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Research Title: جمع المخطوطات العربية في ضوء مكاتبات المستشرقين مع مثقفي حلب (ق11هـ/17م)
Author: Rasha Abdullah Alkhatib, Published Year: 2021
مجلة معهد المخطوطات العربية, مجلد 65، الجزء(1)
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: يدرس هذا البحث جمع المخطوطات العربية في ضوء بعض المكاتبات الباقية ضمن أوراق ثلاثةٍ من المستشرقين الأوروبيين: يعقوب خوليوس، وإدوارد بوكوك، وليفينوس وارنر، المتبادلة بينهم وبين بعض مسلمي مدينة حلب، من العلماء المعروفين أو من المثقفين المغمورين في ق11هـ/ 17م، الذين ساعدوا المستشرقين في تعلُّم اللغة العربية وجمع المخطوطات. ويقدم في القسم الأول منه تعريفاً بسِيَرهم، وهم:
• الشاعر محمد بن عمر العُرْضي (ت1071هـ/1660م)
• أبو الوفا بن عمر العُرْضي (ت1071هـ/1660م)
• صالح العرضي (- ؟) أو الحكيم صالح أفندي بن نصر الله (ت1081هـ/1669م)
• الدرويش أحمد بن الحاج حسام الكَلَشْـني (توفي قبل 1080هـ/ 1670م)
• الشيخ فتح الله بن محمود البيلوني (ت1042هـ/1632م)
وقد كان لهؤلاء وغيرهم اتصالٌ ببعض المستشرقين، الذين قدِموا إلى الشرق وأقاموا فيه رفقة قنصليات بلادهم؛ من أجل دراسة لغاته وجمع مخطوطاته؛ ليتسنى لهم دعم تدريس اللغات الشرقية في الجامعات الأوروبية، التي كان أشهرها في ذلك الوقت يشهد تأسيس أقسامٍ خاصة لدراستها وفي مقدمتها اللغة العربية، مثل: جامعة ليدن في 1599م، وجامعة أمستردام في 1632م، وجامعة كمبردج في 1633م، وجامعة أكسفورد في 1636م( ).
وفي القسم الثاني من البحث نعرض نصوص المكاتبات بين المستشرقين وبعض مثقفي حلب، ومعظمها يُنشر للمرة الأولى باللغة العربية؛ كي تكون موضع الفحص والدرس أمام الباحثين في مجالات متنوعة، وقد كانت المكاتبات قد انتشرت في القرن11هـ/17م بين الناس في مختلف شؤون الحياة اليومية، وهي ذات أهمية خاصة لأنها دليل نادر على حيوية الحياة الأدبية في العصر العثماني، على العكس من الصورة السائدة عن جمود الأدب العربي آنذاك. هذا إلى القيمة التوثيقية التاريخية التي تحملها المكاتبات وتوثّق من خلالها جانباً غير مشتهر من عمل المستشرقين لاقتناء المخطوطات العربية من بلادها، ألا وهو مساعدة أهل البلاد للمستشرقين في نسخ المخطوطات وشرائها لهم، وانكبابهم على هذا الأمر دون أن يكون فيه ما ينتقص من أمانتهم أو يصيبهم بتهمة التفريط في التراث.
Keywords: جمع المخطوطات العربية - المستشرقون - حلب في القرن 11هـ / 17م - الأدب في العصر العثماني
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Research Title: الأدب الأندلسي في الدراسات الاستشراقية البريطانية
Author: Rasha Abdullah Alkhatib, Published Year: 2013
Faculty: Arts
Abstract: تحاول الباحثة في هذا الكتاب رصد ما أنجزه المستشرقون والباحثون البريطانيون عن الأدب الأندلسي، ودراسة أعمالهم -التي تأتي تمثيلاً لظاهرة الاستشراق- بوصفها جهداً علمياً لدراسة حضارة الشرق وتراثه، والاهتمام بقيمة هذا الجهد بعيداً عن ربطه بدوافع المستشرقين وغاياتهم، التي قد لا تروقنا نحن أهل الشرق، وذلك بالتأريخ لهذه الظاهرة في إطار بيئتها العامة. فإذا ما انتقلتْ الباحثةُ إلى النظر في الإنتاج نفسه، أي ثمرة الجهود التي قام بها المستشرقون البريطانيون في دراسة الأدب الأندلسي، ألفتْ نفسَها محتاجةً - مجاراةً لمقتضيات البحث - إلى استقراء هذه الجهود ووصفها، بما يتطلبه منهج الاستقراء من تصنيف الظواهر والقضايا والآثار التي تتصل بأعمال المستشرقين البريطانيين ودراساتهم عن الأدب الأندلسي، ثم تفسير نتاج هذه الجهود وتعليلها في ضوء السياق العام الذي جعل للاستشراق طابعه المميز في مراحله المتباينة، وتقييم الجهود البريطانية من حيث منزلتها بين الجهود الأوروبية الأخرى التي بُذِلت في سبيل دراسة الإرث الأندلسي الفريد.
Keywords: الأدب الأندلسي، الاستشراق البريطاني، الاستشراق، الدراسات الاستشراقية، الدراسات الأندلسية
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Research Title: Draft Monte Carlo Simulation of Free-standing Thin Films under Low Energy Electron Bombardment: Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path (IMFP) Determination Using Elastic Peak of the Transmitted Electrons
Author: Hani Yousef Mohammad Kawariq, Published Year: 2022
Faculty: Science
Abstract: The electron energy spectra of transmitted scattered electrons from free-standing films are simulated using a Monte Carlo computational approach. Elastic scattering is simulated using Mott cross-sections and inelastic scattering via discrete processes determined from dielectric function data. This allows one to simulate the secondary electrons as well as the loss peaks near the elastic (zero loss) peak. The current study suggested a directed approach for determining the electron inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of materials at low primary electron energies. The IMFP of the reference material are not necessary for the suggested technique. The suggested technique makes use of the ratio between the transmitted elastic peak intensity and the background intensity of backscattered electrons. Free standing films of Si, Cu and Au were studied with thicknesses varying from 2 to 12 nm. Primary electron energies of 1 keV, 3 keV, and 5 keV were applied. The results appeared very good with the percentage error range was being between 5% and 25 %. We also investigate the proportion of the first and second plasmon peaks intensities to the elastic peak's intensity. We believe that the latter could provide a directed method of measuring the IMFP of materials.
Keywords: Inelastic mean free path, Monte Carlo simulation, Geant4, Free standing film,Zero loss peak
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Author: Hani Yousef Mohammad Kawariq, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Science
Abstract: As a new topological property, we introduce paracompact space via co-compact sets. We give some characterizations and implications theorems .
Keywords: Coc-paParacompact, coc-meta compact, coc-metaLindel ̈of, coc-meta Lindel ̈of, coc-countable paracompact spaces
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Research Title: Co-Lindelöf Open Sets
Author: Hani Yousef Mohammad Kawariq, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Science
Abstract: In this paper, we define a new type of open sets called co-Lindelöf open set (coL-open). Moreover, we obtain several results about co-Lindelöf open sets and study the relation among open set, coc-open set and coL-open. Furthermore, we define separation axioms via coL-open and prove some related results.
Keywords: co-Lindel ̈of open sets, coL-Ti- spaces i = 0, 1, 2,coL-Di− spaces i = 0, 1, 2.
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Research Title: On some generalized numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators
Author: Hani Yousef Mohammad Kawariq, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Science
Abstract: In this paper, it is shown, among other inequalities, that if A, B ∈ B(H), then, for p > 1, we have
Keywords: Numerical radius, norm inequality, Schatten p-norm.
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Research Title: Evaluating the Jordanian university graduates’ entrepreneurship skills
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2023
Int. J. Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 32, No. 2
Faculty: Business
Abstract: Entrepreneurship is fundamental to modern economics and
technological development, and is vital to transitioning towards an
interconnected digital economy, which requires adequate entrepreneurial skills
that support this development. This study aimed to reveal the ability of
Jordanian university graduates in some majors to pursue entrepreneurial work
by examining their possession of entrepreneurial skills. This study utilised the
descriptive, analytical approach on a sample of 322 graduate students. The
study found that the degree of entrepreneurial skill possession among Jordanian
university graduate students was moderate. However, graduates with prior
work experience were found to have a significantly greater degree of
entrepreneurial skills possession than those without. Moreover, among
university graduates who have prior work experience, entrepreneurship
personal skills were most available, followed by entrepreneurship technical
skills, whereas entrepreneurship management skills were the least available.
The study recommends universities enhance their course plan by adding
practical courses to develop entrepreneurial skills.
Keywords: entrepreneurship personal skills; EPS; entrepreneurship; management skills; entrepreneurship technical skills; ETS; Jordanian university graduates’.
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Research Title: The impact of entrepreneurial behavior on entrepreneurial human resources management: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2024
Problems and Perspectives in Management, Volume 22, Issue 1
Faculty: Business
Abstract: Entrepreneurial human resources management can establish competitive advantages
by consistently fostering superior human resources contributions within companies.
This is achieved through the development of skilled employees who are passionate
about delivering quality products and services. This study sets out to explore the role
of entrepreneurial orientation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly
the relationship between entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial human
resource management. An online questionnaire technique was used to meet the research
objectives. The study sample consisted of 356 participants from human resource
management departments from 30 SMEs in the Al-Hassan Industrial Estate (HIE) in
northern Jordan. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the
data. The results displayed that entrepreneurial behavior positively and significantly
impacts both entrepreneurial human resources management and entrepreneurial orientation.
Additionally, entrepreneurial orientation positively impacts entrepreneurial
human resources management. Entrepreneurial orientation partially mediates the
relationship between entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial human resources
management. According to these findings, human resources management policies and
practices influence the level of entrepreneurship within an organization
Keywords: entrepreneurial behavior, entrepreneurial human resources management, entrepreneurial orientation, SMEs
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Research Title: Pesticides: An alarming detrimental to health and environment
Author: Balakumar Chandrasekarn, Published Year: 2024
Science of The Total Environment, 915
Faculty: Pharmacy
Abstract: Pesticides are chemical substances of natural or synthetic origin that are used to eradicate pests and insects. These are indispensable in the agricultural processes for better crop production. Pesticide use aims to promote crop yield and protect the crops from diseases and damage. Pesticides must be handled carefully and disposed of appropriately because they are dangerous to people and other species by default. Environmental pollution occurs when pesticide contamination spreads away from the intended plants. Older pesticides such as lindane and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) may remain in water and soil for a longer time. These accumulate in various parts of the food chain and cause damage to the ecosystem. Biological techniques in the management of pest control such as importation, augmentation, and conservation, and the accompanying procedures are more efficient, less expensive, and ecologically sound than other ways. This review mainly focuses on the consequences on the targeted and non-targeted organisms including the health and well-being of humans by the use of pesticides and their toxicity. The side effects that occur when a pesticide's LD50 exceeds the accepted limit through oral or skin penetration due to their binding to various receptors such as estrogen receptors, GABA, EGFR, and others. These pesticide classes include carbamates, pyrethroids, organochlorides, organophosphorus, and others. The current study seeks to highlight the urgent requirement for a novel agricultural concept that includes a major reduction in the use of chemical pesticides.
Keywords: Pesticides; health; environment
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Research Title: Big Data Analytics and AI for Green Supply Chain Integration and Sustainability in Hospitals
Author: Heba Mohammad Ahmad Hatamlah, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Business
Abstract: This paper examines how big data analytics and AI improve hospital supply chain sustainability.
Hospitals are recognizing the need for eco-friendly operations due to environmental issues and rising healthcare
needs. It analyzes data from 68 UK hospitals using a conceptual model and partial least squares regressionbased structural equation modeling. The research begins by examining hospital supply networks' environmental
impact. Energy use, trash, and transportation emissions are major issues. It then explains how big data analytics
and AI can transform these implications. This study prioritizes big data analytics for inventory management,
demand forecasting, and procurement. Hospitals can reduce inventory, waste, and supply shortages using datadriven insights, saving money and the environment. AI also boosts hospital supply chain logistics and
transportation efficiency, according to the study. Fuel consumption, carbon emissions, and delivery routes are
optimized by AI. Predictive maintenance preserves medical equipment. In conclusion, hospital supply chains
benefit greatly from big data analytics and AI. Hospitals can improve the healthcare business, reduce their
environmental impact, and preserve resources for future generations. Healthcare leaders, politicians, and
researchers seeking data-driven solutions for sustainable hospital supply chains gain valuable insights.
Keywords: Green supply chain, Sustainability in healthcare, Big data analytics, Artificial intelligence (AI), Hospital logistics, Environmental impact, Inventory management, Healthcare sustainability.