Research Title: Intercultural Engagement and Internationalisation Advancing the Concept of Global Citizenry Education
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2023
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This chapter discusses the ways of intercultural engagement of university students and professors and advances the internationalisation of the Concept of Global Citizenship Education in Jordanian Universities, taking Philadelphia as a model.

Keywords: Intercultural engagement, university students, professors , internationalisation, Global Citizenship Education in Jordanian Universities

Research Title: واقع اللغة العربية في تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي: دراسة وصفية تطبيقية.
Author: Muhammad Ismail Amayreh, Published Year: 2024
مجلة دراسات للعلوم الاجتماعية,
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: الملخص الأهداف: تبحث هذه الورقة العلمية في علاقة الذكاء الاصطناعي بدراسة اللغة، وتمثيل المعرفة الأساسية التي تدعم عملية الفهم. وتهدف الورقة في قسمها الأول إلى تسليط الضوء على خيط موحد لمجموعة متنوعة من الأساليب الحديثة لفهم اللغة الطبيعية، وآلية عمل الذكاء الاصطناعي اللغوي، ويركز القسم الثاني على بعض التطبيقات التي تُبين لنا كيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي أن يكون له تأثير جذري على تعليم اللغة العربية، والكتابة العربية، والكتابة بالأصوات العربية من خلال تناول نماذج لتطبيقات تدعم خدمة اللغة العربية، ومعرفة مدى خدمة هذه التطبيقات للغة العربية، بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقديم تصور عن واقع اللغة العربية من خلال دراسة بعض التطبيقات والأدوات التي تمثل اللغة العربية مادتها الأساسية. المنهجية: وقد اتبع البحث المنهج الوصفي التطبيقي، من خلال وصف آلية عمل الذكاء الاصطناعي وأهميته، وتسليط الضوء على واقع اللغة العربية بوساطة المنهج التطبيقي، فقد تناول الباحث ثلاثة برامج تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي وتدعم اللغة العربية للتطبيق عليها، ولم يغفل دور المنهج التحليلي، الذي كان له دور في الخروج بتوصيات من خلال تحليل نتائج الدراسة التطبيقية. النتائج: خَلص البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات المبنية على الدراسة التطبيقية، ومن أهمها: زيادة المحتوى العربي الماثل على الإنترنت، حتى تتمكن برمجيات الذكاء الاصطناعي من الاستجابة والتحليل، ويضاف إلى ذلك تدريب نماذج اللغة الاصطناعية على كميات كبيرة من البيانات العربية؛ لتحسين أداء النظم في الفهم والتفاعل بشكل أفضل مع المستخدمين الناطقين بالعربية. كذلك، تعزيز الوعي اللغوي، فيمكننا تحسين فهم اللغة العربية من قبل النظم الذكية عن طريق توفير مصادر تعليمية تشرح الخصائص اللغوية الفريدة للعربية. الخلاصة: بات التطرق لواقع اللغة العربية في التكنولوجيا الحديثة -ولا سيما في الذكاء الاصطناعي- أمرا لا مفر منه، ولا بد من تقديم دراسات تساعد المختصين، وأصحاب القرار على دعم التطبيقات التي تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي وتخدم اللغة العربية في جميع مستوياتها، فالتطور لا بد ألا يبقى مقتصرا على الشكل الخارجي للجملة العربية، بل يجب أن يشمل المستويين الأسلوبي والدلالي. كلمات مفتاحية: اللسانيات التطبيقية، الذكاء الاصطناعي، اللغة العربية.

Keywords: كلمات مفتاحية: اللسانيات التطبيقية، الذكاء الاصطناعي، اللغة العربية.

Author: Munzer Ebaid, Published Year: 2024
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 16
Faculty: Engineering and Technology

Abstract: An outdoor experimental study investigated cooling photovoltaic (PV) panels using nanofluids containing metallic (calcium carbonate) and non-metallic (ferro-magnetite) particles. The study compared solar power output and efficiency of PV panels cooled by various nanofluids, uncooled and water-cooled systems, under laminar and turbulent flow with flow rates from 1000 to 7000 ml/min. Aluminum heat exchangers (460mm length, 10mm outer diameter, 10mm thickness) were attached to each PV cell's rear surface, allowing analysis of cell temperature, thermal, and electrical performance. CaCO3 and Fe3O4 nanofluids notably reduced average cell surface temperature compared to uncooled and water-cooled systems. Fe3O4 nanofluid excelled due to its high thermal conductivity, showing improved heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number compared to air and water cooling. Electrical performance, power output, and efficiency of PV cells improved with cooling systems compared to uncooled. Fe3O4 nanofluid stood out for its superior results owing to its exceptional thermal conductivity among available cooling methods.

Keywords: Nanofluids, Nusselt number, volume concentration, power output, PV efficiency

Research Title: Recent advances in sustainability science for environmental conservation
Author: Balakumar Chandrasekarn, Published Year: 2024
Faculty: Pharmacy

Abstract: Mankind is on the brink of an ecological crisis, sitting behind the wheel itself. Sustainability science is concerned with the interactions between humans and the environment to foster long-term sustainable development. It focuses on the prediction and assessments of faults all over the globe and their appropriate remediation with the aid of best-fitting knowledge for the resilience of the global natural systems, social systems, and human systems. The primary goal of sustainability science is the restoration of ultimate functionality to Earth’s ecosystems and landscapes. Climate change, acidification of the oceans, loss of biodiversity, pollution of the environment, deforestation, and changes in the use of land are just a few of the global environmental concerns that are now manifesting on a planetary scale. Pollution is the root and the leading cause of every liability in the ecosystem, it is no less than a bane on the planet. In the ladder of sustainability science, pollution control serves as the side wood that holds all other steps. Here all the plausible sustainable techniques have been discussed that can help out in controlling all types of pollution.

Keywords: sustainability science environmental conservation

Research Title: Validation of Employee Job Performance (EJP) Scale in an Arab Working Environment: The Case of Healthcare Providers in Emergency Departments in Jordan
Author: Audi Naji Khaled Al Smadi, Published Year: 2023
Journal of Health Management, 25
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Job performance is an essential contributing factor to hospital success because it appraises healthcare providers’ (HCPs) job performance. Achieving the purpose of measuring HCP’s job performance in the emergency department requires a valid, reliable, satisfying psychometric properties scale. This study aims to verify the validity and reliability of the employee job performance (EJP) scale developed by Na-Nan et al. (2018). Two steps were followed to verify the validity and reliability of the EJP scale, namely, instrument validation and statistical testing, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A survey questionnaire was distributed to the HCPs in two phases to collect the data in the period of April–July 2020. The findings failed to replicate the Na-Nan et al. (2018) EJP scale. Two items were dropped from the scale based on the content validity ratio results. The EFA yielded 11 items and two dimensions, and CFA yielded 9 items and two dimensions. The two dimensions name job quality (five items) and job time (four items). The goodness of fit of the model was defined as satisfactory with a value of Chi-square/df 2.63 and RMSEA < 0.08, TLI, GFI and CFI ≥ 0.90. The results of this study failed to replicate Na-Nan et al. (2018) findings. The final results indicated a two dimensions scale consisting of job quality and job time construct. In general, the two dimensions EJP scales meet the goodness of fit, and the results confirm the reliability and validity of the two dimensions EJP scale.

Keywords: Job performance, healthcare providers, emergency department, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis

Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2021
Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Employee Engagement has been at the forefront of focus for human resources researchers and scientists,who believe that Employee Engagement can be a key driver of business success. The purpose of this analysis is to identifythe association between Employee Engagement and Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles. Data were collected and analyzed from a survey of 273 full-time employees who workin the Greater Amman Municipality at Jordan. The data was analyzed with different statistical tools (Mean, Correlation and Z-values) using SPSS. The findings exposed a significant positive association between bothTransformational and Transactional Leadership Stylesand Employee Engagement. It also found that Transformational Leadership is a better indicator of Employee Engagement when compared with Transactional Leadership

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Employee Engagement, Greater Amman Municipality, Jordan

Research Title: The Mediating Role of Creativity in the Influence of the Entrepreneurial Mindset on Corporate Entrepreneurship
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2021
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: Entrepreneurship is one of our economy's most significant component and a skill that is taken into account when starting a business or even when striving to be an excellent worker. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the role that creativity in the northern Jordanian banks plays in the relationship between the entrepreneurial mindset and corporate entrepreneurship. The sample consists of 363 bank employees from various departments. They were conveniently selected and analysed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed that creativity has a positive and significant impact on the relationship between the entrepreneurial mindset and corporate entrepreneurship. The results also showed that the entrepreneurial mindset had a significant and positive impact on corporate entrepreneurship. According to the research results it was recommended that: All bank employees need to work on an entrepreneurial strategy at their various levels and roles in positions of responsibility in the fundamental concepts, associated with methods of the entrepreneurial mindset in terms of enhancing their operations to provide their clients with a successful and modern service.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial mindset, Corporate entrepreneurship, Creativity, Jordanian Banks

Research Title: The effect of talent management on organizational performance improvement: The mediating role of organizational commitment
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2020
Management Science Letters,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: This study investigates the effects of talent management (TM) of human resources on organizational performance improvement. The study is accomplished through hypothesizing the effect of talent management on organizational performance. Organizational commitment is theorized to be a mediating factor for this relationship. In addition, the model considers transformational leadership style as a potential moderating factor. Data was collected from 385 Jordanian hotel employees using questionnaires and then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results demonstrate the positive impact of talent management (TM) on organizational performance, effective continuance and normative commitment. It is also shown that effective continuance and normative commitment played a mediating role. Finally, Transformational leadership style is proven to be a moderating variable with an effect on talent management and organizational performance. The findings show the significance of the role that organizational commitment plays in achieving human resources performance goals.

Keywords: shadi

Research Title: Role of HealthyWork Environments in Sustainability of Goal Achievement; Ethical Leadership, Intention to Sabotage and Psychological Capital in Jordanian Universities
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2018
Faculty: Business

Abstract: (1) Background: Long-term competitiveness and sustainability of goal achievement are constantly being sought out by organizations. This study examined the link between ethical leadership, intention to sabotage, and psychological capital in Jordanian universities and how they provide a healthy environment conducive to goal achievement sustainability. The literature indicated gaps in knowledge regarding the correlation between these variables in non-western countries, which this study intends to fill. The study drew from social learning theory and self-control theory. (2) Methods: Data was obtained by collecting survey questionnaires from a sample of 376 employees in different universities in the north of Jordan, and was analyzed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Structural Equation Modeling. (3) Results: A significant and direct negative relationship was found between both ethical leadership and psychological capital on employees’ intention to sabotage. Also, a significant and direct positive effect was found between ethical leadership and psychological capital. Furthermore, it was found that psychological capital mediated the relationship between ethical leadership and employees’ intention to sabotage. (4) Conclusions: Leaders have a critical role in increasing employee psychological capital and decreasing intention to sabotage. Many implications indicated by the study’s findings, both theoretical and practical, were discussed.

Keywords: ethical leadership; intention to sabotage; psychological capital; human resource management; Jordan

Research Title: Role of Cloud Computing in Service Quality, Information Quality & Low Costs: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Customs
Author: Shadi Mohammad Al-Tahat, Published Year: 2020
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences,,
Faculty: Business

Abstract: The study seeks to define the role of cloud computing in service quality, information quality and low costs. To achieve this research purpose, 207 employees were surveyed and there were 187 questionnaires valid for statistical analysis, adopting the descriptive approach. Questionnaires were used to measure the cloud computing impact on Jordanian customs. The study concluded that there was a high usage level of cloud computing and high level of application of service quality and information quality. In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between cloud computing and service quality, information quality, and low costs. In light of the aforementioned results, Implementations for cloud computing and service quality, information quality, and low costs are discussed.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, Service Quality, Information Quality, Low Cost, Jordanian Customs.