
Course Description

Course Description for Department of Software Engineering

Course Description 2003-2004 / 2004-2005
Course Description 2005 / 2006


710101, Computer Skills (1)
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none  
Aims: Introduction to computer systems and practical use of software packages.   

710102, Computer Skills 2
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 710101  
Aims:  Introduction to visual and object-based programming, with information storing and retrieving facilities.   

712111, Programming Fundamentals
4 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none  
Aims:  This module aims to introduce the principles of Top Down problem solving strategy (divide and conquer), algorithm design, and imperative programming mainly at an abstract level. Topics include data definition structures, control structures, and primitive data structures. C++ programming language (in visual environment) is adopted as a vehicle language for implementations.    

712271, Multimedia Systems
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 710102  
Aims:  This module is an introduction to the major topics related to multimedia (desktop publishing, hypermedia, presentation media, graphics, animation, sound, video, and integrated authoring techniques), multimedia devices and development tools. It emphasizes hands-on experience for students to familiarize them with the range of tools used in creating computer-based multimedia.  

712272, World Wide Web: Concepts and Programming
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 710102   
Aims: This module aims to give students an introduction and general concepts of the Internet and Intranet technology, the World Wide Web, TCP/IP and Web design languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ASP). It also involves the necessary background that student needs to develop different tasks of programming aspects concerning the foregoing objectives. Sufficient study  levels are supposed to be studied and learned by the students within the course for the sake of applying the different fields of education, learning, economical, E-Business and other approaches.   

722282, Professional Issues in Computing and Information Technology
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none  
Aims:  This module aims to give students an informed awareness of the principal issues of professional ethics and responsibility in the design, implementation and use of computer and information systems. In addition, the module aims to help in recognition of ethical problems when they occur, and to enable students to deal effectively with ethical and professional issues now and in their future careers. The module does not require a laboratory, but one group and one individual essay are required. Students are expected to spend 10 - 20 hours preparing for these essays at outside lecturer times. Students are asked at the end of the semester to present their essays.   

732251, Introduction to Information Systems
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 710101  
Aims: This is a major introduction course that presents problems in business environment and solution with computer-based tools. It focuses on systems and information systems concepts and technologies. Students will learn the most effective ways to use information systems. Case studies are examined to highlight new technology and applications like multimedia.   

751252, Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 712111  
Aims: This module aims to present the basic representation and reasoning paradigms used in AI in both theory and practice with careful attention to the underlying principles of logic, search, and probability. It is also designed to show students practical examples of  the use of AI in applications and to encourage further reading. The assignments given to students aim to provide a sound practical introduction to knowledge-based systems and a basic introduction to modern paradigms of knowledge representation and belief networks. The tutorials aim to provide an introduction to the underlying issues in cognitive emulation and to provide an opportunity for practical exercises in logic and probability.  

761161, Fundamentals of Information Technology 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 710101  
Aims:  The objective of this module is to introduce the  fundamental and powerful roles that information technologies play in the modern global business environment, valuable insight into the strategic role of information systems in modern organizations, and insight into computing technologies such as telecommunications and computer networks, overview of the internet and intranets.  

210101, Mathematics (1)
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none
Aims:  This module aims to provide students with some background in different topics in mathematics such as derivatives, applications of derivatives, integrals, applications of integrals, transcendental functions and inverses of functions.   

210103, Mathematics for Computing
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210101  Aims: This module aims to provide students with some background in sequences and series, and multi-variable calculus, and systems of linear equations and their solutions.   

210104,  Discrete Structures
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none  
Aims: This module will introduce the student to the basic  language and ideas of discrete mathematics that occur in all branches of information technology. It will also begin the process of training the student to argue correctly, both informally and formally, about these structures. The student will begin to learn the use of abstract analysis to solve concrete problems.  

210231, Introduction to Probability and Statistics
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: none  
Aims: This module aims to help students grasp basic statistical techniques and concepts, and to present real-life opportunities for applying them.  

712231, Computer Organization and Architecture
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210103 + 761161  
Aims: The module will emphasize on the following knowledge areas: assembly level machine organization, memory system organization and architecture, interfacing and communication, functional organization, and alternative architectures.  

712232, Principles of Operating Systems
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 712231 + 722211  
Aims: The aim of this module is to introduce the basic principles of computer systems organization and operation; to show how hardware is controlled by program at the hardware/software interface; to outline the basic OS resource management functions: memory, file, device (I/O), process management, and OS security/protection. Two concrete examples of operating systems are used to illustrate how principles and techniques are deployed in practice.  

712343, Concurrent and Distributed Programming
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 712232  
Aims: The aim of this module is to study, learn, and understand the main concepts of concurrency. Hardware and software features to support concurrency, language features for concurrent and distributed systems, and concurrent and distributed algorithms.  

722112, Object-Oriented Paradigm
4 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 712111  
Aims: The module aims to develop an understanding of  the principles of the object-oriented paradigm; to provide familiarity with approaches to object-oriented modelling and design; to provide a familiarity with the syntax, class hierarchy, environment and simple application construction for an object-oriented programming language. The module emphasizes modern software engineering principles and developing fundamental programming skills in the context of a language that supports the object-oriented paradigm (Java for instance).  

722181, Introduction to Software Engineering
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, Second year, First semester, prerequisite: 712111  
Aims: This module aims to provide students a comprehensive introduction to software engineering. It gives an introduction to basic concepts, principles and techniques used in software engineering. It discusses the nature of software and software projects, software development models, software process maturity, project planning, management, and communication. This module gives an introduction to methods for analysis, design, testing, and implementation of large, complex software systems.   

722211, Object-Oriented Data Structures
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722112  
Aims: This is a programming-intensive module where students learn the fundamentals of designing data structures for use in complex programs. Data structures module is an essential area of study for computer scientists and for anyone who will ever undertake any serious programming task. This module deals with the fundamentals of organizing and manipulating data efficiently using clean conceptual models. Students study many of the important conceptual data types, their realization through implementation, and analysis of their efficiency. Implementations in this module are carried out in the Java programming language, but the principles are more generally applicable to most modern programming environments. Topics include recursion, the underlying philosophy of object-oriented programming, fundamental data structures (including stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and graphs), and the basics of algorithmic analysis.  

722283, Software Requirements
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722181  
Aims: The goal of Software Requirements course is to introduce the processes involved in the concept, eliciting, developing, analyzing, validating, and managing requirements for complex systems. The course presents the common forms of the software life cycle, which are used throughout the commercial, industrial, institutional, and even governmental communities when a single development effort is appropriate. The model is referred to as the commercial life cycle.  The focus is on what is involved in requirements engineering and how specific techniques may be applied during the life cycle processes. The stakeholders' needs document, concept or vision document and the requirements document are presented and preliminary versions developed. The critically important process of managing requirements, which are evolving as the customers' business and priorities change, is presented.  

722284, Software Design 1
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722283  
Aims: This module emphasizes on the basic concepts of software design.  

722285, Software Process and Quality
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722283  
Aims: This module looks at how software quality assurance and configuration management are performed and how software process improvement is maintained in order to assure the highest possible quality.  

722341, Fundamentals of Computer and Telecommunication Networks
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722211  
Aims: This module aims to introduce the principles of telecommunication networks (Fixed and Mobile) Architectures and Switching Technologies.  

722384, Software Design 2
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722284  
Aims: This module is concerned with the detailed software design after students learned some software design concepts.  

722385, Software Construction and Evolution 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722284 + 761261  
Aims: The module examines issues, methods, and techniques associated with constructing software, given a high-level design, and for maintaining software over its lifetime.  

722386, Software Verification and Validation 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722385  
Aims: This module introduces the role of verification and validation in the system life cycle.  

722398, Practical Training
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384 
(Students can take this module on completing 90 credit hours at least).  
Aims: The main aim of this module is that students will have practice in different industrial, commercial, administrative enterprises or companies. By this module, students may apply, in the real world, what they have learned during the first three years of their study in the University. The module also aims to teach students how to be self-confident when they face problems in their practical life. Duration: At least 9 weeks (18 training hours per week at least). This may be distributed onto two semesters at most. Regulations for Training: Students who register on practical training module should not register on modules with total credit hours more than 15 hours per week including the training module itself. Students must, therefore, be full-time trainees for at least 2 days per week. Students should arrange their timetable for other modules in a way that enables them to enroll in the pre-specified enterprise or company at least two days per week during the semester period. Assessment: A committee from the Department supervises the students along their training period, where one supervisor is assigned on one group of students.  The student should submit a technical report to this committee in 2 weeks time after completing the training session. In addition, the trainer body presents a report to the committee. The grade "pass" is given to students who complete the training requirements successfully and discuss their reports with the supervision committee.  

722486, Software Reengineering Techniques 3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384  
Aims: This module will focus on enabling software maintenance through reengineering.  

722487, Formal Methods in Software Engineering 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210104 + 722386  
Aims: This module introduces formal specification and analysis methods and their use in Software Engineering.  

722488, Software Management 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722386  
Aims: The module addresses issues involving the creation, development, and maintenance of software projects.  

722499, Graduation Project
3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722398  
The graduation project consists of a single project on which the student works over a period of 16 weeks that can be extended to 32 weeks (2 semesters). It is assumed that the student spends a nominal 192 hours (or 384 hours), the equivalent of 12 hours per week, working on this. There are three deliverables: demonstration, discussion, and a written report. A student works under the supervision of a member of staff, the supervisor. Most of the projects involve three students working together on the same project; apart from these, all students do different projects.   
Aims: The aims for the project work done in the fourth year are:

1- To manage and execute a substantial project in a limited time. 
2- To identify and learn whatever new skills are needed to complete the project. 
3- To apply design and engineering skills in the accomplishment of a single task. In this context the skills mentioned may be in the general area of design and engineering in its broadest sense, or may be very specifically related to particular tools. 

751321, Concepts of Programming Languages
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210104 + 722211  
Aims: This module provides students with basic concepts of different programming languages in order to enable students to learn any new programming language easily.  

751322, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210103 + 722211  
Aims: The aim of this module is to learn how to develop efficient algorithms for simple computational tasks and reasoning about the correctness of them. Through the complexity measures, different range of behaviors of algorithms and the notion of tractable and intractable problems will be understood. The module introduces formal techniques to support the design and analysis of algorithms, focusing on the underlying mathematical theory and practical considerations of efficiency. Topics include asymptotic complexity bounds, techniques of analysis, and algorithmic strategies. The solved problems are mainly business-oriented.  

751472, Computer Modeling and Simulation 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 210231 + 722211  
Aims:  This module aims to present methodologies used in computer simulation, to show simulation as complementary to laboratory and field experimentation in the development of better understandings of complex phenomena, and to discuss analysis, appropriate use, and limitations of simulation models. The module present applications of software simulation process with supporting techniques.    

761261, Database Fundamentals
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: (722211 or concurrently) + 210104  
Aims: This module aims to provide students with an overview of database management system architectures and environments, an understanding of basic database design and implementation techniques, and practical experience of designing and building a relational database. The other aim of this module is to make students able to discuss/explain the importance of data, the difference between file management and databases. In addition, it enables students to apply conceptual design methodologies for a database and learn about architectures and environment of database management system (in particular the Ansi-Sparc model). This module requires a practical work, which is assessed by producing individual and group small projects.   

712471, Graphical User Interface
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722211 + 722181  
Aims: HCI (human-computer interaction) is the study of how people interact with computers. It is concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of environment surrounding them. The interaction with the computer systems are done through GUI (Graphical User Interfaces).In order to design,  develop and implementation of good interfaces, the knowledge of human-computer interaction principles and GUI programming skills are required. The course aims to provide students with the principles for predicting the usability of human computer interaction, and developing systematic methodologies for design and evaluating them .Writing of GUI specifications and implementation of GUI applications in the JAVA programming language is also covered.   

722431, Embedded and Real Time Systems Design 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384 + 712343  
Aims: This module is a survey of issues in the design and implementation of real time computer systems.   

722441, Telecommunication Software Design 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384 + 722341  
Aims: The module introduces the state art of software concepts, methods, and tools used for the design of advanced telecommunication services (AIN services), and of communication protocols.    

722451, Information Systems Analysis and Design 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 732251 + 722384  
Aims: This module concentrates on building information systems with object-orientation.   

722452, Intelligent Systems Design
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 751252 + 722384  
Aims:  This module is concerned with the software technologies and tools used to design smart and intelligent systems. It introduces intelligent and smart systems and focuses on Agent, Mobile Agent and Multi-Agent technologies and tools.   

722471, Multimedia Software Engineering 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384+712271+712272  
Aims: The module concentrates on the investigation of the dual role of multimedia software engineering to apply software engineering principles to the design of multimedia systems, and to apply multimedia technologies to the practice of software engineering.  

722472, Financial and E-Commerce Systems Development 
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384 + 761161
 Aims: The module provides breadth knowledge in Financial and E-Commerce fields (Accounting, Finance, E-commerce, and Security) and depth knowledge about the design of Financial and E-commerce systems.  

722489, CASE Tools Development
3 hours per week, 3 credit hours, prerequisite: 722384  
Aims:  This module focuses on techniques used for the development of Computer Aided Software Engineering Tools:  Analysis tools, Projects management tools, Configuration Management tools, Code generation.

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