Research Title: Enhanced wide range monotonic piezoresistivity, reliability of Ketjenblack/deproteinized natural rubber nanocomposite, and its biomedical application
Author: Madhanagopal Jagannathan, Published Year: 2017
Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: Piezoresistive behavior of 6 to 9 wt % Ketjenblack reinforced deproteinized natural rubber (KB/DPNR) nanocomposite developed by two-roll mill was studied under compressive pressure (0 to 12.54 MPa). The 6 wt % KB/DPNR exhibited monotonic piezoresistivity, the highest electrical resistance change (485%), remarkable reversibility and minimal hysteresis. Furthermore, a good sensitivity (S) 5 1.1 MPa21 for 0.25 to 2.49 MPa, high test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation co-efficient, ICC 5 0.99) under 0 to 2.49 MPa for three repetitions conducted at an interval of 24 h and excellent repeatability (standard deviation, SD 5 4.8%) to a swing of 6.25 MPa for 50 cyclic compression were achieved. Homogeneous dispersion and high aspect ratio of KB and higher chemical linkage (due to double cross linking agents) between KB and DPNR may be responsible for the enhanced piezoresistivity. For practical application, the KB/DPNR was interfaced with the microcontroller through a bridge rectifier via custom-built Simulink and successfully monitored finger pressure in real time during bone movement on human

Keywords: deproteinized natural rubber; high pressure sensitivity; Ketjenblack; monotonic piezoresistivity

Research Title: New Device for Intrinsic Hand Muscle Strength Measurement: An Alternative to Strain Gauge Handheld Dynamometer
Author: Madhanagopal Jagannathan, Published Year: 2019
Evaluation & the Health professions, 42
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: An accurate measurement of intrinsic hand muscle strength (IHMS) is required by clinicians for effective clinical decision-making, diagnosis of certain diseases, and evaluation of the outcome of treatment. In practice, the clinicians use Intrins-o-meter and Rotterdam Intrinsic Hand Myometer for IHMS measurement. These are quite bulky, expensive, and possess poor interobserver reliability (37–52%) and sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to develop an alternative lightweight, accurate, cost-effective force measurement device with a simple electronic circuit and test its suitability for IHMS measurement. The device was constructed with ketjenblack/ deproteinized natural rubber sensor, 1-MΩ potential divider, and Arduino Uno through the custom-written software. Then, the device was calibrated and tested for accuracy and repeatability within the force range of finger muscles (100 N). The 95% limit of agreement in accuracy from 1.95 N to 2.06 N for 10 to 100 N applied load and repeatability coefficient of +1.91 N or 6.2% was achieved. Furthermore, the expenditure for the device construction was around US$ 53. For a practical demonstration, the device was tested among 16 participants for isometric strength measurement of the ulnar abductor and dorsal interossei. The results revealed that the performance of the device was suitable for IHMS measurement.

Keywords: force sensor, intrinsic muscles, muscle strength evaluation, cost effective, device

Research Title: Toward Creating Software Architects Using Mobile Project-Based Learning Model (Mobile-PBL) for Teaching Software Architecture
Author: Lamis Al-Qoran, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Project-based learning (PBL) promotes increased levels of learning, deepens student understanding of acquired knowledge, and improves learning motivation. Students develop their ability to think and learn independently through depending on themselves in searching for knowledge, planning, exploration, and looking for solutions to practical problems. Information availability, student engagement, and motivation to learn all increase with mobile learning. The teaching process may be enhanced by combining the two styles. This paper proposes and evaluates a teaching model called Mobile Project-Based Learning (Mobile-PBL) that combines the two learning styles. The paper investigates how significantly Mobile-PBL can benefit students. The traditional lecture method used to teach the software architecture module in the classroom is not sufficient to provide students with the necessary practical experience to earn a career as software architects in the future. Therefore, the first author tested the use of the model for teaching the software architecture module at Philadelphia University’s Software Engineering Department on 62 students who registered for a software architecture course over three semesters. She compared the results of using the model for teaching with those results that were obtained when using the project-based learning (PBL) approach alone. The students’ opinions regarding the approach, any problems they had, and any recommendations for improvement were collected through a focus group session after finishing each semester and by distributing a survey to students to evaluate the effectiveness of the used model. Comments from the students were positive, according to the findings. The projects were well-received by the students, who agreed that it gave them a good understanding of several course ideas and concepts, as well as providing them with the required practical experience. The students also mentioned a few difficulties encountered while working on the projects, including student distraction from social media and the skills that educators and learners in higher education institutions are expected to have.

Keywords: software architecture education; Jordanian higher education; project-based learning; mobile learning

Research Title: State of the Art of Mobile Learning in Jordanian Higher Education: An Empirical Study
Author: Lamis Al-Qoran, Published Year: 2023
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: A new approach to learning is mobile learning (m-learning), which makes use of special features of mobile devices in the education sector. M-learning is becoming increasingly common in higher education institutions all around the world. The use of mobile devices for education and learning has also gained popularity in Jordan. Unlike studies about Jordan, there are many studies that thoroughly analyze the situation of m-learning in other countries. Thus, it is important to understand the current situation of m-learning at Jordanian universities, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. While there have been some studies conducted prior to COVID-19 and a few studies after COVID-19, there is a need for a comprehensive study that provides an in-depth exploration of the current situation, student adoption, benefits, disadvantages, and challenges, particularly following COVID-19. Therefore, this study utilizes a sequential exploratory mixed research method to investigate the current state of the art of m-learning in Jordanian higher education with a particular focus on student adoption, benefits, disadvantages, and challenges. Firstly, the study explores the existing literature on m-learning and conducts 15 interviews with educators and learners in three Jordanian universities to gain insights into their experiences with m-learning. The study then distributes a survey to students at four Jordanian universities, representing both public and private universities, to generalize the results from the qualitative study. Additionally, the study investigates the relationship between student enrollment in public/private universities and the adoption of m-learning. The study came to the conclusion that students have a positive opinion of m-learning and are also willing to use it. However, there are a number of disadvantages and challenges to its adoption. Additionally, there is a relationship between student enrolment in public/private universities and the adoption of m-learning. These findings have important implications for institutions that want to incorporate m-learning into their undergraduate and graduate degree programs, as they aid decision-makers in these universities in creating frameworks that may be able to meet the needs of m-learning.

Keywords: educational mobile applications; mobile learning; Jordanian higher education; perceptions; adoption

Research Title: 5-Fluorouracil Delivery Using Smart Carriers
Author: Mohammad Bayan, Published Year: 2023
Global E-Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, E-Conference
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: This study focused on creating a novel, one-pot delivery system for FU to treat colorectal cancer using methacrylate derivatives. Increasing patient compliance, lowering dosage requirements, and reducing undesired side effects can all improve the therapeutic outcome of the regimen. Six polymer-based pellets containing FU as a model drug were successfully created utilizing a thermal bulk polymerization process based on the HA and MA monomers. The drug-loaded formulations had a good drug entrapment efficiency of around 90%. The EA concentration greatly enhanced the Young's modulus, glass transition temperature, and tensile strength, but it significantly lowered the tensile elongation at the break value. By raising the crosslinker concentration, the pellets' in vitro swelling behavior was dramatically reduced. Less than 30% cumulative drug release was attained for all formulations after 5 hours of starting the release study. After 24 hours, 70% of a drug's total cumulative release was achieved. The created drug delivery system showed the ability to delay the release of 5-fluorouracil under conditions that mimicked the upper gastrointestinal tract while allowing its release in a regulated manner afterwards, which makes it promising for the prospective administration of 5-fluorouracil to the colon.

Keywords: Sustainability; Smart Carriers; Triggered Delivery; Colorectal Carcinoma

Research Title: Examining the Impact of Corporate Governance on Investors and Investee Companies: Evidence from Yemen
Author: Jafer Maroof Al Sawalhah, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether corporate governance is an important and effective technique for enhancing investors’ confidence in existing and prospective companies and for creating opportunities for safe investment in Yemen. A survey was conducted among certified public accountants to assess the importance of corporate governance. We employed regression analysis to test our hypothesis. According to the results of the study, corporate governance is an essential component of success for companies, and those firms that apply corporate governance best practices are highly regarded. Additionally, the findings suggest that regulators, policymakers, and standard-setters should raise awareness of the importance of protecting shareholders’ rights by providing seminars and courses for Yemeni media, unions, and professional associations. Moreover, in an environment of uncertainty there is a reluctance to invest and a prevalent tendency to invest in real estate. Furthermore, the results indicate that corporate governance is not practiced by all companies but only to a limited extent by some joint-stock companies. Most of the Yemeni companies that have adopted CG are joint-stock companies, so investors prefer to invest in these companies. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for regulators, practitioners, and academicians. We recommend that this survey be extended to a larger sample, including supervisory managers of companies. This study provides an insightful contribution, because it clarifies the importance of corporate governance for Yemeni investors and investee companies.

Keywords: transparency; awareness; disclosure; investee companies; investor protection; corporate governance in Y

Research Title: Use of 3-dimensional imaging and manufacturing for bilateral auricular prostheses: A case series of six patients with congenital auricular defects
Author: Heba Mohammad Ahmad Hatamlah, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 128
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The prosthetic reconstruction of unilateral ear deformity is a straightforward procedure which relies on copying the details, position, and symmetry of the existing contralateral ear. However, reconstructing bilaterally missing ears is challenging. The use of 3-dimensional (3D) technology in the prosthetic reconstruction of the bilaterally missing ears of 6 patients is described. The deformity site was created directly by segmenting the patient's digital scan or indirectly via a desktop scanner. Adequate bone quantity and quality for implant retention and optimal implant locations were also identified virtually. The use of 3D technologies has made it more straightforward to accomplish ear symmetry, as well as to validate the orientation and location of the ears reliably with the minimum subjectivity. The printed ears were matched in shape, surface texture, and anatomy. The skin color was straightforward to record and store so that it could be reproduced at a future time. Overall, the digital manufacture of the ears was controlled, consistent, and reproducible.

Keywords: 3D technologies, bilateral auricular, congenital defects

Research Title: Job satisfaction in emergency departments: a comparative study of public and private hospitals
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
British Journal of Healthcare Management.,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Background/Aims Evaluating job satisfaction levels among healthcare staff can inform decision making for managers. Various factors can affect job satisfaction. This study investigated and compared job satisfaction among healthcare staff working in private and public emergency departments in Jordan. Methods A self‑administered questionnaire was distributed to 475 staff members, of which 286 were returned and analysed (50% from private hospitals). Descriptive analysis, independent sample t-tests and multiple regression analysis were used to compare the results based on hospital type and participant characteristics. Results Staff working in public emergency departments had significantly lower levels of job satisfaction than those working in private emergency departments (P<0.001). The lowest scoring domain across both groups was promotion and compensation. Doctors were more likely to have low job satisfaction than staff in other job roles. Conclusions Assessing job satisfaction is important for ensuring staff wellbeing and retention. Further research is needed to understand why staff in public hospitals have lower levels of job satisfaction and what could be done to address this.

Keywords: Emergency department; Healthcare worker; Job satisfaction; Private hospitals

Research Title: An examination of the mediating effect of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) on the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance in Arab work environment
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 23
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Studying the role of religion and its relationship to work outcomes is not new in cross-culture management, especially in globalization with the increase of interaction in cross-cultural settings. Islamic work ethics (IWE) have attracted the attention of academics studying the attitudes and behaviors of workers in Muslim societies. This study investigates the role of IWE as a mediator in the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. A stratified sampling technique was used to select 11 emergency departments from hospitals in Jordan. In total, 475 questionnaires were distributed to healthcare providers. Only 299 questionnaires were completed and returned to the research team. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25. Descriptive analysis, correlation, Cronbach alpha, and regression analyses were performed. The findings indicated that job satisfaction has a significant positive impact on IWE and job performance (B = 0.66, p < 0.001), (B = 0.58, p < 0.001), respectively. The findings also indicated that IWE directly and positively affects job performance (B = 0.70, p < 0.001). Overall, the results supported that IWE partially mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Similarly, job satisfaction was also found to be an essential predictor of IWE. In addition, job satisfaction indirectly affects job performance through IWE. Therefore, IWE plays an essential role in job satisfaction and performance relationship. This study is an attempt to create a conceptual framework that incorporated IWE into the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in the Arab working culture and tried to broaden the cross-cultural management study of religion by investigating the mediation role of IWE in the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. The current study contributes to expand our understanding of the importance of IWE to the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in the Arab cultural context, which has received less attention in management research.

Keywords: Islamic work ethics, job performance, job satisfaction, healthcare providers, regression analysis

Research Title: The Influence of Socio-demographic Factors and Hospital type on Islamic Work Ethics of Healthcare Providers at Emergency Departments in Jordan
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Purpose: Islamic work ethics (IWE) has been an area of attraction for scholars exploring Muslim employees’ attitudes and behaviors. This study aims to examine the IWE of healthcare providers (HCPs) in Jordan’s public and private emergency departments, and test the influence of socio-demographic factors and hospital type on IWE. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. Data were collected from the HCPs in Jordan middle district hospitals using a selfadministered questionnaire. In total, 297 questionnaires were completed and returned for analysis. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and independent sample t-test were used to analyze the data. Findings: The HCPs in private EDs showed a higher commitment to IWE than public EDs HCPs, and statistical differences were found between the public and private EDs. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that socio-demographic factors (age, gender, income level, professional classification, and social status) do not significantly influence IWE. Only the hospital type has a significant negative influence on IWE. Conclusion: HCPs in private EDs showed a high level of commitment to IWE than public HCPs. Statistical differences were discovered between the public and private EDs. The regression analysis showed no effect of socio-demographic factors on the IWE. Originality/Significance: This is perhaps the first paper investigating the influence of socio-demographic factors and hospital type on IWE of HCPs at EDs in Jordan. Research Limitations/Implications: This paper was limited to HCPs working in eleven hospitals in Jordan’s middle district. The study’s findings were based on the respondents’ honesty and truthfulness when taking the questionnaire. Implications for research have also been discussed. KAUJIE Classification: P0 JEL Classification: M10

Keywords: Islamic Work Ethics, Emergency Department, Jordan, Public & Private