441 |
Research Title: Strategic planning of human resources as an entrance to enhance marketing capabilities: A case study of King Abdullah II Center for Design and Development (KADDB)
Author: Mohammad Khalel Ibrahim Okour, Published Year: 2023
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 21, Issue 1,
Faculty: Business
Abstract: The study aims to identify the impact of strategic planning of human resources in
enhancing marketing capabilities at the King Abdullah II Center for Design and
Development (KADDB). The descriptive and analytical methods were used to understand
the effect of human resource planning in enhancing marketing capabilities.
The research population includes all departments in the respective center. As for the
sample, it consisted of 65 marketing and sales managers and workers in the marketing
departments. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the research data.
The results showed a significant effect of strategic planning for human resources in
enhancing marketing capabilities at KADDB (R2 = 0.619, sig < 0.05). It was also found
that strategic planning for human resources contributes to increasing the leader ability
to do their work diligently and proficiently and improving the ability to organize work,
distribute duties to subordinates, and coordinate efforts. Therefore, this study recommends
giving strategic planning to human resources the importance it deserves for its
active role in enhancing marketing capabilities at KADDB.
Keywords: strategic planning, human resources, marketing, capabilities, Jordan
442 |
Research Title: KIBRA Genetic Polymo A Cross Sectional Study on the Association of KIBRA Genetic Polymorphism with Episodic Memory in North Jordanian Adults"
Author: Raida W. Khalil, Published Year: 2023
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences.,
Faculty: Science
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Episodic memory is one of the cognitive processes most damaged by ageing and is thought to be the system most susceptible to neurodegenerative illnesses. Recently, episodic memory function has been linked to a single nucleotide polymorphism (rs17070145) in the ninth intron of the KIBRA gene (kidney and brain expressed gene).
AIM: This study looked at the relationship between the KIBRA polymorphism (rs17070145) and the episodic memory abilities assessed by the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and Rey Complex Figure Test at various time points (20-minute, 30-minute, 24-hours, and 6-month).
METHODS:112 healthy adult Jordanians between the ages of 18 and 45 were included in the study, and the genotypes at the KIBRA (rs17070145) polymorphic site were identified using the PCR-RFLP method.
RESULTS: The outcomes did not reveal any statistically significant assessment of verbal and visual episodic memory tests and the KIBRA polymorphism. The findings also indicated that KIBRA polymorphism had no statistically significant impact on short-term memory or learning capacity, indicating that KIBRA did not affect a person's ability to pay attention or concentrate. In the Jordanian population, the genotype percentages for KIBRA rs17070145 were: 10.7% for TT, 43.8% for TC, and 45.5% for CC, and the percentage of the T allele was 0.326.
CONCLUSION: The current investigation discovered no statistically significant differences between the Jordanian population and either the European or the South Asian populations in terms of the percentages of alleles and genotypes of the KIBRA rs17070145 gene.
Keywords: Keywords: Episodic memory, immediate memory, KIBRA.
443 |
Research Title: Modelling of a Solar Heating System for Industrial Processes using Linear Fresnel Reflectors
Author: Yara Hilal Haddad, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Engineering and Technology
Abstract: Thermal energy in industries has a significant share of the total energy consumed by different processes in the industrial sector. In solar energy rich countries, like Libya, this can be significantly provided by solar energy technologies. Dairy factories involve a number of processes requiring heat at different temperatures. Some processes even require steam at high temperatures. Pasteurization, sterilization, cleaning, washing, and evaporation are some of the operations in dairy processing plants. Concentrated solar power plants can provide such high temperatures using a number of technologies, specifically parabolic trough reflectors, linear Fresnel reflectors, parabolic dish, and the central receiver with a heliostat field. Libya is located in the sun belt and is pleasant with high levels of sun radiation. This paper investigates the techno-economic feasibility of a concentrated solar power plant utilizing linear Fresnel reflectors technology to provide heat for the pasteurizing process at a proposed milk processing diary. A production rate of 100,000 liters per day of milk was assumed. All of the parameters involved in the design process, such as the available area, solar energy available at the location, energy demand of the process, inlet and outlet temperatures, energy storage requirement, and cost per unit of electricity, were fed to the Ressspi platform, a solar simulator for industrial processes. Results showed that the system is highly feasible in terms of technical as well as economic aspects. The heat generated by the solar plant was 1260661.4 kWh, while that consumed by the process was 1321636.8 kWh and that represents 95.4% of the energy needed for the process. The solar utilization factor is 77.1% as a result of energy lost due to defocusing of the Fresnel reflectors. The payback period of the project was found to be 5 years with an internal rate of return of 23.88% and a levelized cost of energy of 0.03228 €/kWh.
Keywords: Solar energy, LFR, Industrial processes
444 |
Research Title: An Approach towards Goal-Oriented Requirements Ontology: Consistency and Completeness Based Requirements Analysis
Author: Mohammad Taye, Published Year: 2023
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol.16 No.2,
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: The paper presents a new approach to managing software requirement elicitation techniques with a high level of analyses based on domain ontology techniques, where we established a mapping between user scenario, structured requirement, and domain ontology techniques to improve many attributes such as requirement consistency, completeness and eliminating duplicate requirements to reduce risk of overrun time and budgets. One of the main targets of requirement engineering is to develop a requirement document with high quality. So, we proposed a user interface to collect all vital information about the project directly from the regular user and requirement engineering; After that, the proposal will generate an ontology based on semantic relations and rules. Requirements Engineering tries to keep requirements throughout a project’s life cycle consistent necessities clear, and up to date. This prototype allows mapping requirement scenarios into ontology elements for semantically interrupted. The general points of our prototype are to guarantee the identification requirements and improved nature of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) by solving incomplete and conflicting information in the requirements specification.
Keywords: Requirements Engineering, Requirements Elicitation, Domain Ontology, Ontology
445 |
Research Title: Theoretical Understanding of Convolutional Neural Network: Concepts, Architectures, Applications, Future Directions
Author: Mohammad Taye, Published Year: 2023
Computation, 11
Faculty: Information Technology
Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are one of the main types of neural networks used for image recognition and classification. CNNs have several uses, some of which are object recognition, image processing, computer vision, and face recognition. Input for convolutional neural networks is provided through images. Convolutional neural networks are used to automatically learn a hierarchy of features that can then be utilized for classification, as opposed to manually creating features. In achieving this, a hierarchy of feature maps is constructed by iteratively convolving the input image with learned filters. Because of the hierarchical method, higher layers can learn more intricate features that are also distortion and translation invariant. The main goals of this study are to help academics understand where there are research gaps and to talk in-depth about CNN’s building blocks, their roles, and other vital issues.
Keywords: artificial intelligence (AI); deep learning (DL); machine learning (ML); convolution neural network (CNN); deep learning applications; image classification; supervised learning
446 |
Research Title: Polyethylene glycol and polyvinylpyrrolidone: potential green corrosion inhibitors for copper in H2SO4 solutions
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2023
International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition, 12
Faculty: Science
Abstract: Weight-loss, thermometric, and electrical conductance techniques were employed for the
investigation of the influence of polyethylene glycol 400, 4000, and polyvinylpyrrolidone K15
as cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly inhibitors on the corrosion inhibition of copper in
H2SO4 solution. The corrosion rates of copper in H2SO4 solutions increase with an increase in
acid concentrations and temperatures in the absence of inhibitors. The addition of PEG 400,
PEG 4000, and PVP K15 to the corrosive solutions was found to have a considerable inhibitory
influence on the corrosion rates of copper at various temperatures. Consequently, the inhibition
efficiency of PEG 400, PEG 4000 and PVP K15 increases with an increase in their
concentrations. Remarkably, PVP K15 was a more efficient inhibitor than PEG 400, and PEG
4000, this effect might be attributed to the nature of the functional groups and the size of the
PVP K15 chains. An evaluation of the temperature effect was studied to show that rising
temperatures lead to an increased corrosion rate and lower inhibition efficiencies. However,
PEG 400, PEG 4000, and PVP K15 inhibited copper corrosion by virtue of adsorption, which
was found to accord with the Langmuir and Temkin adsorption isotherm models. Moreover, the
thermodynamic aspects (ΔH0, ΔS0 and Ea) of the adsorption process were calculated and
Keywords: corrosion inhibitor, copper, polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, Temkin and Langmuir adsorption isotherms
447 |
Research Title: 5G Wireless Communications Performance Enhancement-Based VANET technology
Author: Qadri Jamal Al-Hamarsheh, Published Year: 2023
20th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals, and Devices (IEEE SSD’23) , Mahdia, Tunisia
Faculty: Engineering and Technology
Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing is considered as a powerful
a technique that supports the needed recent
technologies data rates. Thus, in this work it
has been proposed to enhance the vehicular
communications as a candidate in the 6G
communication systems. The QoS for such
system is a crucial factor; therefore, this
work tackles the QoS from both of the power
consumption point of view and of the latency
In this paper, the QoS modification has
been made based on two stages; the reduction
of the base stations latency and introducing
the multiparalell processing stage.
Accordingly, antenna deployment process has
been proposed in addition to make use of
Daubechies wavelet to overcome the peak to
average power ratio problem. The efficiency
of the proposed work will be compared to
both of the literature work and our
previously published work.
An extensive simulation has been done,
which shows he effectiveness of the proposed
work. It outperforms the state-of the artwork
and gives a 12% performance enhancement
of our previously published work.
Keywords: OFDM, NB-IoT, Multiparalell Processing, Wavelets, and V2V
448 |
Research Title: An Artificial Neural Network Approach in Solving Inverse Kinematics of a 6 DOF KUKA Industrial Robot
Author: Qadri Jamal Al-Hamarsheh, Published Year: 2023
20th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals, and Devices (IEEE SSD’23), Mahdia, Tunisia
Faculty: Engineering and Technology
Abstract: Inverse kinematics is a mathematical method for
computing the joint angles required to set the end effector of a
robot in a particular position and orientation. The Inverse
kinematics problem is challenging, especially for arm robots
with several degrees of freedom. This paper provides two
models of artificial neural networks for determining the Inverse
kinematics solution of the KUKA KR/R900/SIXX 6 degrees of
freedom manipulator. The Non-Linear Autoregressive Neural
Network with Multiple Exogenous Variables Recurrent Model
is used to create the first model. The second model, Adaptive
Feedforward artificial neural networks is used to investigate the
impact of several training methods with one hidden layer,
changing numbers of neurons in the hidden layer, and
measuring the artificial neural networks learning performance
on the Inverse kinematics model learning of a 6-joint redundant
robotic manipulator. The obtained results showed that the
"Bayesian Regularization" training algorithm achieved the
lowest mean square error score of 0.005 with a neuron number
of 250.
Keywords: KUKA robot, ANN, NARX RNN, Inverse kinematics, Forward kinematics
449 |
Research Title: Narrowband Internet-of-Things to Enhance the Vehicular Communications Performance
Author: Qadri Jamal Al-Hamarsheh, Published Year: 2022
Future Internet, 15(1), 16
Faculty: Engineering and Technology
Abstract: The interest in vehicle-to-vehicle communication has gained a high demand in the last
decade. This is due to the need for safe and robust smart communication, while this type of communication is vulnerable to latency and power. Therefore, this work proposes the Narrowband
Internet-of-Things to enhance the robustness of the vehicular communication system. Accordingly,
the system’s QoS is enhanced. This enhancement is based on proposing two parts to cover the
latency and the harmonics issues, in addition to proposing a distributed antenna configuration for
the moving vehicles under a machine learning benchmark, which uses the across-entropy algorithm. The proposed environment has been simulated and compared to the state-of-the-artwork
performance. The simulation results verify the proposed work performance based on three different
parameters; namely the latency, the mean squared error rate, and the transmitted signal block error
rate. From these results, the proposed work outperforms the literature; at the probability of 10−3
the proposed work reduces the peak power deficiency by almost 49%, an extra 23.5% enhancement
has been attained from the self-interference cancellation side, and a bit error rate enhancement by a
ratio of 31%
Keywords: OFDM; V2V; NBIoT; MIMO; harmonics wavelets; multiparallel processing
450 |
Research Title: إيقاع التكرار في شعر نزار قباني وأبعاده الدلالية ديوان " تنويعات نزارية على مقام العشق " أنموذجًا"
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2023
مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية ,
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يعنى هذا البحث بدراسة بنية إيقاع التكرار في شعر نزار قباني من خلال ديوان "تنويعات نزارية على مقام العشق"، وقد دُرس هذا الشكل من أشكال الإيقاع على المستوى الصوتي والبنائي والتركيبي في محاولة لتتبع أثره في تكوين الدلالات الشعرية المتنوعة في ديوان كُتب في عام (1995- 1996) وهي فترة المرض الذي أخذ يحاصر الشاعر حتى أدى إلى وفاته في عام (1998). قسمت الدراسة إلى مبحثين: تناول أولهما مفهوم الإيقاع الشعري عامة وعند نزار خاصة من خلال ديوانه التنويعات، وتوقف الثاني عند بنية إيقاع التكرار في الديوان من خلال قضيتين محوريتين، هما: المرأة والعشق، والسقوط السياسي والانهزامية، وهما الخطان الشعريان اللذان يسير عليهما شعر نزار عموما. وقد تمت الإفادة من برنامج Praat في بعض المحطات لقياس الشدة الصوتية Intensity لعدد من الكلمات التي تكررت بكثافة في بعض المقاطع الشعرية وربط ذلك بالدلالة الإيقاعية لها في سياقها النصي، و خلص البحث إلى أن الشاعر قد وظف تقنية التكرار بحضور لافت صوتا وبناء وتركيبا للتركيز على بؤر دلالية محددة تعزز دلالة القضيتين المذكورتين.
Keywords: الكلمات المفتاحية: إيقاع التكرار ، المستوى الصوتي، المستوى التركيبي، الدلالة، الشدة الصوتية