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Research Title: Kinetics of oxidation of vanillic acid by colloidal MnO2: correlation of micellar catalysis to the micellar properties of surfactants and mixed surfactants.
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2021
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 133
Faculty: Science
Abstract: Abstract
The kinetics of oxidation of vanillic acid by colloidal MnO2 in an acidic medium
was investigated and used as a probe to study the micellar catalysis and its correlation to micellar properties of surfactants. Three surfactants were employed; cationic
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), anionic sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS),
and non-ionic Tween-20 (TW-20), and some compositions of the two mixed systems CTAB-TW-20 and SDS-TW-20. The micellar properties were studied using the
conductivity method. The reaction rate was enhanced in the presence of the three
surfactants and the mixed systems. The catalytic profiles of the pure and mixed surfactant systems could be used to estimate the critical micelle concentrations of surfactant catalytic systems. Nevertheless, the kinetic measurements could not detect
the variations in the micellar structures that occur at post-micellar compositions.
Overall, the mixed systems studied showed a negative deviation of ideality with synergetic interaction. Therefore, Rubingh equations were used to calculate the micellar
mole fraction and interaction parameters in the mixed surfactant systems.
Keywords: Micellar catalysis · Mixed surfactant systems · Colloidal MnO2 · Vanillic acid · Redox reactions
642 |
Research Title: The oxidation of salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid by water-soluble colloidal manganese oxide in surfactant and polymer media: a kinetic and mechanistic approach
Author: Adnan Dahadha, Published Year: 2021
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 134
Faculty: Science
Abstract: Abstract
Kinetics of the oxidation of both salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid by colloidal
manganese oxide (MnO2) have been explored spectrophotometrically by monitoring
the decay in the absorbance of colloidal MnO2 at 390 nm in absence and presence of
surfactants and polymers. The major goal of this research is the study of the effect
of the nature of surfactants and polymers on the rate of the oxidation of salicylic
acid and acetylsalicylic acid, as well as employing of Piszkiewicz and Menger–Portnoy models to explain the catalytic and inhibition effect of surfactants and polymers.
However, the experimental runs have been carried out under the pseudo-first-order
reaction conditions with respect to MnO2. The oxidation has been observed to be
fractional-order with respect to both of salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid, colloidal MnO
2 and H2SO4. The anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
and the nonionic surfactant Tween-20 have been observed to be reaction inhibitors. Whereas, the cationic surfactant cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)
causes flocculation with oppositely charged colloidal MnO2 and therefore could not
be studied further in all cases. On the other hand, PEG 600 and 1500 have played
a significant role in enhancing the rates of the reaction. On the basis of observed
kinetic results, a plausible mechanism of the reaction and the expected final product
have been suggested
Keywords: Manganese oxide · Reduction · Oxidation · Salicylic acids · Micellar catalysis · Surfactant
643 |
Research Title: La Personnalité et la pensée de Chateaubriand et de Tawfik al Hakime
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2003
مجلة كلية اللغات والترجمة, 34
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: La littérature étant un art éternel, elle rassemble dans toute sa diversité les idées et les personnes, et de ce rassemblement et de cette divergence naissent la création et la belle littérature. Voici deux exemples d'écrivains différents de culture, de civilisation, de religion, de langue et de pays, mais qui ont le même amour pour la littérature et l’art. Chateaubriand adore l’architecture, l’Antiquité et les ruines. Hakime est amateur de musique, de peinture et de théâtre. Le premier est un écrivain français, diplomate, voyageur et religieux. Le second est un écrivain égyptien, un juge et un homme qui avait une grande influence sociale en Egypte et dans le monde arabe. Ces deux personnages se ressemblent beaucoup de part de leurs idées, leur mentalité, leur mode de vie, leur état psychologique et leur conduite. Dans cette étude, nous essayerons d’éclaircir certains côtés de la pensée et de la personnalité de ces deux écrivains.
Keywords: Personnalité, pensée, Chateaubriand, Tawfik al Hakime
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Research Title: La beauté de l'analyse et de la description chez Nerval dans le “Voyage en Orient”
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2006
المجلة العربية لللآداب, 1
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: I tried in this research to manifest the ability of Nerval's accurate analysis as well as the ability of describing all what he had seen or heard. He did that in an interesting and distinguished style.
In part one , I discussed the aesthetic analysis of the political, religious , and social situations.
In part two, I discussed the highly - elevated style of describing the country and people and his love story which he narrates in a beautiful style. He also describes things which he had never seen as the story of Solomon, Queen of saba'a and other stories .
I have concluded that the writer used to look for the most wonderful and unusual ideas.
He had developed these scenes and views of others through his rich culture and the experience of others
Keywords: beauté, Nerval, Voyage en Orient, analyse, Ghazu
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Research Title: Le décor tropical et esthétique de "Paul et Virginie" de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2006
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: Le décor tropical et esthétique de "Paul et Virginie" de
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Vu la grande réputation de "Paul et Virginie", où Bernardin voulait illustrer les avantages de la vertu et les vices de la civilisation, nous avons essaié de montrer la beauté du décor tropical et esthétique de ce conte moral.
Dans la première partie de cette recherche, nous avons cherché le décor extérieur où la beauté exotique et esthétique du paysage, la forêt, l'eau et la température donnent un portrait différent de celui de l'Europe. Dans la deuxième, nous avons sondé le décor intérieur où l'amour, la vertu, la providence et la religion en général adoucissent les moeurs et donnent un grand exemple de la correction de l'âme.
L'objectif général de cette recherche était donc d'étudier le décor extérieur et intérieur du contenu de ce roman. C'est un décor exotique, tropical et esthétique qui a participé à la grande réputation de celui-ci
Keywords: Paul et Virginie, décor extérieur, décor tropical, la civilisation, exotique, esthétique,paysage
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Research Title: Antibiotic prescribing errors generated by the use of an electronic prescribing system in the emergency department : A mixed method study
Author: Asma Ahmad El-Shara, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacognosy Research, 10 (1)
Faculty: Pharmacy
Abstract: Context: Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics can result in serious patient harm.
Aims: To investigate the incidence, nature, clinical severity, and causes of antibiotic prescribing errors (APEs) in the emergency department (ED) of a large hospital in Jordan.
Methods: A mixed-method approach was used to explore the incidence and types of APEs by direct observation of electronic prescriptions (EPS) of antibiotics over four weeks, and to identify causes of errors by semi-structured interviews with ED physicians. The clinical severity of APEs was rated by a committee of experts. SPSS V26 and NVivo 10 were used for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, respectively.
Results: The incidence of APEs caused by the use of EPS was 4.3%. Wrong quantity (32.62%), wrong dose (15.25%), and duplicate drugs (13.55%) were identified as the most common types of APEs. More than one-third of APEs identified were deemed clinically significant, seven were serious, and one was lethal. Minor and significant antibiotic APEs across physicians who attended workshops on EPS and those who did not were 75.00% versus 46.77% (p = 0.001) and 18.75% versus 52.41% (p = 0.013), respectively. Three major causes of errors were identified: 1) System-related (system crash, drop-down menu), 2) user-related (lack of computer skills), and 3) workplace-related (overcrowding, inadequate staffing).
Conclusions: APEs generated by the use of EPS were common in EDs in Jordan, clinically significant, and multifactorial. Further research is required to cover pharmacists’ perspectives of this kind of errors.
Keywords: antibiotics; emergency departments; prescribing errors.
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Research Title: Virtual Coaching Delivered by Pharmacists to Prevent COVID-19 Transmission
Author: Asma Ahmad El-Shara, Published Year: 2021
Hospital Pharmacy, July 2021
Faculty: Pharmacy
Abstract: Background: While the role of pharmacists in the current pandemic control has been recognized worldwide, their coaching efforts to improve the public’s behaviors that could prevent COVID-19 transmission has been rarely investigated.
Objectives: To assess whether pharmacist-based virtual health coaching sessions could increase the proportion of people who practised healthy social behaviors, to test whether this model can increase the public acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines, and to
measure whether these behaviors could actually prevent contracting COVID-19. Method: In this randomized controlled trial, adults who matched specific criteria were randomly allocated into 2 arms. The active arm received 12 pharmacist-based virtual coaching sessions delivered via Zoom® over a month. Participants allocated to the control arm received no coaching. At the end of the last coaching session, both groups were asked to complete a structured questionnaire for outcome assessment. Participants in the active group were followed up to 2weeks after the end of the last coaching session to check if they contracted COVID-19 or not. The SPSS software version 26.0 (IBM Corp., Chicago, IL) was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Of the 300 participants who gave consent for participation, 295 completed the study (147 from the active arm and 148 from the control arm). The proportion of those using face masks, avoiding crowds, and willing to be isolated if infected in the active arm was increased from 51.70%, 53.74%, and 59.86% at baseline to 91.83%, 80.27%, and 96.59% at the end of coaching, respectively (all with P<.05). In addition, the proportion of behaviors, such as disinfecting surfaces, not touching the T-zone, and avoid sharing personal belongings with colleagues at work was increased from 36.05%, 27.89%, and 46.93% at baseline to 63.94%, 52.38%, and 87.75% at the end of coaching, respectively (all with P<.05). Avoid touching the T-zone (OR=0.43; 95% CI, 0.24-0.89) and using disposable tissues (OR=0.30; 95% CI, 0.18-0.77), each versus using face masks appropriately were more likely to get COVID-19. Conclusion: Pharmacist-based virtual health coaching could be a potential strategy to increase the proportion of behaviors that could curtail the spread of COVID-19.
Keywords: pharmacists, education, medication safety, residency training, programs
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Research Title: Seroprevalences of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum infections in Jordanian women who had a recent spontaneous abortion
Author: Raida W. Khalil, Published Year: 2021
Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária, 30
Faculty: Science
Abstract: This cross-sectional study investigates Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum among 445 recently spontaneously aborted (RSA) Jordanian women using ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody (at a cut-off value of 1/200) tests, respectively. The type of hospital, age, cat and dog contacts, raw and barbecued meat and wild plant consumption, number of abortions, and stillbirths were tested as independent variables using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. The true seroprevalences were 22.1% for T. gondii-IgG, 22.7% for N. caninum-IgG, 2.6% for T. gondii-IgM, 10.6% for N. caninum-IgM, 0% for T. gondii-IgG and IgM, 6.7% for N. caninum-IgG and IgM, and 4.6% and 0% for both parasite IgG and IgM, respectively. T. gondii-IgM-seropositivity was associated with the number of abortions with odds ratios (OR) of 2.4 and eating barbecued meat (OR = 0.12). N. caninum-IgG-seropositivity was associated with having a dog in the house (OR = 2.6), and with stillbirth (OR = 0.1). N. caninum-IgM was associated with visiting a private-hospital (OR = 2.7). RSA Jordanian women are equally exposed to both parasites with significantly (p < 0.05) higher seroprevalence of N. caninum-IgM compared to T. gondii-IgM suggestive of active infections among RSA women in Jordan.
Keywords: Neospora caninum; Jordanian women, Spontaneous abortion
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Research Title: Earnings management, ownership structure and the firm value: An empirical analysis
Author: Hassan Hamad Aldboush, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, Research Article: 20
Faculty: Business
Abstract: There are always conflicts of interest between managers (agents) and owners (leaders), but not necessarily the degree of disagreement. This is due to a conflict of interest or a division of responsibility. The purpose of this research is to look at the effects of earnings management and ownership structure on business value. The public firms included for this research were listed on the Amman Stock Exchange between 2015 and 2019. The purposive sampling strategy is used in this research to examine the sample, providing seven businesses as the test sample. In the regression analysis, multiple regression and descriptive statistics were applied. According to the conclusions of this research, earning management, managerial ownership, and institutional ownership have minimal effect on business value. Aside from that, the findings suggest that family ownership has a significant favorable influence on business worth. To maximize the firm's valuation, it is recommended that these firms strictly adhere to the CG mechanism as a requirement. The function of CG as an independent or moderating variable, on the other hand, is still debatable.
Keywords: Earnings management (EM); Firm value (FV); Ownership structure (OS).
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Research Title: Anticancer Activity and In Silico ADMET Properties of 2,4,5-Trisubstitutedthiazole
Author: Soha Telfah, Published Year: 2020
Current Drug Metabolism, 1
Faculty: Pharmacy
Abstract: Recently, a series of 15 compounds with 2,4,5-trisubstitutedthiazole scaffold having
Keywords: Cytotoxicity, 2-amino-5-aryl-thiazole, breast cancer cell lines