Research Title: Factors Affecting Teachers' Excellence from the Perspective of Queen Rania Award
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2013
Journal of Education and Practice, 4
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study aimed at investigating factors affecting teachers' excellence from the perspective of Queen Rania award -winning teachers as a Jordanian case. Recently, Jordan is committed to educational reform with a comprehensive plan called Education Reform for the Knowledge Economy (ERfKE). The study tries to answer questions about the most influential factors of educational excellence according to teachers' gender, level of education, and years of experience. In order to answer the study questions, a questionnaire was developed by the researchers as a major tool for collecting the data needed, so as to evaluate the teachers' perception of factors of excellence. Data is analyzed using descriptive statistics. ANOVA is used to determine the factors that affect teachers' excellence due to the study variables. The findings indicated that teachers' most important factors are related to Queen Rania Award criteria. The results show that the highest item mean in this domain was “Queen Rania award for educational excellence is considered to be a good motivation for teachers' performance”. There were no significant differences between teachers on the domain of Queen Rania Award criteria due to their gender, level of education and years of experience. Results show that gender, level of education and years of experience are not significant. In the lights of the findings, the study recommends more care of QRA criteria, and the need to study more factors which may influence teachers' excellence. https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/5189/5307

Keywords: Teaching excellence, Jordan, Queen Rania Award

Research Title: Positive Thinking & Good Citizenship Culture: From the Jordanian Universities Students' Points of View
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2013
International Education Studies, 6
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study aims at identifying the nature of the relationship between the mode of thinking among the students of Jordanian Universities if positive, and the extent to which that is related to their culture of citizenship, and therefore their positive practices towards the community. A sample of (654) students were selected randomly. And to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed consisting of (40) items distributed in two areas: culture of good citizenship, and positive thinking. The results showed that Jordanian University students showed a high degree of awareness in the culture of citizenship, and that the level of positive thinking prevailing among the students was high. https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ies/article/view/25192

Keywords: positive thinking, citizenship, Jordanian universities, civic education, teaching thinking skills

Research Title: Peace Concepts in Civic Education Curriculum: A Jordanian University Sample
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2013
Journal of Education and Practice, 4
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This research addresses the problems of peace education after the emergence of contemporary educational dilemmas facing our societies in an era we seek to realize peace. The research addresses a number of concepts in ideology and education facing the challenges for a culture of peace education in our teachings. The study shows the role of education and politics as needed together in collaboration to make further efforts to bring the concepts of peace into practice, through the promotion of dialogue in the framework of an integrated education for the political security and positive change that is needed to save humanity, especially in our Arab Jordanian culture. The study tries to address the problems of peace education with the significant impact on the social, moral and political levels .It focuses on highlighting the positive function of education to address the questions raised in the educational thought and political education by reviewing the curriculum and courses -related, and in particular the structure of Civic Education in Jordanian Universities. The study concluded that the average degree of covering peace concepts in Civic Education at Jordanian Universities was high, and that is including both the total scale and sub-total score of the scale, with a difference recognized in the (method of teaching the course, impact of the course on students, and the total score) according to gender, so that the averages of males were higher than those of females, while in terms of the course content of civic education there were no differences according to gender, but there appeared a difference in the field of (Method of teaching the course),as the averages of scientific stream students were higher compared to the humanitarian stream students. While when considering the field of content of the course of civic education, and the field of the impact of the course on students, no significant differences appeared depending on the specialty, also no significant differences appeared in the dimensions of (the method of teaching the course, the content of course of civic education, and the impact of course on the students), nor in the total degree depending on the variable of thought belonging .Perhaps the most recommended results are the need to review strategies for future development of peace education in Jordan in order to create a Jordanian citizen who aspires peace education on the human level. https://www.academia.edu/49434859/Peace_Concepts_in_Civic_Education_Curriculum_A_Jordanian_University_Sample

Keywords: Civic Education, Jordanian universities, peace curriculum

Research Title: Moral Values Education in Terms of Graduate University Students' Perspectives: A Jordanian Sample
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2013
International Education Studies, 6
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This study focuses on how moral values differ and vary according to variants such as education, culture, thoughts, religion, gender and family relations .It handles the issue of moral education in Jordan, from the perspective of graduate students in Petra University. Since we are facing new challenges in this era and region of the world, we are more affected by cultural and environmental effects that change our moral system. This ethical issue is highly important in a world where materialistic values are more pressing on our behavior. This study directly tackles Jordanian culture and mainly youth in universities, so that a specially tailored questionnaire was built to study the moral value educational system that Jordanian youth in private universities believe in, taking Petra University as a sample. This questionnaire covers all areas of morality and all issues dealing with ethical dilemmas, and their answers were analyzed according to certain dimensions that have to do with moral education, moral dilemmas, moral choice, moral crises, moral sensation, moral awareness, the awareness of right, and justice from the perspective of Jordanian graduate students. Many factors were being taken into consideration, especially the eastern, Muslim, Jordanian culture, the youth mentality affected by education, the Arab culture, information systems, and human rights issues. The study ends with a description of the moral value education system of graduates in Petra University as a special model of private universities. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1067140.pdf

Keywords: moral education, moral values, ethics, arab culture, moral behavior

Research Title: Political Concepts in Jordanian Schools Curricula of the Scientific and Literary Streams ( Grades 11th and 12th)
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2014
Elsevier, Procedia-Social and Behavioural Journal , www.wces.info , 116
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: The study aims at identifying political concepts in Jordanian schools curricula for grades 11th and 12th in the scientific and literary streams .Books were analyzed according to the content analysis approach. The results showed that political concepts were more obvious in the 12th grade of the literary stream if compared to the 11th grade. It was concluded that more attention to political concepts should be given in the scientific stream in order to contribute to developing students' political understanding, so as to be able to deal with global issues, in addition to teaching concepts renouncing ideological extremism. The study recommends that more quality political concepts should be introduced in the scientific stream curricula. https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/277811/1-s2.0-S1877042814X00108/1-s2.0-S1877042814002146/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=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&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20231211T130713Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYZKCYVO7N/20231211/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=43c843f4db62e136a5746cff2e8d1c6eb07ca603d785eadb437dae815276d279&hash=dda330340436eb354cf76d24dbf72605b98dc8d8f10d62a15f5074fbe97b909a&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S1877042814002146&tid=spdf-deb6e9f2-1692-49ef-80ec-d5ed7cc37c4a&sid=6e52694930cfe34c464bb087b33ec49a5c83gxrqb&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=10095e545d0b0452535507&rr=833df304f86232ae&cc=jo

Keywords: Political concepts, School curricula , Content analysis,Scientific stream, Literary stream, Education in Jordan.

Research Title: Global Citizenship Education in Jordanian Universities
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2012
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal , 47
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: This paper is an attempt to establish the foundations of education for global citizenship. It is mainly built on four themes: world citizenship education, key issues and challenges of contemporary human thought, philosophical and analytical approach, and then an attempt for global citizenship educational planning. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative approach in considering as Jordanian case study, in terms of the philosophy of National Education of Jordan. The paper concludes with the suggestion that to achieve the humanitarian component of global citizenship in education, one must start from the moral value system of human identity. https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/277811/1-s2.0-S1877042812X00181/1-s2.0-S1877042812026602/main.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEJz//////////wEaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIDXYYCCUC5fvLtmaruyTxbdXpjUNjkhJ3suhYsP+HUHuAiBO74r2O6468AV7tYGfEMUDPxnLea9nAo99VwdsuaTJCCqzBQgVEAUaDDA1OTAwMzU0Njg2NSIMqLY5njMdxvHDuXoSKpAFXZSAFlSh5UR1eZQOwa7lxJtWdUQCjN4isYuLr9eJmAIkw611+0hOgoxkBKTPrHlIk8cdq8cB98alLpebLMDd5EpIsbMx3v/Ojx6XEPyW/oRN279RxRL+g7TpA9wiH0VeN0cQOFM4AnuJ8TM8VODCTyx30CPc+dKYHFDblYGQi7/gkwT426xXqzpRXlgdrRJy963arSYgzDLfRTN2fbV+Oevo7TeYp/8xuYqp3L8WGFEMCh1uVYUNT8rAOZt/nBTpn5wKkr1VhJo3/WZAyJ2QAoNuNQ5h/TiZwcJkMJgJRfHbavJUomiQXdLMW/UFhUvOXggGbIJ0yjlnRnjzi75y4s2YWnZCRC6wssCFua34SYX4CVyS9aD6+57jyZZAtXzEqXnsBj8kIOSsROlxhtKCDazFY9hsPI6pS6YUa5Qra9iF1G3+L7IgRSbOen+ZDUgvYADqB5weMiJqaylmH3mniPUWJbXsgiu0finCCcNDOp+Hg44Lp0twKN5LqOkaj68Ansq8tGtan3/YZL6b75aZdErsTfCyylm2wOWZaV8+tujqID1P+AmBeBOigT0pE0rOvZyLy3MO4xGK7VC+5VLF5f2Dv9ENJFs//daPvPZPHA/BUfQh3ltSmcyLsDp7F4jcMR6pybxdU+8e8hnF9AwzPb1ZrlUl8UnW03bJkBmfI35R2bSc2c44yFjrQ0UVxf5+daatQEkjom6jl80AlM3giYpUDYS+YjR6FPL23REkIXCABpUQf9Kj7+2wkf02nTj1kHtSPwCpRmzCPypVluKvm1hl7Ck/uLoZNh4DOG2mHUHnifz6XBIhOKqGnqADgzkYk4dD3iLE8kbmV/le72+SowNlgOctO8sdZj6vslPlO+Ewt+3bqwY6sgGcvWhCYyzH2YEtgeG2KoLkEciB2unk32Bh2BCYmWXVbYil9iXugAIh7lQRE7g2VyxWQJTRgNpro4URgKFaT4CNOeGe5W0W51r+qhnZnPZBvJUDLT1juXMjOwYuFBIbfShUgeeMRuaA03j04xRKKEVRg6Ek5sRofyFagXErkgOW4qBOIPLLnSBGb1944lvDr89wblruFOcZJl34xHhWJ/uN1aPPqPPZ0qXc+Uq0cSnzSKEg&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20231211T123359Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTYVVPTLZWR/20231211/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=42ebea6fe029cacab2c54f978925c2faf295b500963c2badf6f11f002f521779&hash=c9018f1d53c3928ced7c6f7279babcb0f43d71608b054e10016799492b7a8ef1&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S1877042812026602&tid=spdf-29f1fa1e-f192-42ff-beb5-a373aa6cf1e7&sid=6e52694930cfe34c464bb087b33ec49a5c83gxrqb&type=client&tsoh=d3d3LnNjaWVuY2VkaXJlY3QuY29t&ua=10095e545d0b0153565700&rr=833dc256ac8732ad&cc=jo

Keywords: Global citizenship education, national education, civic education, human rights education, Jordan.

Research Title: Pathways to Mainstream and Advance the Concept of Global Citizenship Education in the Arab World, Global Citizenship foundation, 2022
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Thinkers and planners for education and higher education agreed on the need for education to serve global citizenship as a potent force in bringing economic, social, and political change, and in enabling the nation to face challenges, and this is clearly affirmed through education for human rights and world education for global citizenship. One can divide the Arab thinkers into five categories, each with a point of view different from the other (Altbach, 1999). The first category of Arab intellectual's rejectionists, who believe that globalization, reflects the higher stages of colonialism created by the technological revolution and information that dominates the capitalist market, as governed by the United States and Western countries. (Jarrar, 2012). The second category of Arab intellectuals is those who welcome globalization. The third category of Arab intellectuals represents the neutral position, which calls for finding an appropriate form of globalization consistent with the interests and aspirations of the Arab countries. The fourth category of Arab intellectuals represents a positive vision being pragmatic and utilitarian (Muasher & Faour, 2011). They think of globalization as a historical phenomenon that Arab nations should treat with caution and prudence. Globalization emphasizes the sovereignty of Arab intellectuals and establishes the Arab cultural identity in order to spread the values of tolerance. https://www.globalcitizenshipfoundation.org/article/pathways-to-mainstream-and-advance-the-concept-of-global-citizenship-education-in-the-arab-world

Keywords: Global Citizenship ,Education,Arab World

Research Title: Global Citizenship and Education for Peace
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: Peace is a human goal and a noble aspiration towards humanity has been trying to achieve throughout its cultural history. The call for peace, laying down its foundation, and spreading it worldwide has gained momentum in the modern age as a means of creating a rallying point around which the mutual understanding of all peoples of the world may revolve. Peace studies became an area of academic research in universities worldwide in the 1950s. At the onset, the focus was on peace vis-à-vis direct violence, as it is the case with aggression, torture, persecution, and wars. Later, research expanded to tackle indirect violence, i.e., human suffering under social, political, and economic systems that lead to death or belittling people’s dignity and violation of their rights. Racial discrimination, exposure to famine, and denial of human rights are typical examples. Speaking of “education,” it is an invitation to live—and life, in essence, is peace with self, with others, and with the environment. Hence, education for peace ranges in its expanse from peace among nations and peoples, to individual peace in the family or community and, ultimately, to the inner peace of the individual him/herself. https://burhaninstitute.org/?p=1071

Keywords: Global Citizenship , Education , Peace

Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: In today’s world, we encounter a great number of exacerbating conflicts and crises that may even lead to annihilation of human life on this planet, if they are allowed to persist. Into whatever direction we turn, we witness raging fateful North/South and East/West struggles. However, nothing would enable us to overcome such ongoing political conflicts, economic crises, environmental catastrophes or social afflictions other than using a great panacea and supreme instrument of this equation – that is, to put the necessary human principles in place. Whosoever believes in the oneness of humanity – irrespective of the multiplicity and diversity of its parties, regions, and warring factions – finds nothing at the core, save that essentially indivisible human spirit, notwithstanding the diversity of ethnicity, creeds, denominations, ideologies, and interests. Back in the day, the Chinese philosopher Confucius called for the principle of inner peace, and he was followed down through the ages by other expositions, from leaders of thought, of the beneficial effects of establishing peace in solving countless human problems and disputes. In this hypothesis, I will attempt to add to the foundation that those prior advocates of peace had laid down, by establishing that principle of the consciousness of global citizenship is a modern-day panacea for current and future crises and conflicts. https://burhaninstitute.org/?p=1044

Keywords: Social Justice , Global Citizenship, humanity

Research Title: المواطنة العالمية والتربية من أجل السلام
Author: Amani Ghazi Jarrar, Published Year: 2021
Faculty: Arts

Abstract: السلام هدف إنساني وغاية نبيلة تسعى الإنسانية لتحقيقها على امتداد تاريخها الحضاري، وقد ازدادت الدعوة للسلام والعمل على إرساء دعائمه وتعميمه في العصر الحديث كأداة تفاهم تجمع شعوب العالم حول هذا الهدف. لقد بدأ الاهتمام بدراسات السلام كميدان أكاديمي في الجامعات العالمية منذ الخمسينات، وكان التركيز في البداية على السلام في مواجهة العنف المباشر، كما هو الحال في الاعتداء والتعذيب والاضطهاد والحروب، ليتطور فيما بعد إلى تناول العنف غير المباشر، أي ما يعانيه الناس نتيجة للنظم الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية التي تؤدي إلى الموت أو الانتقاص من آدمية الإنسان وانتهاك حقوقه مثل : التمييز العنصري والتعرض للجوع وإنكار حقوق الإنسان. والتربية دعوة للحياة، والحياة في جوهرها هي السلام مع الذات ومع الآخرين ومع البيئة المادية، ومن هنا فإن التربية من أجل السلام تتراوح في مداها من السلام بين الدول والشعوب إلى الأفراد داخل الأسرة أو الجماعة وأخيراً إلى الإنسان نفسه. https://burhaninstitute.org/?p=1050

Keywords: مواطنة عالمية ، تربية ،سلام