Research Title: Nutritional and Health Outcomes of Household Food Insecurity (HFIS)
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: Poverty, food security and malnutrition are major concerns among international health, development and economic organizations. Attention has been focused on means of eliminating food insecurity and hunger world-wide. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Household food security is the application of this concept to the family level, with individuals within households as the focus of concern. (FAO, 2009). The complex nature of food security indicates that in order to achieve a food secure status in a population, a range of aspects need to be assessed. Some examples on these encircle equitable sharing among household members; sufficient household production dedicated towards subsistence; use of soil, water and biodiversity conservation techniques; and the sanitary aspects of cooking. (Bhattacharya et al., 2004). Because of conceptuality, the food insecurity is a multidimensional array of behaviors and perceptions and its potential determinants and consequences are wide-ranging and multidimensional. As a result, the emerging direct qualitative measures of food security offer large potential for use at the international, national and sub-national levels. Furthermore, the increased attention has led to the realization that newer methods for monitoring the prevalence and severity of hunger and food insecurity are needed and that such methods need to be developed in a manner that reflects the perception of food security and hunger by those affected, e.g. the poor (Kennedy, 2002b). Definitions, Measurements, Socio-Demographic and Economic Aspects of Household Food Insecurity (HFIS) had been extensively explained in previous work (Hamad & Ashraf, 2016). In this review, the work focused on the Nutritional and Health Outcomes of Household Food Insecurity (HFIS)

Keywords: Health Outcomes, Anthropometric Measurement, Nutritional Outcomes, Metabolic Syndrome and Biochemical Markers

Research Title: Comparison Between the Effects of Different Sources of Dietary Fiber on Blood Lipid Profile in Rats
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2016
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 6:70-77
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different sources of dietary fiber on serum lipids and lipoproteins in Sprague-Dawley rats, namely total cholesterol (TC), Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), high–density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) triglyceride (TG), and (HDL-C/LDL-C) ratio. The experimental diets included casein diet, untreated wheat bran diet, soaked wheat bran diet, Arabic white bread diet, lupine diet, chickpea and pectin diet. Each group of rats (6/group) was fed one of the seven prepared diets for 6 weeks. Untreated wheat bran has hypercholesterolemic effect since it significantly (p<0>0.05) from casein and pectin diets, but it has also decreased LDL-C. White bread was found to have no hypocholesterolemic effect in comparison with treated brans groups and control group; it raised TG, TC and LDL-C levels. Pectin had a similar behavior in a remarkable decrease blood TC and LDL-C cholesterol. White bread was found to have no hypocholesterolemic effect in comparison with treated brans groups and control group; it raised TG, TC and LDL-C levels. It is concluded that the behavior of cereals and legumes varies in its effect on cholesterol– lowering ability. Preparation of wheat bran foods by soaking improve some physiological characteristics of insoluble fibers, particularly lowering total cholesterol TC and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C).

Keywords: Dietary fiber, Arabic bread, Wheat bran, Soaking, Chickpea, Lupine, Pectin, Lipoproteins, Rat

Research Title: Prevalence of Obesity among Jordanian School-aged Adolescents in Greater Amman
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2016
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 33:91-96
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity among Jordanian school female adolescents in greater Amman. A representative random sample of 501 female adolescents school children, 10 to 17 years of age was recruited from 3 schools from greater Amman. The anthropometric data for adolescents (10-17 years old) were entered and compared to the growth reference curves/charts developed in 2006/2007 by the World Health Organization (WHO) using WHO 2009 AnthroPlus software. After sorting and cleaning of the data, descriptive analysis was conducted to obtain prevalence of obesity, overweight, and thinness. Malnourished children were defined as those with overweight, obese, or thinness. The overall average prevalences of thinness, normal weight, overweight, and obesity were 7.2% , 46.8%, 36.2% and 9.9 %, respectively. Among the thinness category (WAZ <-2 SD) , the highest percentage (16.7%) is for 16-17 age group followed by 14-15 age group (6.7%) while it is 5.3% in 10-11 age group. An overall prevalence of malnutrition characterized by overweight and obesity together among all age groups is 46.1%. As a conclusion, the study showed that more than half (53.3%) of Jordanian school adolescents in greater Amman are malnourished, with a prevalence of overweight, obesity and thinness at the same time, requiring different strategies to control either type. Further research about the dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors of Jordanian adolescents is recommended.

Keywords: Prevalence, Obesity, School-aged children, Adolescents, Greater Amman, Jordan

Research Title: Prevalence of Obesity among Jordanian School-aged Adolescents in Greater Amman
Author: Hani Jameel Mohammad Hamad, Published Year: 2016
Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 16: 91-96
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity among Jordanian school female adolescents in greater Amman. A representative random sample of 501 female adolescents school children, 10 to 17 years of age was recruited from 3 schools from greater Amman. The anthropometric data for adolescents (10-17 years old) were entered and compared to the growth reference curves/charts developed in 2006/2007 by the World Health Organization (WHO) using WHO 2009 AnthroPlus software. After sorting and cleaning of the data, descriptive analysis was conducted to obtain prevalence of obesity, overweight, and thinness. Malnourished children were defined as those with overweight, obese, or thinness. The overall average prevalences of thinness, normal weight, overweight, and obesity were 7.2% , 46.8%, 36.2% and 9.9 %, respectively. Among the thinness category (WAZ <-2 SD) , the highest percentage (16.7%) is for 16-17 age group followed by 14-15 age group (6.7%) while it is 5.3% in 10-11 age group. An overall prevalence of malnutrition characterized by overweight and obesity together among all age groups is 46.1%. As a conclusion, the study showed that more than half (53.3%) of Jordanian school adolescents in greater Amman are malnourished, with a prevalence of overweight, obesity and thinness at the same time, requiring different strategies to control either type. Further research about the dietary habits and lifestyle behaviors of Jordanian adolescents is recommended.

Keywords: Obesity, Overweight, Perceptions of body weight, University students, JUST University, Jordan

Research Title: The Moderating Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility and Information Asymmetry: An Empirical Study of Chinese Listed Companies
Author: Fahd Mohammed Saleh Al-Duais, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This study is conducted to investigate the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and information asymmetry (IA), as well as the role of corporate governance (CG) as a moderating factor. This paper employs panel data regression analysis. The CSR disclosure scores are collected from the HX database by way of Hexun.com, while financial data are collected from the CSMAR database. The association between CSR and information asymmetry is examined using generalised least squares (GLS). The current evidence shows that CSR disclosure reduces information asymmetry. In addition, the findings illustrate that particular aspects of CG moderate the relationship between CSR and information asymmetry. More specifically, board size, CEO duality, and board independence positively affect the bid–ask spread. Moderation by the independence board positively affects the relationship between CSR disclosure and information asymmetry. Since the sample is derived from large Chinese companies, the results should be supported by samples obtained from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and, subsequently, comparisons with the entire stock market. In future studies, we recommend conducting research using other variables as proxies regarding information asymmetry. The current study extends existing research on CSR and IA by adding both board characteristics and ownership concentration variables as moderating variables.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility; information asymmetry; corporate governance; disclosure; China

Research Title: Influence of Symmetry Theory on Understanding the Qur'anic Ayas *
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2022
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures, 14
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Symmetry theory is a well-known mathematical theory, which has been applied to physics and chemistry as well as other scientific disciplines. Here, we apply the symmetry theory to language in general and to the Holy Quran in specific. We argue that there is ample evidence for this theory in language such as the X-bar theory, parallelism and the mirror image derivation across languages. We show that there are vertical as well as horizontal types of symmetry, some of which have a line of symmetry while others have a virtual point. The data is analyzed from a semantic angle with some reference to syntax. We focus on symmetry at the Aya (verse) level. The paper found that symmetry can help interpret Ayas of similar wording or similar structures. It also found that symmetry theory presents a solution for the either-or-pause Ayas. Further, it showed how symmetry theory help solve ellipsis in the Holy Quran. Finally, the paper revealed that there are symmetry-less sentences that communicate propositions without the need for a symmetrical image.

Keywords: Symmetry Theory, the Holy Quran, X’ Theory, Semantics, Discourse Analysis

Research Title: Influence of Symmetry Theory on Understanding the Qur'anic Ayas *
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2022
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literatures, 14
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Symmetry theory is a well-known mathematical theory, which has been applied to physics and chemistry as well as other scientific disciplines. Here, we apply the symmetry theory to language in general and to the Holy Quran in specific. We argue that there is ample evidence for this theory in language such as the X-bar theory, parallelism and the mirror image derivation across languages. We show that there are vertical as well as horizontal types of symmetry, some of which have a line of symmetry while others have a virtual point. The data is analyzed from a semantic angle with some reference to syntax. We focus on symmetry at the Aya (verse) level. The paper found that symmetry can help interpret Ayas of similar wording or similar structures. It also found that symmetry theory presents a solution for the either-or-pause Ayas. Further, it showed how symmetry theory help solve ellipsis in the Holy Quran. Finally, the paper revealed that there are symmetry-less sentences that communicate propositions without the need for a symmetrical image.

Keywords: Symmetry Theory, the Holy Quran, X’ Theory, Semantics, Discourse Analysis

Research Title: الخصائص الفيزيائية لزمن نطق صوت الراء /r/ المضطرب نطقيا بنوع التشويه في العربية وعدد دورات التكرار المتشكلة معه - دراسة مقارنة بين الراء السليم والراء المعتل
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2022
دراسات للعلوم الإنسانية, 49
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة الخصائص الفيزيائية لزمن إنتاج صوت الراء في العربية وعدد دورات التكرار المتشكلة معه في حالتي النطق السليم المعتل وركز على نوع واحد من أنواع الاضطرابات النطقية وهو نوع "التشويه" الناتج عن أسباب وظيفية( ) ، واكتفى من التشويه بثلاثة أشكال هي الأكثر شيوعا لدى فئة البالغين وهي: "التشويه الخلفي التقريبي" و "التشويه الخلفي المكرر" و " التشويه اللثوي المنكفئ". اعتُمِد عشرة مرضى من كل شكل من أشكال التشويه، بالإضافة إلى عشرة مشاركين ينتجون الراء بصورته السليمة. تم تسجيل المادة الصوتية باستخدام جهازCSL ثم حُللت الخصائص الصوتية باستخدام برنامج Praat. وقد أجريت المقارنة بين الراء السليم في سياق صائت الفتحة في مواضع كَلِميّة متنوعة، وفي وضعَيِ التضعيف والسكون، لتُدرس بذلك التمايزات الفيزيائية بين الراء السليم من جانب، والراء المشوَّه من جانب آخر.

Keywords: معدل زمن النطق، الراء السليم، الراء المعتل، التشويه، دورة التكرار

Research Title: Amino acids effects on heterocyclic amines formation and physicochemical properties in pan-fried beef patties
Author: Zaher Qassim Al-Bashabsheh, Published Year: 2020
Journal of Food Science, volume={85}, numbe
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: The effects of surface application of amino acids on the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and meat quality properties were evaluated in pan-fried beef patties (230 °C/15 min). Tryptophan, lysine, leucine, and proline at three concentrations, 0.05%, 0.20%, and 0.50% (w/w), were tested. The meat crusts were analyzed for HCA content using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results showed that surface application of all tested amino acids significantly reduced total HCA content (P < 0.05), and the interaction of amino acid type and concentration significantly affected (P < 0.05) both individual and total HCA formation. Tryptophan at 0.50% reduced total HCAs the most (0.92 ng/g, 93% inhibition), followed by 0.50% lysine (1.94 ng/g, 84% inhibition), while leucine (3.95 ng/g, 64% inhibition) and proline (4.71 ng/g, 56% inhibition) were less effective at 0.50%. In addition, applying amino acids to meat surface significantly influenced (P < 0.05) pH and surface color change of beef crusts; particularly, lysine at 0.20% and 0.50% increased pH and a* (redness) but reduced b* (yellowness), while tryptophan and leucine at 0.50% increased L* (whiteness). No significant effect was observed on cooking loss. Adding amino acids at 0.50?fected (P < 0.05) formation of aldehydes and pyrazines (as the key flavor compounds of fried beef). Overall, the results of this study suggested that adding amino acids to ground beef patties could effectively mitigate mutagenic HCA formation during cooking.

Keywords: Amino acids, GC-MS, HCAs, LC-MS, Meat

Research Title: Investigating the Synergetic Effect of Various Natural Antioxidants to Inhibit 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b] Pyridine (PhIP) Formation in Model Systems
Author: Zaher Qassim Al-Bashabsheh, Published Year: 2020
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research,, Vol. 8, No. 11, 682-
Faculty: Allied Medical Sciences

Abstract: Natural antioxidants have many biological functions and serve as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. Although the antioxidant effects of many spices and flavonoid compounds on 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4, 5-b] pyridine (PhIP) formation have been evaluated, research related to the synergistic antioxidant effect of various spices and flavonoids on PhIP formation is not well studied. In addition, at least some research shows a combination of compounds inhibits HCAs more strongly than a single antioxidant. Therefore, in this study, binary combinations of two antioxidant spices like piperine and capsaicin and two flavonoid compounds like genistin and catechin were investigated using a chemical model system that contained glucose, creatinine, and phenylalanine in 90:10 diethylene glycol/water (v/v) and heat-treated at 180°C for 1 hour to test the formation of PhIP. The PhIP contents were assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All ratios of mixed spices and corresponding flavonoid compounds were as follows: 1:0.25, 1:0.5, and 1:1. The synergistic effect was assessed by identifying the reduction percentage of PhIP formation. All investigated combinations significantly (p< 0.05) reduced PhIP formation. The combination of piperine and genistin had the highest synergistic effect for all combinations. While the combination of catechin and capsaicin had the lowest synergistic effect. Knowing the antioxidants with the best synergistic effects could be useful in developing dietary antioxidants, leading to lower HCA formation.

Keywords: synergetic effect, heterocyclic amine, 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine, spices, flavonoid compounds, model system