Author: Adnan Mahmmoud Al-Tobasi, Published Year: 2015
i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 9
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This article attempts to probe the level of creative thinking of teachers at Philadelphia University in Jordan, and to define its relation with several independent demographic variables, namely age, gender, duration of experience, specialization, and personality types and traits. To accomplish this purpose, three questionnaires are administered on a randomly-chosen sample of (90) teachers at Philadelphia University, Jordan. Findings point out that personality traits included in the study are found available in teachers of Philadelphia University at meager proportions. They can be arranged according to degree of availability in the following descending order: amiable, persevering, savvy, courageous and daring, intelligent, insightful, dynamic and active, and independent. The level of creative thinking of teachers at Philadelphia University is found to be somewhat moderate. Besides, there is no statistically significant relation between the creative thinking of teachers studied and each of the following demographic variables: gender, age, experience, and personality types. Specialization and amiability are concluded to affect the level of creative thinking: the first positively and the second adversely. The other personality traits studied are not available in proportions that considerably affect the level of creative thinking of teachers. As for personality types, they were found to be mainly Epimetheans and Apollonians. Several conclusions and recommendations concerning the teaching learning environments and processes are outlined.

Keywords: Creativity, Creative Thinking, Personality Types, Dionysian (Artisan) Type, Epimethean (Guardian) Type, Promethean (Rational) Type, Apollonian (Idealist) Type, Transmission Pedagogy, Generative Pedagogy, Transformative Pedagogy, Teaching with Creativity, Teaching for Creativity, Connectional Intelligence

Research Title: الكشف عن سمات الشخصية البارانويدية لدى طلبة الجامعة والفروق فيها تبعا للنوع الاجتماعي
Author: Lina Mahmoud Ashour, Published Year: 2018
دراسات، العلوم التربوية, 45
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: هدفت الدراسة الكشف عن سمات الشخصية البارنويدية من حيث مدى انتشارها والفروق بين الجنسين. تكون مجتمع الدراسة من طلبة كلتي البكالوريوس في العلوم والآداب في الجامعة الأردنية في الفصل الدراسي الثاني للعام الدراسي 2014-2015 لدرجة البكالوريوس ومن كلا الجنسين. وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (500) طالب وطالبة، تم اختيارهم بالطريقة الطبقية العشوائية. ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة والإجابة عن تساؤلاتها، تم تطوير مقياس للكشف عن سمات الشخصية البارانويدية ، حيث أظهرت نتائج الدراسة ان تقود (25.3%) من أفراد عينة الدراسة يعانون من سمات الشخصية البارانويدية بدرجة منخفضة، وأن (58.2%)من أفراد عينة الدراسة يعانون من سمات الشخصية البارانويدية بدرجة متوسطة، وأن (16.5%) منهم يعانون منها بدرجة مرتفعة، وتبين أن نسبة انتشاره بين الإناث كانت أعلى من الذكور. وفي ضوء ما أسفرت عنه هذه الدراسة من نتائج، نوصي بإجراء مزيد من الدراسات المستقبلية حول سمات الشخصية البارانويدية، مع تناول متغيرات وعينات جديدة، والاستفادة من نتائج هذه الدراسة في نشر الوعي بين أفراد المجتمع الأردني.

Research Title: The role of Psychological guidance and counseling in achieving intellectual security in the light of the repercussions of the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism from the point of view of the Educational counselors in the capital Amman
Author: Lina Mahmoud Ashour, Published Year: 2018
Journal of American Academic Research, 6
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study aimed at identifying the role of Psychological guidance and counseling in achieving intellectual security in the light of the repercussions of the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism from the point of view of the Educational counselors in the capital Amman. It also aimed to detect the statistical significance differences at the level of significance (? = 0.05) between the responses of the sample members due to the following variables: (gender, academic qualification, years of service). The total population of the study consists of all (481) of male and female counselors in the capital Amman; 192 males and 289 females. The study sample consisted of (154) male and female counselors, representing about 32% of the original population of the study. In their study, the researchers followed the analytical descriptive approach, where they monitored the role of psychological and social counseling in achieving intellectual security in the light of the repercussions of the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism. The study reached a set of results that the statistical average of the responses of the sample members (male and female counselors) on the scale of the role of psycho-social counseling in achieving intellectual security in the light of the repercussions of the phenomenon of terrorism and extremism was (3.89) which is in a high level. The arithmetic mean of the items of the scale ranged from 3.65 to 4.18, between the lowest and the highest mean. Respondents' responses were within a percentage ranging from 84% to 68%. The results of the study also showed that there are no apparent differences of statistical significance at the level of (? = 0.05) between respondents' responses on the role of psycho-social counseling in achieving intellectual security in light of the repercussions of terrorism and extremism, due to the following variables: (gender, academic qualification, years of service).

Research Title: اضطرابات القلق لدى الشباب الأردني: منظور معرفي سلوكي
Author: Lina Mahmoud Ashour, Published Year: 2016
مؤتمر فيلادلفيا, جامعة فيلادلفيا - الأردن
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: تعد مشكلات الشباب من أبرز قضايا العصر في ظل الثورة المعلوماتية وزوال الحواجز والحدود في إطار العولمة والاتجاه نحو العالم الافتراضي والرقمي؛ وتتجه معظم دول العالم نحو استراتيجيات وخطط تتعلق بمستقبل الشباب ودورهم الاساسي في التنمية المستدامة والبحث عن حلول لما يواجه الشباب من مشكلات. وتتجه معظم دراسات علم النفس والارشاد نحو الاهتمام بالجانب السلوكي الظاهري والادراك المعرفي، ومعرفة الاسباب المختلقة التي تساهم في المشاكل المختلفة للشباب، وذلك في إطار مساعدة الشباب على مواجهة مشكلاتهم وأن يكونوا مشاركين في إيجاد الحلول وامتلاك مهارات تمكنهم من إدارة هذه المشكلات. فالقلق كظاهرة عالمية غير محصورة بفئة عمرية معينة يبدأ من مرحلة عمرية مبكرة ويستمر حتى المراحل العمرية المتأخرة مما يؤدي الى ظهور مشكلات متعددة تأتي هذه الدراسة لتسلط الضوء على القلق عند الشباب كون الشباب هم أساس العملية الانتاجية وعماد بناء الأمة في حاضرها ومستقبلها ؛ فوجود مثل هذه الظاهرة لدى الشباب يؤدي الى تفاقم المشكلات الاجتماعية النفسية، السياسية ،الثقافية والاقتصادية. فوجود أصول بيولوجية وكيميائية للقلق لا يعني باي حال الاستسلام لمثل هذه الفكرة بل يعني البحث العميق عن الحلول المباشرة التي تختصر الوقت وتقدم المساعدة اللازمة بعيدة المدى. وذلك للوصول الى التوازن المطلوب للتعامل مع تحديات العصر . تعتبر النظرية المعرفية السلوكية من أهم النظريات التي تستطيع أن تتعامل مع المشكلات النفسية التي يعاني منها الشباب، وقد اثبتت هذه النظرية جدواها بشكل عملي في التعامل مع طيف واسع من هذه المشكلات وذلك باستخدام مبادئ اساسية تتضمن اعادة البناء المعرفي وتعليم مجموعة من المهارات التي تساعد هؤلاء الشباب في التكيف مع ما يواجهون من مصادر ضغط حياتية مختلفة . تهدف الدراسة هنا إلى النظر في اضطرابات القلق لدى الشباب الأردني، وتنطلق الباحثة في تحديدها لبعض هذه المشكلات من خلال خبرتها العملية في الإرشاد النفسي وتعاملها مع هذه المشكلات لدى شريحة عشوائية من طالبي الدعم النفسي في المجتمع الأردني. ستقدم الورقة رؤية نظرية وتطبيقية لفعالية استخدام بعض اساليب العلاج للنظرية المعرفية السلوكية في تخفيض مستوى القلق لدى تلك الشريحة، كونها تتضمن أساليب علاجية متنوعة. وسيتم التركيز في البحث على بعض المشكلات المرتبطة باضطرابات القلق لدى الشباب والتي تم التعامل معها خلال السنوات العشر الماضية.

Research Title: Shakespeare and the Critic: To read, or not to read Authorial Intent in Shakespeare
Author: Nadia Mohammad Hamdi, Published Year: 2015
Philadelphia University International Conference, جامعة فيلادلفيا - الأردن
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: validate literature through an investigation of literary intention has long been considered a direct offense against the text. Having dissolved the age- old union between the writer and the text, the Death of the Author brought on the anti-intentionalist viewpoint which rejected the author's intention regarding it as a constraint which limits the ways in which a text might be understood. The logical corollary of this conception of a living, organic text, which lives in spite of and outside its author’s intention, is a dynamic multivocal symphony that invites multiple readings, unique interpretations and ambiguity tolerance. However, when faced by an author whose life and intentions are so prominent as those of Shakespeare, how can a reader uphold an interpretation which abolishes the author- function? When faced by Shakespeare’s texts, Deconstruction and other forms of post-structuralism did little more than shift the focus from the author as the ultimate defining entity, to the critic as the supreme cultural authority. This research paper, aims to introduce some of the most prominent debates into Shakespearian discourse with a focus on reader engagement and areas of reader- response which have defied conventional approaches to the author- god and have decentered the author and or critic from the debate. It adopts an iconoclastic approach to some of the most widely observed interpretations put to Shakespearian texts and concludes with a brief summary of points of similarity and departure between readings based on authorial- intent and anti-intentionalist readings.

Research Title: Words have power: A Rhetorical Analysis of the English Speeches of Queen Rania of Jordan
Author: Hanan Ali Amaireh, Published Year: 2016
Lambert Academic Publishing,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study compares the language of males and females in the political arena when addressing the same issue, and interestingly when they are a couple, and both are young. King Abdullah’s and Queen Rania’s speeches are chosen as case studies. This raises the following questions.

Research Title: A Comparative Political Discourse Analysis of Youth Representation in the Corpus of King Abdullah’s and Queen Rania’s English Speeches
Author: Hanan Ali Amaireh, Published Year: 2017
Philadelphia University International Conference on Youth, جامعة فيلادلفيا - الأردن
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This paper is a qualitative and quantitative study of youth representation in the political discourse. I have chosen to analyse two corpora of King Abdullah’s speeches and Queen Rania’s English speeches as they frequently speak about youth and defend their rights in the political arena. For example, in one of King Abdullah’s speeches at the Economic Club of Chicago and the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, he said: “Our focus is on empowering youth” (11 June, 2004), and in one of Queen Rania’s speeches at the Inaugural Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China, she said “Jordan is determined to create a future of opportunity and prosperity for our youth” (8 September, 2007).

Research Title: Passing Thoughts: A Collection of Feelings Recollected in Disturbance. A Collection of Poetry
Author: Mohammad Al-Jayyousi, Published Year: 2016
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Mohammad Aljayyousi is professor of English at Philadelphia University - Jordan. He has a PhD in Literary Criticism from IUP. His research interests include postmodernism, film studies and digital literary studies. He also writes poetry. Besides his academic work and creative writing, he is an independent artist and filmmaker. He has published translated poems and a number of articles.

Research Title: No Season of Migration to the West: Theorizing the Non-Western in the Writings of Larry Neal
Author: Mohammad Al-Jayyousi, Published Year: 2017
Journal of African American Studies,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study discusses the role the non-Western and its theorization play in the discourse of the BAM movement, taking the writings of Larry Neal as a case study. The study starts with explaining its historicizing approach which situates both the texts under study and the approach itself in their historical context showing both limitations and advantages. Then, a number of theoretical techniques and strategies used by Neal to theorize the non-Western, namely, the epistemological departure from the West, glorifying popular culture, and activism, are discussed in detail. The study then argues that the discourse of Larry Neal might well fit within the notion of postocoloniality and concludes with a deconstructive critique of the notion of the non-Western and proposes a substitute term, “De-westernization,” which might solve the inner contradictions in the discourse.

Research Title: Enter the Digital: Emergent Materiality and the Digitization of Literary Texts
Author: Mohammad Al-Jayyousi, Published Year: 2017
Digital Studies / Le champ numérique,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study has two main parts: the first one reviews the current scholarship and theories about the materiality of text in print and digital form exemplified in the works of Johanna Drucker, Jerome McGann, Matthew Kirschenbaum, G. Thomas Tanselle and D. F. McKenzie and then presents a hybrid model of materiality that is comprehensive and practical. This model is designed to make the most use of the capacities of the digital medium and it stems from an understanding of the material repercussions of the migration from print to digital. The second part elaborates on the elements of the codex book and overviews the history of the novel genre. This is to prepare a basis for a prototype for digitizing novels, called iNovel. The last part of the study presents a detailed description of the prototype and its different tools. This prototype serves as a realization of the theoretical model described earlier.