Research Title: Use of 3-dimensional imaging and manufacturing for bilateral auricular prostheses: A case series of six patients with congenital auricular defects
Author: Heba Mohammad Ahmad Hatamlah, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 128
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The prosthetic reconstruction of unilateral ear deformity is a straightforward procedure which relies on copying the details, position, and symmetry of the existing contralateral ear. However, reconstructing bilaterally missing ears is challenging. The use of 3-dimensional (3D) technology in the prosthetic reconstruction of the bilaterally missing ears of 6 patients is described. The deformity site was created directly by segmenting the patient's digital scan or indirectly via a desktop scanner. Adequate bone quantity and quality for implant retention and optimal implant locations were also identified virtually. The use of 3D technologies has made it more straightforward to accomplish ear symmetry, as well as to validate the orientation and location of the ears reliably with the minimum subjectivity. The printed ears were matched in shape, surface texture, and anatomy. The skin color was straightforward to record and store so that it could be reproduced at a future time. Overall, the digital manufacture of the ears was controlled, consistent, and reproducible.

Keywords: 3D technologies, bilateral auricular, congenital defects

Research Title: Job satisfaction in emergency departments: a comparative study of public and private hospitals
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
British Journal of Healthcare Management.,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Background/Aims Evaluating job satisfaction levels among healthcare staff can inform decision making for managers. Various factors can affect job satisfaction. This study investigated and compared job satisfaction among healthcare staff working in private and public emergency departments in Jordan. Methods A self‑administered questionnaire was distributed to 475 staff members, of which 286 were returned and analysed (50% from private hospitals). Descriptive analysis, independent sample t-tests and multiple regression analysis were used to compare the results based on hospital type and participant characteristics. Results Staff working in public emergency departments had significantly lower levels of job satisfaction than those working in private emergency departments (P<0.001). The lowest scoring domain across both groups was promotion and compensation. Doctors were more likely to have low job satisfaction than staff in other job roles. Conclusions Assessing job satisfaction is important for ensuring staff wellbeing and retention. Further research is needed to understand why staff in public hospitals have lower levels of job satisfaction and what could be done to address this.

Keywords: Emergency department; Healthcare worker; Job satisfaction; Private hospitals

Research Title: An examination of the mediating effect of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) on the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance in Arab work environment
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 23
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Studying the role of religion and its relationship to work outcomes is not new in cross-culture management, especially in globalization with the increase of interaction in cross-cultural settings. Islamic work ethics (IWE) have attracted the attention of academics studying the attitudes and behaviors of workers in Muslim societies. This study investigates the role of IWE as a mediator in the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. A stratified sampling technique was used to select 11 emergency departments from hospitals in Jordan. In total, 475 questionnaires were distributed to healthcare providers. Only 299 questionnaires were completed and returned to the research team. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25. Descriptive analysis, correlation, Cronbach alpha, and regression analyses were performed. The findings indicated that job satisfaction has a significant positive impact on IWE and job performance (B = 0.66, p < 0.001), (B = 0.58, p < 0.001), respectively. The findings also indicated that IWE directly and positively affects job performance (B = 0.70, p < 0.001). Overall, the results supported that IWE partially mediates the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. Similarly, job satisfaction was also found to be an essential predictor of IWE. In addition, job satisfaction indirectly affects job performance through IWE. Therefore, IWE plays an essential role in job satisfaction and performance relationship. This study is an attempt to create a conceptual framework that incorporated IWE into the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in the Arab working culture and tried to broaden the cross-cultural management study of religion by investigating the mediation role of IWE in the relationship between job satisfaction and performance. The current study contributes to expand our understanding of the importance of IWE to the relationship between job satisfaction and performance in the Arab cultural context, which has received less attention in management research.

Keywords: Islamic work ethics, job performance, job satisfaction, healthcare providers, regression analysis

Research Title: The Influence of Socio-demographic Factors and Hospital type on Islamic Work Ethics of Healthcare Providers at Emergency Departments in Jordan
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 12
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract Purpose: Islamic work ethics (IWE) has been an area of attraction for scholars exploring Muslim employees’ attitudes and behaviors. This study aims to examine the IWE of healthcare providers (HCPs) in Jordan’s public and private emergency departments, and test the influence of socio-demographic factors and hospital type on IWE. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was used. Data were collected from the HCPs in Jordan middle district hospitals using a selfadministered questionnaire. In total, 297 questionnaires were completed and returned for analysis. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and independent sample t-test were used to analyze the data. Findings: The HCPs in private EDs showed a higher commitment to IWE than public EDs HCPs, and statistical differences were found between the public and private EDs. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that socio-demographic factors (age, gender, income level, professional classification, and social status) do not significantly influence IWE. Only the hospital type has a significant negative influence on IWE. Conclusion: HCPs in private EDs showed a high level of commitment to IWE than public HCPs. Statistical differences were discovered between the public and private EDs. The regression analysis showed no effect of socio-demographic factors on the IWE. Originality/Significance: This is perhaps the first paper investigating the influence of socio-demographic factors and hospital type on IWE of HCPs at EDs in Jordan. Research Limitations/Implications: This paper was limited to HCPs working in eleven hospitals in Jordan’s middle district. The study’s findings were based on the respondents’ honesty and truthfulness when taking the questionnaire. Implications for research have also been discussed. KAUJIE Classification: P0 JEL Classification: M10

Keywords: Islamic Work Ethics, Emergency Department, Jordan, Public & Private

Research Title: Development and Validation of A New Islamic Work Ethics Scale for Healthcare Providers in Emergency Departments (EDIWES)
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 11
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Abstract. Purpose: Research on work ethics has acquired considerable scholars’ attention. Research on employees’ religion-oriented ethics, particularly Islamic Work Ethics (IWE), has remained relatively narrow in healthcare settings. This study aims to develop and validate a scale to measure Healthcare Providers (HCPs) IWE in Emergency Departments (EDs). Design/methodology/approach: This study was conducted on HCPs who work at EDs in Jordan. The scale goes through a series of validation processes, including content validity, face validity, and construct validity. This study employed exploratory factor analysis for construct validity and Cronbach’s alpha for reliability analysis. Findings: Exploratory factor analysis yielded 17 strong explanatory items on a three-dimension scale, namely obligation of HCP to their patients, obligation of supervisors to their subordinates and obligation of HCP to their colleagues. Conclusion: The findings of this study provide a valid and reliable scale that had a satisfactory psychometric property for measuring Healthcare Providers’ IWE in EDs.

Keywords: Islamic Work Ethics, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Emergency Department, Jordan, Healthcare Providers.

Research Title: Development of a new job satisfaction scale for healthcare staff in emergency departments
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2022
British Journal of Healthcare Management, 2
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Background/Aims Assessing factors that affect job satisfaction among healthcare staff, and formulating comprehensive strategies to improve job satisfaction, is fundamental to healthcare organisations. This study aimed to develop and validate a tool to measure staff job satisfaction in emergency departments of hospitals in Jordan. Methods The job satisfaction scale was developed using a literature review, instrument validation and statistical testing using exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. A self-administered questionnaire was sent to 200 healthcare staff working in emergency departments in hospitals in Jordan between 14 April and 5 May 2020. Results A total of 112 respondents returned a completed questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 16 strong explanatory items that affect job satisfaction, which could be grouped into four domains: physical environment and workplace safety; supervisor support; promotion and compensation; and communication and relationships with coworkers. The tool was found to have good reliability and validity. Low to moderate levels of satisfaction were found in most domains. Conclusions The findings of this study provide evidence for the psychometric properties of a newly developed scale to measure the level of job satisfaction of healthcare staff working in emergency departments.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Jordan, Emergency Department

Research Title: The impact of information sharing on the quality of decision-making: From the point of view of employees in Jordanian private hospitals
Author: Atef Al-Raoush, Published Year: 2023
Cogent Business & Management, 10
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This paper examines how information sharing impacts the quality of decision-making in Jordanian private hospitals from the point of view of employees. It involved a structured questionnaire, which consisted of demographic data, information sharing, and decision-making. The research results suggest that sharing information in both common and unique situations significantly positively influences the decision-making abilities of teams. Merely possessing unique information does not enhance the ability to make decisions; conversely, common information is crucial to facilitate the decision-making process. Participant characteristics have no effect on decision-making quality, especially as team functional diversity continues to rise, with information sharing even less relevant as a result. Our results indicate that participants’ characteristics do not predict whether the discussion of shared information will contribute to decision-making quality. As a practical contribution, our findings recognise the importance of decision teams in information management, encourage flexibility and openness in organisational relations, and assist policymakers, managers, and regulators through training programs that confirm participation is one of the most important components of generating new ideas.

Keywords: Information sharing decision making common information unique information Jordanian hospitals

Research Title: Novel thiomorpholine tethered isatin hydrazones as potential inhibitors of resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Author: Balakumar Chandrasekarn, Published Year: 2021
Bioorganic Chemistry, 115
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Novel chemotherapeutic agents against multidrug resistant-tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are urgently needed at this juncture to save the life of TB-infected patients. In this work, we have synthesized and characterized novel isatin hydrazones 4(a-o) and their thiomorpholine tethered analogues 5(a-o). All the synthesized compounds were initially screened for their anti-mycobacterial activity against the H37Rv strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) under level-I testing. Remarkably, five compounds 4f, 4h, 4n, 5f and 5m (IC50 = 1.9 µM to 9.8 µM) were found to be most active, with 4f (IC50 = 1.9 µM) indicating highest inhibition of H37Rv. These compounds were further evaluated at level-II testing against the five drug-resistant strains such as isoniazid-resistant strains (INH-R1 and INH-R2), rifampicin-resistant strains (RIF-R1 and RIF-R2) and fluoroquinolone-resistant strain (FQ-R1) of MTB. Interestingly, 4f and 5f emerged as the most potent compounds with IC50 of 3.6 µM and 1.9 µM against RIF-R1 MTB strain, followed by INH-R1 MTB strain with IC50 of 3.5 µM and 3.4 µM, respectively. Against FQ-R1 MTB strain, the lead compounds 4f and 5f displayed excellent inhibition at IC50 5.9 µM and 4.9 µM, respectively indicating broad-spectrum of activity. Further, molecular docking, ADME pharmacokinetic and molecular dynamics simulations of the compounds were performed against the DNA gyrase B and obtained encouraging results.

Keywords: SynthesisMultidrug-resistant tuberculosisIsatinDockingMD simulations

Author: Balakumar Chandrasekarn, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has led us to design and develop novel organic molecules as medicinally promising lead molecules which can prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus of the infected patients. The current invention provides potential anti-viral drugs docked against anti-COVID-19 protein targets: SARS-CoV-2 main protease, drug-likeness, efficacy, molecular docking, physicochemical and pharmacokinetic studies of novel synthesized sulfonamide analogues. Physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties have been evaluated on the basis of certain parameters like Lipinski rule of 5 (RO5 rule) and ADMET (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity). All the synthesized compounds follow Lipinski rule of five (RO5 rule) and the compounds followed the range of rotational bonds, hydrogen bond acceptors (HBA), hydrogen bond donors (HBD), topological surface area (TPSA), and number of violations, etc. All these compounds shown good pharmacokinetic properties, zero renal OCT2 substrate toxicity and negligible toxicity values. BOILED-egg model was carried out for evaluating the gastrointestinal absorption and brain penetration effect. Compounds 3b and 3d comes under white region of egg and exhibited good gastrointestinal absorption, whereas, 3a, 3c, 3e and 3f compounds fall under yellow region (yolk) of egg which showed good brain penetration effect. All novel sulfonamide analogues including commercially available anti-COVID-19 drugs, Hydroxychloroquine and Umifenovir docked with anti-COVID-19 protein targets, i.e., PDB: 6VWW & 6Y2E. Compound 3c when docked with PDB: 6VWW shown maximum energy of -22.06 kcal/mol with two hydrogen binding interactions which are better than marketed drugs. Similarly, compound 3a exhibited highest energy of -14.00 kcal/mol.


Research Title: Computer aided drug design and green synthesis of novel pyrazole analogues as potential SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors against anti COVID-19 protein targets
Author: Balakumar Chandrasekarn, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased high deaths, infectivity and hospitalizations. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a foremost problem in the world presently. Currently, all research institutions and pharmaceutical industries are keen in developing new vaccines and more effective drugs that could inhibit the SARS-CoV-2 virus and help in the treatment of patients. This provoked us to design medicinally effective drug candiadates which can prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus of the infected patients. The present invention offers most promising anti-viral drugs docked against anti-COVID-19 protein targets: SARS-CoV-2 main protease, efficacy, drug-likeness, molecular docking, BOILED-EGG model, physicochemical and pharmacokinetic studies of novel synthesized polysubstituted 4,7-dihydro 1H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-amine analogues. All the novel synthesized analogues including commercially available anti-COVID-19 drugs, Hydroxychloroquine and Umifenovir docked with anti-COVID-19 protein targets, i.e., PDB: 6LU7 and 6Y2E. This current invention further provides a rapid access to novel 4,7-dihydro-H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-amines and few advantages are milder reaction conditions, short reaction times, easy work-up, excellent yields, effective SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors and use of ultrasonic radiation via green synthesis.