Research Title: Challenges of Clinical Education in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program: Student Perspectives
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2021
The Open Nursing Journal, 15
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Introduction: Clinical education is an essential element in a baccalaureate nursing program, providing nursing students with the required knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes required to deliver professional nursing care after graduation. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges associated with clinical instruction from nursing student perspective. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used to identify the challenges associated with clinical instruction from nursing student perspective. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 187 nursing students from three different Universities in Jordan [one governmental and two private]. Results: The major challenges to clinical education were: fear of committing mistakes; lack of facilities for students; lack of knowledge among community and patients about the nursing profession; fear of infection; lack of availability of equipment in the clinical setting; student lack of preparedness and skill in planning care; and lack of collaboration from clinical staff. Conclusion: Understanding the identified challenges is necessary to formulate strategies to address them, to improve curriculum designed and clinical education for nursing students accordingly.

Keywords: Barriers, Challenges, Clinical education, Nursing education.

Research Title: Parental Child Rearing Practices in Palestine: A Cross-Sectional Study
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2021
Global Pediatric Health, 8
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to explore parenting practices from the perspectives of Palestinian parents and their children, and concordance between parents and children in their reports of parenting practices, in a culture that is underrepresented in the literature. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) was administered to 120 parents and 120 children drawn from 4 districts in Palestine. Children had higher scores on parental involvement, positive parenting, poor monitoring, inconsistent discipline, and corporal punishment. Three significant parent–child relationships were obtained1: parental involvement (r=.276, P=.003), positive parenting (r=.0301, P=.001), and poor parental monitoring (r=−.241, P=.008). The findings of this study might be used by Palestinian authorities and policy-makers to formulate guidelines and training to aid parental decision-making about child rearing.

Keywords: child rearing, parental perception, rearing practices, school-aged children

Research Title: The experience of family carers of children with incurable cancer: a qualitative study from the occupied Palestinian territory
Author: Maha Mohammed Wahbi Atout, Published Year: 2021
The LANCET, 398 Suppl 1:S16
Faculty: Nursing

Abstract: Background: Treatments for childhood cancers have raised the survival rate, however different forms of malignancy continue to cause untimely deaths, and cancer remains a leading cause of death among children. Global research on paediatric cancer is limited for several reasons. Most research has focused on specific methodologies, including questionnaires with heterogeneous samples. In addition, many studies have covered a broad range of cancer diagnoses, and a wide range of children's ages and periods between diagnosis and treatment. These methods are unable to capture the essence of experiences and cultural differences. This study aimed to explore the experience of family carers of children with incurable cancer in occupied Palestinian territory. Methods: The study was conducted in the Paediatric Cancer Department of Beit Jala Hospital, which is the first public cancer department for children in the West Bank. The family carers of children aged 1-18 years with any type of incurable cancer in this hospital were considered eligible for participation, and the individual most involved in the care of the child was selected. To recruit participants, head nurses of medical and surgical paediatric floors provided assistance in approaching the carers of eligible children. The main objectives of the study were then discussed with the family carers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants, and an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach was used to analyse the collected information. Ethical approval was obtained from the Beit Jala Hospital ethical review board and written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Findings: 14 interviews were conducted. Participants were nine mothers, four grandmothers, and one father. Family carers discussed their caring experiences, including their experiences in administering special treatments, their suffering due to treating irritable children, and the information given to them about their children's illness. Family carers reported that they changed the focus of their care from an initial emphasis on normalising their children's lives to relieving their physical and psychological discomfort. This change of focus accompanied changes in carers' understanding of their child's disease over time. As carers became more realistic regarding the future of their children, they attempted to make their lives as comfortable as possible. Finally, carers discussed the support system around them; they found several resources to support them in the care of their children, including the experiences of other parents of children with similar diseases, the hospital environment, and their religious beliefs. Nevertheless, they stated that they needed more support during this difficult time of their lives. Interpretation: There is a need to support parents of children with incurable cancer in the occupied Palestinian territory. Suggestions to improve the quality of care provided for these parents include the education and recruitment of health care professionals, including social workers and psychologists, to provide emotional and spiritual support.

Keywords: family carers, children with incurable cancer, qualitative study, the occupied Palestinian territory

Research Title: “Hypothalamic neuroinflammation induced by obesity and the effect of Liraglutide
Author: Raida W. Khalil, Published Year: 2021
e Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, in press
Faculty: Science

Abstract: Hypothalamic; neuroinflammation ; Liraglutide

Keywords: Hypothalamic; neuroinflammation ; Liraglutide

Research Title: Effects of Liraglutide Combined with Low Fat Diet on Neural and Thermogenic Activities of 5' - AMPK in the Hypothalamus: Expectations
Author: Raida W. Khalil, Published Year: 2021
Progress in Nutrition, in press
Faculty: Science

Abstract: Liraglutide; 5' - AMPK; Hypothalamus; Low Fat Diet

Keywords: Liraglutide; 5' - AMPK; Hypothalamus; Low Fat Diet

Research Title: Several of the Most Important Crimes Committed by Public Employees in Jordan
Author: Moayd Husni Al-Kawaldah, Published Year: 2021
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15
Faculty: Law

Abstract: The significance of this study emerged against the backdrop of increasing corruption in Jordanian society, especially within the governmental institutions. Therefore, the mechanisms against corruption shall be demonstrated due to the corruption’s consequences upon the Jordanian economy. The problem of this research concerns demonstrating the concordance of Jordan Civil Service Regulation, the Jordanian Penal Code, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which Jordan was a part of, in fighting against corruption. Moreover, it demonstrates the extent of the application of fighting against corruption in Jordan that occurred on the ground.

Keywords: Corruption, Jordan, Public employees

Research Title: Ministers Trials: A Comparative Study Between the Jordanian and the French Laws
Author: Moayd Husni Al-Kawaldah, Published Year: 2021
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry ,
Faculty: Law

Abstract: The Jordanian constitutional stipulated special measures for trying ministers, and specified a special law therefor, which is the Law on Trial of Ministers, as in the French constitutional Act. In Jordan, when ministers have committed crimes relevant to their functions, a decision is made by the House of Representatives to remit them to the Public Prosecutor. These offenses are being tried under the Law on Trial of Ministers as offenses of high treason, misuse of authority, and breach of duties.The result of the research showed that a decision must be issued by the House of Representatives approving the referral of the Minister to the Public Prosecution to pursue the trial procedures and by the majority of the members of the Jordanian Parliament. The researchers recommended that the Jordanian legislature must revoke the authority of the House of Representatives to approve the referral of Minister to the Public Prosecution on the ground that the issuance of a referral decision by the House of Representatives violates the public right and the significant role of the Public Prosecution in Jordan, since the criminal case may be postponed either by the fact that, the House of Representatives is not in session, being in an exceptional session, or does not approve the referral decision. Hence, it will be difficult for the Public Prosecution to proceed with its criminal procedures

Keywords: Trail of Ministers, Criminal liability, Legislative Authority, Judicial Authority

Research Title: Evidentiary Value of Forensic Report in Criminal Liability in Jordanian Law
Author: Moayd Husni Al-Kawaldah, Published Year: 2021
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 15
Faculty: Law

Abstract: Forensic medicine is an important part of criminal justice, which the judiciary resort to, with the purpose of deciding on a number of cases. One of the most important of these cases, in which forensic medicine is the basis for determining criminal responsibility or not, is the case of allegation or suspicion of death by murder or unknown reasons that lead to suspicion of murder. This research will address the evidentiary value of the forensic physician’s report, as it is a means of proof or a means of assessing evidence or an auxiliary procedure for the judge. It will also address the authority of the criminal judge in assessing the forensic report and the position of the Jordanian Court of Cassation on that. A number of findings and recommendations emerged, the most important of which is that the Jordanian legislator has set up the reports and medical committees system No. 13 of 2014 and its amendments. This system deals with many medical committees, including the forensic committee. The Jordan legislator has also defined the system of expertise before regular courts for 2018 and its amendments, according to Article 11 / c which states that a forensic physician shall be appointed either from forensic physicians appointed in the Ministry of Health, the Royal Medical Services, official university hospitals, or from those retired among them. I wish the Jordanian legislator will set up a legal system for forensic physicians, which shall be independent of the medical reports and committees system No. 13 of 2014 and its amendments and the expertise system before regular courts of 2018 and its amendments. The proposed system is the Judicial Committee system for forensic physicians, and the reason for this is because the experience of forensic physicians is often the source of the basis for the judge’s ruling, especially in cases of murder for unknown and suspicious reasons.

Keywords: Forensic sciences, Criminal liability, Justice, Law study

Research Title: Treatment techniques of disordered sibilants in Arabic: A descriptive-analytical study
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This paper addresses the techniques of treating patients with functional disorders of pronouncing sibilants in Arabic. The sounds under question are /s/, /z/, /ṣ/. The main disorders that are studied here are: substitution and distortion. A descriptive analytical approach was followed; patients from different ages of functional pronunciation disorders of sibilants were observed. The researchers collected data from a questionnaire which was distributed to 46 speech therapists. The questionnaire focused on the techniques these therapists use with patients who have sibilant production disorders. The research first reviews the techniques used to treat the /s/ sound as a main sibilant and then builds on these techniques to treat /z/ and /ṣ/ sounds. The research found that the treatment techniques depend on the type and form of the speech disorder, and the transitional arrangement for treating hissing sounds in Arabic starts with treating /s/ which is the easiest to pronounce - then /z/ and finally /ṣ/. The findings also emphasize that while treating the patient, it is important to increase his/her mental and auditory awareness of the problem. Finally, it was found that the number of treatment sessions varies according to the patient’s motivation and ability to correct the sound after hearing it, in addition to his/her follow-up treatment outside the treatment sessions

Keywords: : Hissing, sibilants, substitution, distortion, phonetic placement

Research Title: Influence of Symmetry Theory on Understanding the Qur'anic Ayas بحث مقبول للنشر
Author: Ibtisam Hussein Jamil, Published Year: 2021
Jordan Journal of Modern Languages,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Symmetry theory is a well-known mathematical theory, which was applied to physics and chemistry as well as other scientific disciplines. Here, we apply the symmetry theory (Al-Rawajfeh, 2018) to language in general and to the Holy Quran in specific. We argue that there is ample evidence for this theory in language such as the XP theory, parallelism and the mirror image derivation across languages. We show that there are vertical as well as horizontal types of symmetry some of which have a line of symmetry while others have a virtual point. The data is analyzed from syntactic, semantic and sociolinguistic angles. We focus on symmetry at the Aya levels. We argue that symmetry can help interpret Ayas of similar wording or similar structures. We further show that symmetry in the Quran can apply on three dimensions. We also discuss a peculiar phenomenon of symmetry in the Quran, i.e. the either-or-pause Ayas. We finally, argue that there are symmetry-less sentences that communicate propositions without the need for a symmetrical image.

Keywords: symmetry theory, the Holy Quran, X’ theory, semantics, discourse analysis.