To be one of the most highly recognized departments of Computer Science in teaching, learning, scientific research, and community service according to international standards in order to achieve the desired growth and development.
The BSc in "Computer Science/Computer Science" program at the Computer Science department strives to:
Prepare graduates in the field of Computer Science/Computer Science with sufficient values, theoretical knowledge, and practical skills in building systems programming. They should have a local, regional and international presence who are highly motivated to lifelong learning and capable of fulfilling contemporary requirements. Prepare qualified graduates in scientific research who are able to continue their higher studies in computer science and support innovation plans according to international standards. Build a productive partnership with the community through the projects of students.
The department reaches a prominent position locally, regionally and internationally and the research activities are supportive of the growing technological development.
- Fairness: Dealing fairly with all and respecting individual’s value, dignity and legitimate freedom.
- Transparency: Dealing clearly in all Faculty procedures with students, academic and administrative staff.
- Integrity: Full compliance with professional morals and ethics.
- Belongingness: Having a sense of responsibility toward the University, local community and nation.
- Co-operation: Group work among all Faculty staff and students in all Faculty procedures.
- Innovation: Accommodating innovative ideas and solutions in teaching and learning as well as academic research fields focusing on the area of Information Technology and communications.
- Professionalism: The ability to demonstrate knowledge, skills and capability in the area of Information Technology and communications.