 PP
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة الخصائص الفيزيائية لزمن إنتاج صوت الراء في العربية وعدد دورات التكرار المتشكلة معه في حالتي النطق السليم المعتل وركز على نوع واحد من أنواع الاضطرابات النطقية وهو نوع "التشويه" الناتج عن أسباب وظيفية( ) ، واكتفى من التشويه بثلاثة أشكال هي الأكثر شيوعا لدى فئة البالغين وهي: "التشويه الخلفي التقريبي" و "التشويه الخلفي المكرر" و " التشويه اللثوي المنكفئ". اعتُمِد عشرة مرضى من كل شكل من أشكال التشويه، بالإضافة إلى عشرة مشاركين ينتجون الراء بصورته السليمة. تم تسجيل المادة الصوتية باستخدام جهازCSL ثم حُللت الخصائص الصوتية باستخدام برنامج Praat. وقد أجريت المقارنة بين الراء السليم في سياق صائت الفتحة في مواضع كَلِميّة متنوعة، وفي وضعَيِ التضعيف والسكون، لتُدرس بذلك التمايزات الفيزيائية بين الراء السليم من جانب، والراء المشوَّه من جانب آخر.

Keywords: الكلمات المفتاحية: معدل الزمن، الراء السليم، الراء المعتل، التشويه، دورة التكرار.

Research Title: المكونات الصوتية لفونيم الراء /r/ المضطرب نطقيا بنوع التشويه في العربية لدى فئة البالغين - دراسة تحليلية مقارنة
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2023
المجلة األردنية في اللغة العربية وآدابها , المجلد )19( العدد 1
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة الخصائص الفيزيائية للمكونات الصوتية "Formants" الأربعة [F1 – F4] لفونيم الراء/r/ المضطرب نطقيا بنوع التشويه في العربية، وسلط الضوء على أكثر أشكال التشويه انتشارا لدى فئة البالغين وتتمثل بـالتشويه اللثوي المنكفئ التقريبي، وبالتشويه اللهوي المكرر، وبالتشويه اللهوي التقريبي، كما دُرِست المكونات الصوتية للراء السليم لتكون محط مقارنة بينها وبين الراء المشوَّه في سياق الصوائت الثلاثة في العربية "الفتحة /a/ والضمة /u/ والكسرة /i/". اعتُمِد أخذ معدل تردد المكونات الصوتية من أربعين مشاركا" عشرة مشاركين بالغين من كل شكل نطقي"، وسُجِّلت العينة اللغوية بوساطة جهازCSL وحُلِّلت باستخدام برنامجPraat ( )، وخلص البحث إلى تأثر المكونات الصوتية بشكل واضح بموقع التشويه بين أن يكون في مقدم الفم " تشويه أمامي" أو مؤخره " تشويه خلفي"، و بصفة النطق بين أن تكون على التكرار أو النقر أو التقريب، و بهيئة طرف اللسان بين أن يكون منكفئا باتجاه مؤخر الفم أو غير منكفئ، كما تبين تأثير السياق الصائتي على المكونات F1 و F2 و F3، إذ انخفضت قيمة F1 مع كل من الضمة والكسرة بينما ارتفعت قيمة F2 و F3 مع الكسرة وانخفضت مع الضمة مقارنة بالفتحة وذلك مع كل من الراء السليم والراء المُشَوَّه.

Keywords: الكلمات الدالة: الراء السليم، الراء المضطرب نطقيا، المكونات الصوتية، التشويه، التكرار.

Research Title: Influence of Symmetry Theory on Understanding the Qur'anic Ayas *
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2022
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures , Vol.14, No. 3, 2022,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Symmetry theory is a well-known mathematical theory, which has been applied to physics and chemistry as well as other scientific disciplines. Here, we apply the symmetry theory to language in general and to the Holy Quran in specific. We argue that there is ample evidence for this theory in language such as the X-bar theory, parallelism and the mirror image derivation across languages. We show that there are vertical as well as horizontal types of symmetry, some of which have a line of symmetry while others have a virtual point. The data is analyzed from a semantic angle with some reference to syntax. We focus on symmetry at the Aya (verse) level. The paper found that symmetry can help interpret Ayas of similar wording or similar structures. It also found that symmetry theory presents a solution for the either-or-pause Ayas. Further, it showed how symmetry theory help solve ellipsis in the Holy Quran. Finally, the paper revealed that there are symmetry-less sentences that communicate propositions without the need for a symmetrical image

Keywords: Keywords: Symmetry Theory, the Holy Quran, X’ Theory, Semantics, Discourse Analysis.

Research Title: دور البرمجيات الرقمية في تحسين كفاءة النطق لدى متعلمي العربية من الناطقين بغيرها: دراسة تطبيقية تحليلية لاستخدامات موقع "قَلَم" و"ترجمة جوجل"
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: تعنى هذه الدراسة بالنظر في آليات تحسين كفاءة النطق لدى متعلمي العربية من الناطقين بغيرها على مستوى ضبط الكلمات والجمل والنصوص بناءً وإعرابًا، وليس المقصود بالضبط هنا أن يُبحث في عِلْمِيَّة المشكلات الصرفية والنحوية؛ ولكن أن ينظر في ما يمكن أن يساعد المتعلم في نطق النص نطقا سليما مشكولًا باستخدام موقعين: أولهما مساعد الكتابة الذكي للغة العربية ويعرف بموقع "قلم" ويقدم خدمة تشكيل النص اللغوي آليًّا بالاعتماد على قواعد الضبط والتشكيل في نظام العربية، وثانيهما ترجمة جوجل Google Translate واستُخدم فيه تطبيقا "الناطق الآلي" الذي يقوم على تقنية "تمييز الكلام آليا" Speech recognition، و"الترجمة بالصوت"voice translation الذي يعتمد تقنية "تركيب الكلام آليا" Speech synthesis ، وُظِّف الأول لتمكين متعلم العربية من الاستماع الإلكتروني للنص بعد تشكيله آليًّا، فيكون مدخلا مساعدا في زيادة وَعْيِهِ تجاه سلامة نطق النص من خلال تدريبه على الاستماع بكثافة للنصوص اللغوية المشكولة وتكرار ما يسمع وربط المدخلات السمعية بالصور البصرية، بينما وُظِّف الثاني لتمكين المتعلم من مطابقة النص المكتوب آليا مع النص الأصيل بعد أن نطقه باستخدام مترجم الصوت، وقد اعتمدت الدراسة منهج التطبيق والتحليل وجعلت ميدانها المستوى "المتوسط الأدنى"Lower intermediate من متعلمي العربية من جنسيات متنوعة وعددهم ثلاثة وعشرون طالبا. وكان من أهم نتائج الدراسة تحقيق متعلم العربية في هذا المستوى تقدما ملحوظا مُقاسا في النطق على مستويي البناء والإعراب في مهارتي القراءة الجاهرة والتحدث، بالإضافة إلى اكتسابه سرعة طبيعية في النطق والقراءة النصية وهو أمر لم يكن يجيده قبل بدء التدريب الإلكتروني.

Keywords: الكلمات المفتاحية: النطق، التشكيل الآلي، الناطق الآلي، موقع قلم، ترجمة جوجل.

Research Title: Auxiliary verbs in Jordanian Arabic
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: There are a number of helping verbs in Jordanian Arabic that are confused with light verbs or serial verbs. This paper, first, establishes the criteria on which they have been identified as auxiliary verbs. The paper shows the similarities and differences between the inflection of lexical verbs and AUX's in JA. It also tackles the loss of theta-assigning properties which is the crucial property that differentiates between AUX and lexical and serial verbs. Second, given the fact that Arabic has rich verbal morphology which provides enough justification for factoring TP into TP and AspP (and perhaps AgrP), the study adopts an articulated version of the IP, in which inflection is separated into its constituent components, each has a maximal functional projection. The study also builds on Ouhalla's proposal (1990, 2005) that auxiliaries originate outside the VP shell. Based on evidence from the distribution of VP adverbs, negation and floating quantifiers, the paper proposes that auxiliaries in Jordanian Arabic are classified under two lexical auxiliary groups. T-aux are borne in a functional projection under T, but raise to T degrees to carry and reflect tense, while Asp-aux are base-generated under Asp0 and only raise to T in the absence of a T-Aux.

Keywords: Keywords:Jordanian Arabic; auxiliary verb; Tense; Aspect; inflection; agreement

Research Title: A narrative inquiry into the communication experiences of mothers caring for children with cancer in Jordan
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2024
Journal of pediatric nursing , 76
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background This study aims to investigate the parenting experiences of mothers who care for children with cancer in Jordan and specifically focuses on the communication experiences of mothers who care for children with cancer. Methodology A qualitative research design employing a narrative inquiry methodology was adopted; it employed the implementation of twenty semi-structured interviews with the mothers of children with cancer recruited from one pediatric hospital located in Amman, Jordan. Findings The findings of this study reveal that the majority of mothers attempted to conceal or delay any discussion regarding the diagnosis with their child, particularly during the immediate post-diagnosis period. Additionally, the mothers expressed that their relationships with the parents of children diagnosed with the same illness contain positive and negative aspects. Finally, most mothers participating in this study praised the role of hope in helping them cope with the challenging health condition of their children. Conclusions The findings of this study reveal that mothers would withhold diagnostic information from their children for several reasons: firstly, they wished to safeguard their children from feelings of distress; secondly, they perceived that their children were too immature to fully comprehend the seriousness of their diagnosis; and, finally, they desired to protect their children from unnecessary fear and negative emotions. Practical implications Pediatric cancer care requires effective communication between physicians, pediatric nurses, caregivers, and children; clear and accurate communication between healthcare providers and parents of children with cancer ensures that they fully understand the diagnosis and can make values-based decisions.

Keywords: Communication Mothers Children cancer Narrative

Research Title: Towards a Comprehensive Vision for Re-Imagineering Higher Education: Shaping the Future of Higher Education Promoting Sustainable Development Goals
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2024
International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES, Turkey
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study aimed to develop a new vision that will involve shaping the future of Higher Education for promoting sustainable development goals (SDGs). This comprehensive vision will undergo the analytical research concept of the Re-Imagineering paradigm that is involved in the design, evaluation, development, testing, modification, inspection, and maintenance of a wide range of products, structures, and systems. Besides that, this study will investigate the relationship between organizational governance and faculty governance in higher education and the role of universities in entrepreneurship, in which higher education can adopt the Total Quality Management (TQM) principles and its four main areas that must be met. This study will conclude the clear path to redirect the future of higher education toward an (Education Area) that is sustainable, responsible, peaceful, democratic, collaborative, and prosperous. And then shape the (Future) We Want; as Higher education can and must play a significant role in equipping students around the world with the skills, values, and knowledge they need to find answers to today's sustainability concerns. The study will also suggest combining the top instructional strategies to develop immersive and interesting learning experiences. And combine technological expertise with creativity to produce novel concepts that can alter our educational institutions.

Keywords: Higher Education, SDGs, Re-Imagineering, Shaping the future.

Research Title: Determinants of firm profitability: empirical evidence from Jordan’s service sector
Author: Hassan Hamad Aldboush, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This paper examines the financial factors affecting profitability across the listed Jordanian service companies. Insufficient attention has been paid to the influence of profitability specifically revealed by financial indicators. This study adopts the firm effect model. The investigation is established on panel data from 2015 to 2020, based on annual company reports. Regression was used to test the study hypotheses. The research sample is collected from the 46 public service firms listed. The profitability of Jordan’s service firms is measured by three proxies, including, Return on Equity (ROE), Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Return on Assets (ROA). The results reveal that firm size and liquidity positively and significantly impact profitability. Conversely, the findings verify that company efficiency and market power have no significant impact on profitability. Moreover, among Jordan’s service firms’ financial indicators, the findings confirm that neither firm nor sales growth have a significant influence on profitability, while sustainable growth rate has a positive, significant effect on profitability. The firm effects are higher for ROE than ROA and EPS. The study provides beneficial insights for managers and investors by providing effective policies designed to improve profitability. The results also provide shareholders with statistics that will ensure the profitability of companies operating in developing countries, such as Jordan.

Keywords: Profitability, service companies, return on equity, return on assets, earnings per share.

Research Title: Influence of job satisfaction components on staff performance in the emergency department
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2024
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 30
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Background/Aims The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance has been well-established in healthcare research. This study aimed to measure job satisfaction and performance among staff working in emergency departments in Jordan, and to explore the association between these two variables, focusing on the different components of job satisfaction. Methods A cross-sectional design with a convenience sampling approach was used, recruiting 286 staff working across 11 emergency departments in Jordan. Participants completed a questionnaire comprising validated scales to measure job satisfaction and job performance. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, Cronbach's alpha and multiple regression analysis were used, via the SPSS version 25, to explore the relationship between job performance and different components of job satisfaction. Results Mean scores on the job satisfaction and job performance scales indicated that participants were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their jobs, but had high perceived job performance levels. Multiple regression showed a significant positive relationship between three job satisfaction dimensions (colleagues' communication and relationship: B=0.16; physical environment and workplace safety: B=0.28; supervisor support: B=0.17) and perceived job performance (P<0.001). There was a small but insignificant association between job performance and the compensation and promotion dimension of job satisfaction (B=−0.05, P=0.192). Conclusions This study supports previous evidence indicating that job satisfaction is positively linked with job performance, although compensation and promotion may not be a strong predictor of job performance in an emergency department context. Overall, these findings highlight the importance of strategies to improve job satisfaction among healthcare professionals.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Jordan, Emergency Department