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Research Title: قوانين الانتخابات والاحزاب السياسية: من منظور المساواة بين الجنسين التقرير الوطني: المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يقدم التقرير قراءة وتحليل لواقع الانتخابات والمشاركة السياسية في الاردن من منظور الجندر
Keywords: القوانين،التشريعات ،المرأة ،المنظور الجندري
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Research Title: Developing Distance Learning in Jordanian Schools: Institutional and Teachers' Responsibilities during COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2022
Journal of Interactive Learning Research, v33
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the institutional and teachers' responsibilities during "the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of" developing distance learning in Jordanian Schools. For that, the researcher adopted the methodology of descriptive-analytical statistics by applying the questionnaire (study tool) to a sample size of (450) teachers from schools in Jordan. Results show that all the study independent variables have a positive impact on the process of developing distance learning from the point of view of teachers in Jordan. And respondents agreed with a high-level rate that the development of the distance learning process requires the integration of the roles between teachers, students, parents, officials, and concerned authorities. Results emphasized that the interaction of teachers with the distance learning process is the main guarantor of the success of this process.
Keywords: Distance Learning, Institutional Responsibilities, Teachers’ Responsibilities, COVID-19 Pandemic, Jordanian Schools
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Research Title: Role of Media Literacy in Confronting Hate Speech among Jordanian Society Components
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2022
International Conference on Studies in Education and Social Sciences, Turkey
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: This study aims at analyzing the role of media literacy in confronting hate speech among Jordanian
society components. For that, the researcher adopted the descriptive as well as the analytical approaches. The
study investigates the direct role of media literacy with its four capabilities (Access, Understanding, Evaluating &
analyzing, and Interacting capabilities) in confronting hate speech among the components of Jordanian society.
The study sample consisted of 3000 Jordanian individuals from all Jordanian governorates, and various social,
cultural, and economic levels. A questionnaire was developed as a tool for data collection. The study concluded
that the third variable (media literacy evaluating and analyzing capabilities) came with the highest percentage of
(87%); reflecting that the evaluating and analyzing capabilities are the cornerstone of understanding the media
content and the media discourse concerning exposure to hate speech. Data also show that there are statistically
significant influences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) of media literacy (access, understanding, evaluating
and analyzing, and interacting capabilities) in confronting hate speech among the components of Jordanian
Keywords: Media Literacy; Hate Speech; Society; Jordan; Quantitative
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Research Title: دليل المشاركة السياسية للمراة الاردنية والرقابة على الانتخابات من منظور النوع الاجتماعي
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2020
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يقدم الدليل تقييم للمشاركة السياسية للمراة الاردنية والرقابة على الانتخابات من منظور النوع الاجتماعي
Keywords: المشاركة السياسية، المراة الاردنية ،الرقابة ،الانتخابات ،النوع الاجتماعي
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Research Title: تمكين المرأة في الادارة المحلية في الاردن
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يقدم دراسة للوثيقة الارشادية للمارسة النزاهة والشفافية والمساواة بين الجنسين أثناء العملية الانتخابية للادارة المحلية (المرشحين والمنتخبين )
Keywords: تمكين المرأة، الادارة المحلية ، الاردن،النزاهة ،الشفافية ،المساواة،الانتخابات،ادارة محلية
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Research Title: تعزيز قدرات الاعلام الاردني لمكافحة التطرف والارهاب-التربية الاعلامية
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2020
Faculty: Arts
يتناول الكتاب دور التربية الاعلامية في تعزيز قدرات الاعلام لمكافحة التطرف والارهاب
Keywords: الاعلام، الاردن ،مكافحة التطرف ،الارهاب،التربية الاعلامية
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Research Title: Improving Jordan’s Media Capacity to Counter Violent Extremism and Terrorism Media Literacy and Performance &Content Quality Perspective
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2020
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: Modern media outlets are essential communication tools and help their audiences remain in touch
with reality and interact with its novelties. They increasingly have an important role in explaining
issues and presenting them to public view and opinion, especially issues concerning national
security. The importance of the role media plays across all different facets of modern life has
become obvious to most people, as has the potential danger in it. When it comes to education,
culture, economy, and security, studies show that media has become a prominent aspect of the
modern age and an effective tool in forming a public and societal conscience. Within a society
and in making sure public opinion is formed in accordance with relevant knowledge about its
security and well-being, the media serves a crucial role. In order to fulfill this role correctly, media
must have authority and publishing responsibility, as well as being guided by professional assets,
in order to effectively contribute to achieving a set of positions related to the individual and society,
especially what connects to combatting extremism and terrorism, and dealing with their
It is important to consider the values to which His Majesty King Abdullah II referred in his speech
before the United Nations in 2019, of tolerance and justice and coexistence, and the importance
of unveiling the logistics of terrorism and defining the role that media outlets play to combat it. His
Majesty affirmed the need to “amplify the voice of moderation. It is one of the greatest ironies of
our time that extremist voices use advanced media to propagate ignorant ideas! We must not let
our screens, airwaves, broadband and social media be monopolized by those who pose the
greatest danger to our world. We too must populate our media, and more importantly, the minds
of our young people, with the purity and power of moderation.”
Consequently, enhancing Jordanian media’s ability to combat extremism and terrorism through a
lens of media literacy is achievable through the development of a modern Jordanian media
system that ensures the quality of performance and content. Jordanian media must formulate its
content to stimulate political, social, economic, and cultural development and growth in the context
of Jordan’s policy of openness and in alignment with global development.
file:///C:/Users/aj8in/Downloads/_دليل هداية بالإنجليزية 27-12-2020 (1).pdf
Keywords: Jordan, Media, Capacity, Counter, Violent, Extremism, terrorism, Media Literacy , Quality
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Research Title: The Dialogue between the (Self) and the (Other): Analysis of Arab-American Dialectical Relation
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2019
Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 86
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: The 'Self' and the 'Other' are two philosophic concepts that are represented in this study to reflect upon the
relations between East and West, considering in particular the dialectical relation between Arabs and Americans.
Analysis of selected history events introduces such inter-relations being mainly described on the basis of
colonialism, terrorism, and peace on the other hand. Arab-American relations were questioned in the Arab
region, where Arabs considered the relation in terms of American polarization as dominant and supporting the
Jewish presence, which is mainly the reason behind the cultural clash that ended into a clear political clash by
the rejection of the Deal of the Century. The study concluding that Arabs were used to decades of rejecting and
denying the (other) in different stages of history because of their cultural heritage ; and that they should rather
now reconsider their standings to make it more humanitarian seeking peace rather than hatred and violence .
Keywords: The 'Self' and the 'Other', Arab, American, colonialism, terrorism, peace, Arab-American relations, Arab region, American polarization, Jewish presence, Deal of the Century
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Research Title: The Implications of the Use of Social Media on the Political Development: Jordanian University Students’ Perspective
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2018
Jordan Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 2
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: This study aimed at exploring the implications of the use of social media on political
development from Philadelphia University students’ perspective. The researcher adopted
qualitative research approach proposed by Strauss and Corbin on a sample of (200) students out
of (12,000) as total population in the academic year (2016-2017). This approach incorporated
three basic elements; the theoretical sensitive coding, that is, creating theoretical solid ideas from
the information to clarify the phenomenon discussed; theoretical sampling, that is, choosing
whom to meet or what to see next as indicated by the condition of the state of theory generation,
and that implies starting data analysis with the first interview, and writing down early
hypotheses; and the need to contrast phenomena and contexts to make the theory valid. The
researcher concluded that it was the phrase of “Political participation” as a probable key
category that led to the validation of the perceived hypothesis.
Keywords: Social media, political development, political participation, qualitative research, university students, Jordan
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Research Title: guidelines to policy and regulatory impact assessment in Jordan EU
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2017
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: The study points out the role of regulatory assessment in developing participatory work in Jordan focusing on
both civil society organizations and Ministry of Political & Parliamentary Affairs. Jordan, nowadays ,has a
rapidly evolving policy and regulatory environment. The problem that is rooted in our societies and national
institutions manifests in the absence or lack of coordination in order to achieve the desired results that are
planned to reach, namely the efficiency and effectiveness of the institutional performance of all sectors,
especially the development sectors. The study poses the questions dealing with empowering a decentralized RIA
System in Jordan, mainly: Determining the policies to be achieved to solve the problem, identifying the
problems to be treated, determining the appropriate option for policy enforcement, determining the type of
legislation required, determining who is responsible for preparing these legislations, and identifying the
necessary legal and administrative mechanisms required. The research used the descriptive analytical,
methodology. The study proposes an institutional mechanism of the (RIA) in Jordan.
Keywords: regulatory impact assessment (RIA), participatory work, civil society organizations, political and parliamentary affairs, Jordan