
المنح الداخلية

المنح الداخلية


Internal Grants

Design, manufacture and test a tracked ground vehicle for rugged terrain conditions (deep snow, mud, sand and rocks)

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Design, manufacture and test a tracked ground vehicle for rugged terrain conditions (deep snow, mud, sand and rocks)

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Identifying genes that control language and social behavior through whole genome sequencing in families with autism

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Mutational analysis of   Homogentisate oxidase Gene Among Consanguineous Families in Jordan

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Enhanced production of alkaloids from callus cultures of some slanaceaa plants using biotechnological tools and evaluation their anticancer activity

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Antibiotics resistance bacteria

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Antibiotics resistance bacteria

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في نظام هجين متسلسل لا هوائي – هوائي باستخدام مفاعلات حيوية ومفاعل UASB

National Center for Research and Development Fund


Repair blast damaged structural elements using recycled concrete

اصلاح العناصر الانشائية المتضرره من الانفجارات بواسطة الركام المعاد تصنيعه.

King Abdullah II Fund for Development


Wind Turbine

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Design, build and test a quad bike for desert conditions

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Mobile PV generator for remote locations

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Solar desalination with hot water heating and electricity generation using PV/T Hybrid system

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


Unmanned ground vehicle control using internet of things

Philadelphia university/ Deanship of Scientific Research


معلومات الاتصال

طريق جرش عمان، عمان ، الأردن

النشرة الإخبارية

ادخل بريدك الإلكتروني وسنرسل لك المزيد من المعلومات
