Research Title: Computational Tools to Expedite the Identification of Potential PXR Modulators in Complex Natural Product Mixtures: A Case Study with Five Closely Related Licorice Species
Author: Manal Mohammad Alhusban, Published Year: 2022
ACS Omega, https://doi.org/10.1
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: The genus Glycyrrhiza, comprising approximately 36 spp., possesses complex structural diversity and is documented to possess a wide spectrum of biological activities. Understanding and finding the mechanisms of efficacy or safety for a plant-based therapy is very challenging, yet it is crucial and necessary to understand the polypharmacology of traditional medicines. Licorice extract was shown to modulate the xenobiotic receptors, which might manifest as a potential route for natural product-induced drug interactions. However, different mechanisms could be involved in this phenomenon. Since the induced herb–drug interaction of licorice supplements via Pregnane X receptor (PXR) is understudied, we ventured out to analyze the potential modulators of PXR in complex mixtures such as whole extracts by applying computational mining tools. A total of 518 structures from five species of Glycyrrhiza: 183 (G. glabra), 180 (G. uralensis), 100 (G. inflata), 33 (G. echinata), and 22 (G. lepidota) were collected and post-processed to yield 387 unique compounds. Visual inspection of top candidates with favorable ligand–PXR interactions and the highest docking scores were identified. The in vitro testing revealed that glabridin (GG-14) is the most potent PXR activator among the tested compounds, followed by licoisoflavone A, licoisoflavanone, and glycycoumarin. A 200 ns molecular dynamics study with glabridin confirmed the stability of the glabridin-PXR complex, highlighting the importance of computational methods for rapid dereplication of potential xenobiotic modulators in a complex mixture instead of undertaking time-consuming classical biological testing of all compounds in a given botanical.

Keywords: Glycyrrhiza, PXR, Glabridin

Research Title: Probing PXR activation and modulation of CYP3A4 by Tinospora crispa and Tinospora sinensis
Author: Manal Mohammad Alhusban, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 291
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Ethnopharmacological relevance and aims The two Tinospora species, T. crispa and T. sinensis, native to Southeast Asia, are integral components of various traditional preparations with structure-function claims to treat various disorders, including diabetes and inflammation. To assure the safety of the botanicals finished products, herb-drug interaction potential of T. crispa and T. sinensis was investigated by testing their extracts and compounds for in vitro activation of the pregnane X-receptor (PXR) and the modulation of CYP3A4 isozyme, selectively.

Keywords: Tinospora crispa, T. sinensis, PXR

Research Title: Relationship between adopting servant leadership style and employee commitment: Empirical evidence from Jordanian governmental hospitals
Author: Atef Al-Raoush, Published Year: 2022
Problems and Perspectives in Management, , Volume 20, Issue 1
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Businesses face a constant struggle in developing leaders who are devoted to serving and developing their people. Therefore, recognizing the link between servant leadership and employee commitment can help organizations establish a more positive working environment, leading to improved employee and organizational performance. This study aims to investigate the relationship between adopting servant leadership by hospital managers and employee commitment within Jordanian governmental hospitals. This paper employs a cross-sectional study design including a quantitative data collection method. Using a simple random sampling method, data were collected from 389 hospital staff employed by Jordanian governmental hospitals. The data were analyzed using Pearson (r) correlation coefficient with hypothesis testing. Research findings revealed a significant positive relationship between the adoption of a servant leadership style by government hospital managers and employee commitment (r = 0.633, Sig. <0.01). Furthermore, the study showed that demographic variables including gender, age, education, and experience were not associated significantly with employee commitment. The study’s results can help hospital managers develop and practice servant leadership, who are expected to increase employee commitment and achieve organizational objectives.

Keywords: servant, leadership, managers, commitment, government, hospital, Jordan

Research Title: Control environment effectiveness: the influence of control systems on the external audit procedures quality
Author: Rana Mustafa Mohammad Airout, Published Year: 2022
Academy of accounting and financial studies , 26
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This research intended to identify the influence of internal control systems on the external audit procedures in the Jordanian business environment. Specifically, to investigate the impact of control systems (accounting, managerial and internal control) on the effectiveness of external audit procedures, representing by four main audit aspects (including the planning for the audit process, developing audit testing procedures, risk assessments, and implementation of the audit plan). This study uses the questionnaire to gather data to test the relationship between internal control systems and external audit procedures. This research focuses mainly on the Jordanian external auditors' point of view regarding these control systems' influence on the external audit procedures. Data were analyzed employing inferential and descriptive statistics. The research hypotheses were tested using one-sample ttest. Based on 64 valid questionnaires, the findings of the study results show that internal control systems do contribute significantly toward improving the effectiveness of various external audit procedures. The main findings illustrate that the internal control system is the most vital monitoring factors; it has a significant influence on external audit procedures. Moreover, the participants perceived that internal control; accounting and managerial systems play an essential role in enhancing the quality of audit procedures especially their role in conducting a risk assessment. Moreover, the descriptive and inferential findings demonstrate that the influence of the internal control systems over the planning for the audit process was the most important monitoring system. The internal control systems have impact on developing the audit plan, the audit plan tests and risk identification. The findings also suggest that accounting control systems influence the external audit procedures in Jordanian companies that can assist in improving different procedures of external audit. This indicates that the auditors should be aware of the dynamic role of particular internal control systems to enhance the procedures of external audit. The research findings consistent with the Jordanian set of laws, such as JCGC which highlights the significance role of these systems on the control environments and audit processes. The research findings have practical implications for the policymakers, including (board of directors and external auditors). This research recommends that control systems should exert more assurance in monitoring the control environment and external audit process.

Keywords: Control systems, External Audit Procedures, Internal Control System, Accounting, Managerial and Internal Control.

Research Title: Comparative study on the cellular uptake/binding of heparin and its analogues conjugated silica nanoparticles using HUVECs as a vascular model for inhibition of metastasis
Author: Mohammad Bayan, Published Year: 2022
Al-Zaytoonah International Pharmaceutical Conference 2022, Amman, Jordan
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Inhibition of metastasis is essential in cancer treatment to prevent the spread of tumour cells to other organs. Heparin conjugated nanoparticles could be a useful tool in inhibiting cancer metastasis via blocking growth factors such as VEGF or FGF implicated in metastatic processes including angiogenesis and tumour proliferation. Other possible mechanisms interrupting and interacting with selectin dependent adhesion of tumour cells to vascular endothelium or reducing heparanase activity that facilitates tumour cell migration. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating any possible interaction between heparin and its analogues conjugated to silica nanoparticles surfaces and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as model vascular cells through measuring their cellular uptake/binding. Heparin, chondroitin, and alginate conjugated silica nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized using stober process followed by carbodiimide coupling of heparin, chondroitin, and alginate to the surfaces of silica NPs. Preliminary data of fluorescence microscopy , flow cytometry and TEM demonstrated that there was a strong binding/cellular uptake between heparin conjugated nanoparticles and HUVECs. However, nanoparticle conjugated with chondroitin, which is a structurally similar polysaccharide, also showed similar cellular uptake behavior by HUVECs indicating that there could be a possible common uptake pathway through cell surface receptor binding. On the other hand alginate conjugated NPs showed less cell uptake/binding in comparison with heparin or chondroitin conjugated NPs which could indicate non-specific binding of these NPs to HUVECs. Receptor mediated binding was explored using the competitive assay and findings indicated that there was a receptor-dependent binding or uptake of heparin conjugated silica NPs which confirms the hypothesis of heparin capability to bind cell surface receptors displayed by endothelial cells which could by exploited by tumour cells. Accordingly, data could suggest that heparin conjugated NPs could be further utilized to interfere with possible mechanisms underpinning cancer spreading.

Keywords: Heparin; Silica NPs; HUVECs; Metastasis; TEM; Cellular Uptake

Research Title: الإعلان الالکتروني في وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي
Author: Faisal Mohammad Al-Omari, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Architecture and Design

Abstract: عني البحث الحالي بدراسة الإعلان الإلکتروني فى وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي، وحدد الباحث مشکلة البحث التى ترکزت من خلال السؤال التالي ( ما هي أثار الإعلان الإلکتروني في وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي على المستهلک و الشرکات المنتجة )، وانطوت أهمية البحث فى التعريف بالإعلان بشکل عام و الإعلان الإلکتروني بشکل خاص وأثره على المستهلک و المنتج، و تحددت أهداف البحث فى دراسة تطور الإعلان من الإعلان المطبوع إلى الإعلان الإلکتروني أثارهم على عملية التسويق والاستهلاک وذلک خلال الفترة المحددة 2000-2021م حول العالم، وجاءت الدراسة محددة فى عدة نقاط أساسية للتعريف بالأثار الناتجة من الزخم الإعلاني المتراکم من خلال وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي الذى أحدثت ثورة في عالم الاستهلاک الضروري وغير الضروري على کافة فئات المجتمع الواحد ومدى إسهام ذلک في تغيير اتجاهات السوق والاستهلاک مما أدى إلى توجيه الفئات غير المقتدرة على عمليات الشراء التي لا يحتاجونها أساساً وانعکست الفائدة فقط على الشرکات المصنعة والمروجة للسلع والخدمات، وتناول البحث أيضا دور الإعلان في عملية التسويق و أثره على الاستهلاک، و تضمنت الدراسة تطور الإعلان من الإعلان المطبوع إلى الإعلان في الإنترنت وکذلک أهمية وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي وهي الوسيط الأکثر انتشاراً وتداولاً بين فئات المجتمع الواحد وفي جميع أنحاء العالم، وتأسيساً لما سبق وثقت الدراسة ببعض الرسومات البيانية التي تشير إلى أعداد مستخدمي وسائل التواصل الاجتماعى ، وتضمن البحث استخلاص النتائج التى کان من أهمها عملية التحول من الإعلان المطبوع إلى الإعلان المرئي الذى سار في تسارع هائل وأثار مدوية ذات مخاطر تعرضت لها کافة فئات المجتمع بسبب الزخم الإعلاني الذي يتفاعلون مع محتواه الإعلاني لمنتجات وخدمات هم بغنى عنها.

Keywords: الإعلان الإلکتروني الإعلان المرئي الإعلان في وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي

Research Title: الجرافيک المتحرک وانماطه وبرمجيات تنفيذه
Author: Faisal Mohammad Al-Omari, Published Year: 2022
مجلة الفنون والعلوم الانسانية, 5
Faculty: Architecture and Design

Abstract: ملخص البحث: قام البحث بدراسة مشکلة الوعي وأدراک الجرافيک المتحرک ودوره في تبسيط المواضيع المعقدة ومدى أهميته لکافة مستخدمي الوسائط المتعددة وأيضا تم دراسة محتوا الرسائل التي توجهها المؤسسات الحکومية والقطاع الخاص سواء في الجوانب الارشادية وتطبيقات الحياة العملية والأکاديمية والعلمية، وتناول البحث مفهوم الجرافيک المتحرک واهميته في معرفة عناصر الجرافيک المتحرک واستخداماتها الفعالة في التصميم الواحد و إدراک أهمية الجرافيک المتحرک ودوره في إيصال المحتوي الفعال في الحياة اليومية کوسيلة اتصال تقوم بتبسيط المفاهيم وبعض القضايا التي تهم المتلقي، کما هدف الى توعية المتلقي بالجرافيک المتحرک ودوره في حياتنا اليومية والعمل على إدراک مکونات وأنواع الجرافيک المتحرک وتقنيات تنفيذه و تناول البحث محتويات الجرافيک المتحرک من عناصر والتي تمثلت في الاشکال والصور والنصوص والايقونات والشعارات والاصوات ومؤثراتها، کما تناول البحث أنواع الجرافيک المتحرک ثنائي وثلاثي الابعاد واهم البرمجيات المستخدمة في عملية التنفيذ. مشکلة البحث: 1- وعي وأدراک الجرافيک المتحرک ودوره في تبسيط المواضيع المعقدة ومدى أهميته لکافة مستخدمي الوسائط المتعددة 2- محتوا الرسائل التي توجهها المؤسسات الحکومية والقطاع الخاص سواء في الجوانب الارشادية وتطبيقات الحياة العملية والأکاديمية والعلمية.

Keywords: الجرافيک المتحرک الرسوم المتحرکة برامج تصميم الجرافيک المتحرک

Author: Izzeddien Naef Ananzeh, Published Year: 2021
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Volume 18, Issue 1,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The market efficiency hypothesis has become an important concept for all investors looking to own internationally diversified portfolios, which coincides with an increase in investment flows between all countries, both developed and undeveloped. This study was aimed at investigating the efficiency of a group of Arab stock markets located in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region according to the Random Walk Hypotheses (RWH) at weak form. The study covered the markets of Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and Oman.

Keywords: MENA markets, market efficiency, financial markets, unit root tests, run test, variance ratio test

Research Title: Examining Perceived Stress and Coping Strategies of University Students during COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study in Jordan
Author: Fahd Mohammed Saleh Al-Duais, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Business

Abstract: COVID-19 has changed our lives in all arenas, including higher education and psychological well-being. Three objectives were set forth in this study. We started by examining issues related to online education during the pandemic in Jordan, particularly for students pursuing business studies. Second, we assessed academic, behavioural, and financial stressors that business students experience at Jordanian higher education institutions. Lastly, we examined the possible coping methods students employed to cope and adapt during the pandemic. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted based on the perceived stress scale distributed to 473 Jordanian undergraduate students (18–27 years of age), across both public and private universities. Results showed an association between academic, behavioural, and financial stressors and students’ perceived stress. While students perceived various levels and types of stress during COVID-19, including academic, behavioural, and financial, they also experienced new online skills. However, despite coping with stress, some students (especially females) displayed more stress because of the deficient course content, which added to their perceived stress and left them feeling unmotivated. This study contributes to bettering the university students’ mental health.

Keywords: perceived stress; coping strategies; higher education; university students; COVID-19; psychological well-being; Jordan

Research Title: Intention to Use E-Payments from the Perspective of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT): Evidence from Yemen
Author: Fahd Mohammed Saleh Al-Duais, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This study explores the challenges facing the current e-payment systems and investigates the main factors that support using the e-payment system. This study used a cross-sectional approach. An online survey was conducted on Yemeni consumers as part of the collection of data. The data from 486 questionnaires were analyzed using smartPLS4 and Jamovi software for structural model analysis and statistical analysis. According to the PLS-SEM results, the structural model shows that R2 is 0.757, which explains the variances in behavioral intention via all the constructs. Statistically, the intention to use e-payment systems is significantly and positively influenced by performance and effort expectancies and social influence. In contrast, facilitation conditions are significantly and negatively correlated with behavioral intention. This is attributed to consumers’ view of the infrastructure of Internet services, which does not contribute to the behavioral intention and acceptance of using electronic payment in Yemen. Contrary to expectations, age does not moderate the relationship between performance expectancy, social influence, and intention to use e-payment systems; hence, the related hypothesis was not supported. This study provides valuable suggestions for policymakers, designers, developers, and researchers, enabling them to better understand the critical aspects of using the electronic payment system. This study developed a model for predicting the likelihood of acceptance of electronic payments in a country that has not given adequate attention to this issue. An application and evaluation of the UTAUT model in Yemen are presented in this study.

Keywords: technology acceptance; facilitating conditions; intention; e-payment; Yemen