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Research Title: (2021,Month). Repeated Exposure to High fidelity Simulation and Nursing Interns’ Clinical Performance: Impact on Practice Readiness. Clinical Simulation in Nursing
Author: Imad Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Nursing
Abstract: Abstract Background:
From the feedback of clinical preceptors and staff nurses, one of the reasons why studentsare not given the opportunity to practice hands-on with their patients in hospitals is because of the lackof practice in performing nursing procedures during their clinical placements. This study was conductedto improve students’ clinical performance and readiness to practice.
Methods: An experimental research design was used, and a randomized controlled trial was conducted.The clinical performance of nursing interns was evaluated by dividing them into group A (simultaneous high-fidelity simulation exposure along with hands-on clinical training) and group B (pure hands-onclinical training)
.Results: The mean grade obtained by group A was significantly higher by an average of 13.89 pointsthan that obtained by group B. HFS exposure and clinical performance are significantly correlated.
Conclusions: Incorporating HFS as a supplemental component of hands-on training can enhance nurses’performance. Repeated exposure to HFS facilitates proficiency and practice readiness.
Keywords: Simulation, Nursing, Clinical performance
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Research Title: Factor Predicting the Use of Physical Restrain in Clinical Setting
Author: Imad Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Published Year: 2020
Global Journal of Health Science 12 Center of Science and Education, (No. 11):166-176
Faculty: Nursing
Abstract: Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify the factors predicting psychiatric nurses’ decision to use physical
restraint in a clinical psychiatric setting in the Province of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A descriptive explanatory design was used. 110 nurses working in a psychiatric hospital in Jeddah city
were recruited during the period 27th April to 29th June 2017. The outcome was assessed on the following scales:
level of knowledge, occupational stress, working environment, nurses’ attitude toward use of physical restraint and
nurses’ practice toward use of physical restraint.
Results: The study participants had sufficient knowledge about the use of physical restraint, experienced high
levels of occupational stress, suffered an unproductive working environment and accepted attitudes and practice
toward physical restraint. In addition, these variables significantly predicted the nurses’ use of physical restraint.
Conclusion: The findings revealed that the level of knowledge and occupational stress scales, the working
environment, and nurses’ attitude and practice toward the use of physical restraint significantly predicted the
nurses’ use of physical restraint.
Recommendations: The study recommends the establishment of educational and awareness programmes for
nurses to better understand the concept of restraining a patient and the consideration of alternative measures for
controlling agitated and violent patients. It also recommends that providing adequate staffing and other resources,
maintaining a therapeutic ward environment, and decreasing work-related stress could influence psychiatric nurses’
decisions to use physical restraint on their patients.
Keywords: Keywords: clinical psychiatric wards, level of knowledge, environmental work stress, nurses’ attitudes, nurses’ practice, occupational stress, psychiatric hospital, psychiatric nurses, use of physical restraint
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Research Title: المؤرخون الجدد والنكبة الفلسطينية "بيني موريس انموذجاً"
Author: Abdalla Ahmad Abdalla, Published Year: 2020
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: اا
Keywords: المؤرخون الجدد،اسرائيل،بيني موريس،النكبة الفلسطينية،الرواية الاسرائيلية
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Research Title: "دراسة تاريخية" للمخططات اليهودية في السيطرة على مصر في العهد الملكي (1921م-1951م)
Author: Abdalla Ahmad Abdalla, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يسلط البحث الأضواء على تتبع محاولات اليهود في السيطرة على الدولة المصرية في العهد الملكي(1921-1951م)، مع تبيان مدى مخاطر النفوذ اليهودي على مصر، في مختلف المجالات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية في تلك الفترة، وكذلك بيان مدى خطورة توافد اليهود إلى مصر بأعداد كبيرة، خصوصا بعد اعتراف الدول العظمى بالحركة الصهيونية في مؤتمر بال عام 1897م، وهذا إن دل على شيء فإنما يدل على مدى نجاح المخططات "اليهودية –الأوروبية" من اجل التخلص من اليهود الشتات الموجودين في أوروبا وتجميعهم في المنطقة العربية وخصوصا في مصر ومن ثم إلى فلسطين وتحقيق الخطوة الأخيرة بإقامة الدولة اليهودية، وركزت هذه الدراسة على محاولة قيام اليهود في السيطرة على الاقتصاد المصري في اغلب المجالات الاقتصادية، فضلا عن السيطرة على وسائل الإعلام والفن والموسيقي خلال تلك الفترة.
Keywords: يهود مصر، السيطرة الاقتصادية، إسرائيل، النفوذ اليهودي .
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Research Title: (2022) Knowledge, attitudes and practices of undergraduate Nursing to wards novel (COVID19).
Author: Imad Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Published Year: 2022
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2022 Jan 10:1-7
Faculty: Nursing
Abstract: Abstract
Background: The recent emerging respiratory disease caused by the novel type of Coronavirus has been named as COVID-19. This respiratory illness has received international attention and it is categorized as a high-threat disease in the US by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of undergraduate nursing students towards COVID-19.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional design was used to assess knowledge, practice and attitudes of 255 undergraduate nursing students towards COVID-19. Study participants were recruited from the nursing college to Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences, between April and July, 2020.
Results: The results of study participants showed that undergraduate nursing students had moderate knowledge of COVID-19. Also, participants had high level of knowledge regarding nature of diseases and precautionary measures by health care providers' dimensions however, they expressed limited knowledge towards modes of transmission. Moreover, study participants demonstrated an optimistic attitude toward disease and good practice towards COVID-19.
Conclusion: The study results revealed that the study's participants demonstrated good knowledge with favorable and accepted practice. This study suggests the importance of emphasis on infectious disease in the nursing curriculum.
Keywords: COVID -19; attitudes and practices; knowledge; pandemic; student
Keywords: Abstract Background: The recent emerging respiratory disease caused by the novel type of Coronavirus has been named as COVID-19. This respiratory illness has received international attention and it is categorized as a high-threat disease in the US by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The purpose of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of undergraduate nursing students towards COVID-19. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional design was used to assess knowledge, practice and attitudes of 255 undergraduate nursing students towards COVID-19. Study participants were recruited from the nursing college to Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences, between April and July, 2020. Results: The results of study participants showed that undergraduate nursing students had moderate knowledge of COVID-19. Also, participants had high level of knowledge regarding nature of diseases and precautionary measures by health care providers' dimensions however, they expressed limited knowledge towards modes of transmission. Moreover, study participants demonstrated an optimistic attitude toward disease and good practice towards COVID-19. Conclusion: The study results revealed that the study's participants demonstrated good knowledge with favorable and accepted practice. This study suggests the importance of emphasis on infectious disease in the nursing curriculum. Keywords: COVID -19; attitudes and practices; knowledge; pandemic; student
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Research Title: دور الحركة النسويَّة الفلسطينيَّة الوطنيَّة في مواجهة مؤسسة الاستشراق الإسرائيليَّة 1920-1967م
Author: Abdalla Ahmad Abdalla, Published Year: 2022
مجلة المنارة, مجلد 28 عدد1
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: تهدف الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على دور الحركة النِسويَّة الفلسطينيَّة الوطنيَّة في مواجهة مؤسسة الاستشراق الإسرائيليَّة. إذ نجد أنَّ الحركة النسويَّة الفلسطينيَّة بدأت قوية. لأنَّها ارتبطت بأهم القضايا القوميَّة المصيريَّة في الوطن العربي من أجل التخلص من براثن الاستعمار الأجنبي للبلاد العربيَّة، وقيادة حركة المقاومة النسائية ضد استقدام اليهود إلى فلسطين بدءاً من مطلع بدايات القرن العشرين، ونجد كذلك زيادة نشاط المرأة الفلسطينيَّة في دعم حركة المقاومة، ورفض جميع المشاريع الإسرائيليَّة على أرض فلسطين وضرورة خروج اليهود من أرض فلسطين العربيَّة، وتوضح هذه الدراسة الدور الذي لعبته مؤسسة الاستشراق الإسرائيلي في تشويه صورة المرأة الفلسطينيَّة المقاومة، وإبعادها عن عاداتها، وتقاليدها العربيَّة الأصيلة، وإقناعها بالتحرُّر من تلك القيود المجتمعية، والاقتداء بصورة المرأة الغربيَّة المتحضّرة بحسب ادعائهم .
Keywords: الحركة النسويَّة، مؤسسة الاستشراق الإسرائيلي، المرأة الفلسطينيَّة، حركة المقاومة .
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Research Title: (2023). A Multicentre Assessment on Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Intensive Care Units Utilising PUKAT 2.0. SAGE Open Nursing. Vol (9), 1-11 DOI. 10.1177/23779608231177790.
Author: Imad Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Published Year: 2023
SAGE Open Nursing. PMID: 37273548 PMCID: PMC10233595 DOI: 10.1177/23779608231177790, Vol (9), 1-11
Faculty: Nursing
Introduction: Pressure ulcer (PU) care is pivotal in the practice of nurses working in intensive care units (ICUs). Therefore, nurses must possess adequate knowledge about the potential risks leading to the development of PUs, as well as managing complications that worsen patient conditions.
Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of ICU nurses concerning PU prevention in tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the researchers recruited 320 ICU nurses from four tertiary hospitals using convenience sampling. Nurses' knowledge regarding PU prevention was assessed using the revised and updated version of the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Assessment Tool (PUKAT) 2.0. Data were collected between May and June 2022. The CROSS checklist was observed for reporting.
Results: The mean scores of nurses' level of knowledge regarding PU prevention according to the themes of the revised and updated version of the PUKAT 2.0 were as follows-etiology: 62.81 ± 23.77; classification and observation: 50.86 ± 23.28; risk assessment: 31.19 ± 24.26; nutritious diet: 46.04 ± 25.96; prevention: 22.36 ± 12.41; and specific patient groups: 14.84 ± 22.88. Furthermore, the score for nurses' overall level of knowledge of PU prevention was 39.55 ± 8.84 out of 100, interpreted as low based on the 60% cutoff; the minimum knowledge score was 0. Notably, knowledge of PU etiology, classification, observation, and specific patient groups differed based on the hospital of affiliation. Interestingly, gender was the only demographic characteristic based on which nurses' knowledge regarding specific patient groups differed.
Conclusion: This study identified insufficient knowledge among ICU nurses regarding PU prevention, which can lead to complications among patients. Simulation scenarios related to PU prevention and management will be an effective way to help nurses gain appropriate knowledge that can be applied in clinical practice.
Keywords: Keywords: PUKAT 2.0; intensive care unit; nurses’ knowledge; pressure ulcer prevention.
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Research Title: Perceived Causes and Effects of Overcrowding Among Nurses in the Emergency Departments of Tertiary Hospitals: A Multicenter Study
Author: Imad Mohammad Al-Jarrah, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Nursing
Abstract: bstract
Purpose: Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is a significant concern in many hospitals in Saudi Arabia, resulting in long waiting times, delays in treating patients who need urgent care, and, consequently, decreased patient satisfaction. Additionally, ED overcrowding has been linked to increased nurse turnover rates. Therefore, this study aimed to assess nurses' perceived causes and effects of overcrowding in the EDs of five tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia.
Methods: This study used a descriptive cross-sectional design. We surveyed 311 nurses working in the EDs of five tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia using the convenience sampling technique. The self-administered questionnaires used in the study were developed by the researchers. The study was conducted from October 16 to November 10, 2022. Consensus-Based Checklist for Reporting of Survey Studies was followed.
Results: The results revealed that the primary perceived causes of ED overcrowding in five tertiary hospitals were unnecessary visits due to a lack of standard procedures (mean = 2.70; SD = 0.58) and lack of inpatients beds (mean = 2.69; SD = 0.65). The perceived effect of overcrowding was stress and burnout among nurses (mean = 2.85; SD = 0.47). The perceived causes and effects of overcrowding in the ED were found to be highly significant (p <0.001) based on Pearson correlation and Spearman's rank correlation.
Conclusion: Unnecessary visits due to a lack of standard procedures lead to overcrowding. In addition, a lack of inpatient beds in the ED affects the care provided to patients seeking immediate medical attention. This may prolong patient waiting time, causing their conditions to deteriorate and prolonging hospital stay. Overcrowding leads to increased stress and burnout among nurses. The results of this study can be used to develop a comprehensive action plan to address ED overcrowding and its effects on patients, staff, and ED flow.
Keywords: burnout; nurses; overcrowding; patient safety; quality of care; staff turnover; stress
Keywords: Keywords: burnout; nurses; overcrowding; patient safety; quality of care; staff turnover; stress
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Author: Hisham Nabeel Bani Amer, Published Year: 2024
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12 (2)
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: : This research examines Jordanian political parties' social service programs during COVID-19, identifying challenges and proposing recommendations for improvement, including youth empowerment, geographical expansion, and legislative advocacy.
Theoretical framework: This research examines the social service efforts of Jordanian political parties during the COVID-19 pandemic using various theoretical frameworks. It examines political party functionality, resource dependency, youth engagement, geopolitical analysis, and policy advocacy. The study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of these parties' efforts, identify challenges, and offer strategic recommendations for strengthening their social roles and impact.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research explores the social service efforts of Jordanian political parties during the COVID-19 pandemic using a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory design. Data is collected through semi-structured interviews with key informants, documentary analysis, and thematic analysis. Ethical considerations are upheld, and the research is validated and reliable through strategies like triangulation of data sources and member checking. The findings aim to enhance the effectiveness of political parties in addressing societal needs.
Findings: The research on Jordanian political parties' social service efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed challenges such as limited financial resources, limited youth engagement, and geographic disparities. Recommendations for improvement include empowering youth, expanding beyond urban centers, and advocating for legislative reforms. These strategies can enhance the effectiveness of political parties as agents of social change and catalysts for positive transformation in Jordanian communities.ق
Keywords: social service, political parties, pandemic
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Author: Hisham Nabeel Bani Amer, Published Year: 2024
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 12 (2(
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: The study explores parliamentary elections, election laws, and party attitudes, using content analysis to understand their impact on electoral outcomes. It suggests recommendations for enhancing trust and promoting democratic principles.
Theoretical framework: The study's theoretical framework may incorporate political science and sociology concepts, focusing on electoral processes, political parties, and democratic governance. It may explore institutionalism, party systems theory, democratic theory, and content analysis methodology to understand the impact of election laws, party behavior, and democratic norms on political outcomes.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study's theoretical framework may incorporate political science and sociology concepts, focusing on electoral processes, political parties, and democratic governance. It may explore institutionalism, party systems theory, democratic theory, and content analysis methodology to understand the impact of election laws, party behavior, and democratic norms on political outcomes.
Findings: The study may have revealed the dynamic nature of the electoral environment, the impact of election laws on party behavior, partisan positions on electoral processes, the effectiveness of political parties in elections, trust in political institutions, and recommendations for electoral reform. These findings could help strengthen democratic governance and electoral processes.
Keywords: political parties, parliamentary elections, laws