Research Title: La relation entre hommes et femmes : point de vue d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi.
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2022
مجلة دراسات : العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية, عدد قادم
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: La relation entre l'homme et la femme semble ambiguë malgré son abondance dans les écrits d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi. Très peu de chercheurs ont abordé ce sujet et selon nos recherches en bibliothèques et en ligne personne n’est allé chercher quel genre d’hommes existe dans ses écrits. Dans cette recherche nous avons essayé d'éclaircir la relation entre l'homme et la femme vue par Ahlam Mosteghanemi en répondant sur la question suivante : quels sont les trois genres d’hommes entre lesquels Ahlam est écartelée? Nous avons analysé sa vision de l'homme, et cherché les types d'hommes qui ont influencé ses idées. A travers une large étude des œuvres de cet écrivain, nous avons trouvé trois types d'hommes. Ce sont l'amant, le politicien et le patriotique Abstract Despite the abundant discussion of the relationship between men and women in Ahlam Mosteghanemi's novels, the nature of this relation is not yet obvious. A few researchers have tackled this issue but none have investigated the types of men found in her novel. This research aims at clarifying the relationship between men and women in Mosteghanemi's novels through answering the following question: what three types of men whom Ahlam has been split between? Through the analysis of her vision towards men and through investigating the men who influenced her thoughts, three distinctive types of men are found in her novels; the lover, the politician and the patriot.

Keywords: Ahlam Mosteghanemi, femme arabe, homme arabe, littérature francophone. Littérature française.

Research Title: The method of doubt between Descartes and Taha Hussein, A comparative study
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2022
مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الإنسانية, عدد قادم
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The philosophy of doubt is a controversial subject studied by many Arab and foreign researchers of different intellectual, religious, political affiliations and doctrines. In this research we will try to discuss this topic by answering the following question: What are the similarities and differences between Descartes doubt and Taha Hussein? We divided the research in to two chapters, and in the first section we discussed the philosophy of doubt at Descartes and in the second chapter we discussed the philosophy of doubt at Taha Hussein, and in particular his doubt about pre-islamic literature and poetry, which he considered mostly suspicious. With regard to Descartes chapter, we analyze Descartes’uses of doubt as a principle of life and thought that leads to truth. As for the second chapter, we follow the topics, personalities, and events that Taha Hussein doubted, and what led to this suspicion. We concluded that they both agreed to never doubt the matters of God and existence. Both of them used doubt to reach the absolute truth. The differences between both writers were that Descartes discussed doubt as an ideology and philosophy, while Hussein used the doubt to refute and clarify the ancient Arabic literature and its history.

Keywords: Arabic literature. Descartes. Taha Hussein. Suspicion. Philosophy. Comparative literature

Research Title: The method of doubt between Descartes and Taha Hussein, A comparative study
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2022
مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الإنسانية, عدد قادم
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The philosophy of doubt is a controversial subject studied by many Arab and foreign researchers of different intellectual, religious, political affiliations and doctrines. In this research we will try to discuss this topic by answering the following question: What are the similarities and differences between Descartes doubt and Taha Hussein? We divided the research in to two chapters, and in the first section we discussed the philosophy of doubt at Descartes and in the second chapter we discussed the philosophy of doubt at Taha Hussein, and in particular his doubt about pre-islamic literature and poetry, which he considered mostly suspicious. With regard to Descartes chapter, we analyze Descartes’uses of doubt as a principle of life and thought that leads to truth. As for the second chapter, we follow the topics, personalities, and events that Taha Hussein doubted, and what led to this suspicion. We concluded that they both agreed to never doubt the matters of God and existence. Both of them used doubt to reach the absolute truth. The differences between both writers were that Descartes discussed doubt as an ideology and philosophy, while Hussein used the doubt to refute and clarify the ancient Arabic literature and its history.

Keywords: Arabic literature. Descartes. Taha Hussein. Suspicion. Philosophy. Comparative literature

Research Title: Conditions de vie des Chrétiens sous le règne de l'Empire Ottoman au début du 19ème siècle
Author: Mohammad Al-Ghazu, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This research aims to clarify the living conditions of the Christians in the early 19th century during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. The researcher tried to find out if the Eastern Christians were the only community living under hard circumstances and the causes behind that. To answer this question, this study limits itself to the Eastern Christian sects. The study analyzed the political influence of the West as well as the role which the Turkish governors played in these conditions from the point of view of Chateaubriand compared to that of other contemporary travelers to come up with a permanent conclusion. The findings showed that some Turkish governors abused the Eastern Christians for political, financial and religious reasons, where as it is evident that the Muslim people treated them with great respect and respected their freedom to practice their religious rituals.

Keywords: : Mohamed ghazo, Chrétiens d'orient, l'Empire ottoman, conditions de vie.

Research Title: Recent targeted discovery of phytomedicines to manage endocrine disorder develops due to adapting sedentary lifestyle
Author: Mohammad Bayan, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Leading a sedentary lifestyle is becoming a significant public health issue nowadays. Sedentary lifestyle appears to be increasingly outspread in many nations despite being linked to a range of chronic health conditions. Most importantly, leading a sedentary lifestyle may lead to endocrinological disorders. The endocrine system is a network of glands and organs located throughout the body. The main function of the endocrine system is to regulate the range of bodily functions through the release of hormones. When the function of the endocrine system is disturbed, then it may lead to hormonal imbalance. For the management of major endocrinological disorder, many phytochemical constituents are used. This work aimed to focus on phytomedicinal herbs to target the endocrine glands. Moreover, a variety of phytoconstituents were found to be effective in the management of major endocrine disorders such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, hormonal imbalance. In this chapter, we provide an introduction to sedentary lifestyle, followed by a detailed study of endocrine system and hormones secreted by endocrine glands and major disorders of endocrine glands. We then focus on phytochemical constituents in the form of phytomedicinal herbs used to treat the endocrinological disorders with targeted drug delivery to endocrine glands that can be easily targeted on endocrine glands for the treatment and management of hormonal imbalance.

Keywords: Targeted discovery; Sedentary lifestyle; Endocrine disorder

Research Title: Understanding of Machine Learning with Deep Learning: Architectures, Workflow, Applications and Future Directions
Author: Mohammad Taye, Published Year: 2023
Computers, 12
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Abstract In recent years, deep learning (DL) has been the most popular computational approach in the field of machine learning (ML), achieving exceptional results on a variety of complex cognitive tasks, matching or even surpassing human performance. Deep learning technology, which grew out of artificial neural networks (ANN), has become a big deal in computing because it can learn from data. The ability to learn enormous volumes of data is one of the benefits of deep learning. In the past few years, the field of deep learning has grown quickly, and it has been used successfully in a wide range of traditional fields. In numerous disciplines, including cybersecurity, natural language processing, bioinformatics, robotics and control, and medical information processing, deep learning has outperformed well-known machine learning approaches. In order to provide a more ideal starting point from which to create a comprehensive understanding of deep learning, also, this article aims to provide a more detailed overview of the most significant facets of deep learning, including the most current developments in the field. Moreover, this paper discusses the significance of deep learning and the various deep learning techniques and networks. Additionally, it provides an overview of real-world application areas where deep learning techniques can be utilised. We conclude by identifying possible characteristics for future generations of deep learning modelling and providing research suggestions. On the same hand, this article intends to provide a comprehensive overview of deep learning modelling that can serve as a resource for academics and industry people alike. Lastly, we provide additional issues and recommended solutions to assist researchers in comprehending the existing research gaps. Various approaches, deep learning architectures, strategies, and applications are discussed in this work.

Keywords: machine learning (ML); deep learning (DL); recurrent neural network (RNN); convolutional neural networks (CNN) artificial intelligence (AI)

Research Title: A Novel Traffic characteristics aware and Context Prediction Protocol for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2023
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , Early Access
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Digital maps have been installed and attached to vehicles recently. They help with the GPS receivers to determine the relative locations of vehicles to other existing traffic and objects over the road network such as entrance/exit points, obstacles, road intersections, etc. This helps drivers or autonomous vehicles to decide the most appropriate reaction, in terms of speed, take-over, or stop operations ahead of time. Several daily traveling vehicles do not have digital maps. Besides, digital maps are vulnerable to being destroyed or inaccurate. They require regular updates due to the continuous construction and re-design of the road networks. These constructions aimed to enhance the road design and the traffic efficiency there. Moreover, accidents, broken vehicles, traffic congestion, or other ad-hoc obstacles appear unpredictably over the road network. In this paper, we aim to introduce a prediction protocol that gathers and analyzes the traffic characteristics of vehicles over the investigated road scenario using wireless transceivers in vehicles. Then, it predicts the physical and traffic context based on the analyzed traffic data. This protocol can replace the absent or broken digital maps in vehicles. It also can be used to verify the correctness of the digital map in vehicles. From the experimental results, we can infer that the proposed protocol has succeeded in predicting the road context over highways and downtown scenarios. More accurate and better predictions are acquired by increasing the percentage of wireless transceiver-equipped vehicles.

Keywords: Roads , Road transportation , Protocols , Accidents , Vehicles , Ad hoc networks , Wireless communication

Research Title: SmartLight: A smart efficient traffic light scheduling algorithm for green road intersections
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2023
Ad Hoc Networks, 140
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Traveling vehicles participate in emphasizing the global warming problem due to the gases produced by them. The exponential increase in the number of daily traveling vehicles has exaggerated the world pollution problem threatening the life on the planet. This encourages several environmental organizations to look for designing green vehicles. Moreover, several countries have forced green driving rules and technologies. Road intersections are considered high fuel consumption areas over the road network. This is due to the required power to stop moving vehicles and restart stopped vehicles at these intersections. This work introduces an efficient traffic light scheduling algorithm (SmartLight) that controls the competing traffic flows at the road intersections. It is designed to reduce the total consumed fuel of vehicles and thus it reduces their produced gases. The topology of the road intersection, the context of the competing traffic flows, and the real-time traffic characteristics of each flow are mainly considered to schedule the phases of each located traffic light. The phases of the traffic light cycle are primly set to allow emergency vehicles to pass through the intersection without stopping. Then, the traffic flow that contains heavy vehicles or has the highest weight among the competing traffic flows is assigned the highest priority to pass through the signalized intersection. Finally, the average waiting delay time of each flow on the signalized intersection should not exceed a pre-determined threshold to guarantee fair sharing of the signalized intersection. The scheduling time of each phase is set based on the lengths of platoons of vehicles that are scheduled during that phase from different un-conflicted traffic flows. An experimental study has evaluated the performance of the proposed algorithm (SmartLight) compared to previous traffic light scheduling algorithms in terms of total fuel consumption, gas emission, the average queuing delay time of vehicles, and the throughput of the road intersection.

Keywords: SmartLight: A smart efficient traffic light scheduling algorithm for green road intersections

Research Title: Information Security and Data Management for IoT Smart Healthcare
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: International legislation and health authorities urge and promote healthcare providers to adopt meaningful use of becoming network integrated. As a result, healthcare services are intelligently provided using the Internet of things (IoT)-based principle. However, transiting healthcare providers and organizations to electronic-based systems are vulnerable to information security attacks and cybercrimes [1]. Information security techniques protect information and systems from illegal and unauthorized admission, usage, disclosure, interference, or conversion. This is accomplished by processing the three main elements: confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Confident information is available or disclosed only to legal processes and only by authorized people from a healthcare perspective. Therefore, only authorized users can modify and control the integrity and protection of electronic data.

Keywords: Information Security and Data Management for IoT Smart Healthcare

Research Title: Safe and Efficient Advising Traffic System Around Critical Road Scenarios
Author: Maram Bani Younes, Published Year: 2023
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 21
Faculty: Information Technology

Abstract: Vehicles travel daily over the road networks toward their targeted destinations. The context of the road varies in terms of the geometric design and existing traffic. Accidents repeatedly occur among traveling vehicles. Some areas of road segments over the road network witness a higher rate of traffic accidents compared to other road scenarios. This is usually affected by the geometric design and pavement quality of the road, including its winding and slope. These roads that witness a higher rate of accident occurrence are referenced as critical road scenarios. In this work, an advising traffic system is proposed to recommend the best speed and basic driving behavior around these scenarios. This system considers the geometric design of the road scenario, the weather conditions, and the real-time traffic characteristics (e.g., traffic density and traffic speed) to obtain optimal recommendations for the traveling vehicles there. From the experimental results, we can infer that the proposed system enhances the safety conditions and reduces the accidental rate over the critical road. The proposed system also enhances traffic efficiency in terms of reducing fuel consumption and gas emission over the investigated critical road scenarios.

Keywords: Critical road Curvature Slope Weather conditions Traffic characteristics Traffic recommendation