
Chairman: Dr. Nabil Wanas Abdel-Aziz Musa
Tel: +96264799000 Ext. 2219
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Welcome to the Mechanical Engineering Department at Philadelphia University. Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and most diverse fields of engineering. It helps in all areas of life.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Philadelphia University was founded in 1991, and its engineering graduates have had a significant impact on society since then. A number of our graduates have gone on to become successful entrepreneurs or hold important positions in significant businesses. Our students are in high demand, with local, regional, and international companies offering excellent work opportunities.

Our mechanical engineering program aims to develop professional Engineers in the field of mechanical engineering by delivering instruction and hands-on experiments from a highly qualified teaching staff.


Contact Information

Jarash Road, 20 KM out of Amman, Amman Jordan


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