In consistency with Philadelphia University strategic plan 2018 – 2022, the strategic aims of the Deanship of Development and Distance Learning are classified under four headings:
First Strategic Aim:
Developing and enhancing an engaging teaching/learning milieu, through the creation of an innovative interactive infrastructure. Also the competencies of the faculty, staff, students, and graduates.
This can be achieved through the following objectives:
- Enhancing capacity building of faculty, staff, students, graduates and local community.
- Internationalization of education, and building cooperative relations with local, regional and international universities.
- Technical support by establishing smart classrooms, new online, blended and ubiquitous pervasive learning software.
- Creation of a teaching/learning environment conducive to effective learning.
- Embedding suitable capacity building services to the local community, and organizing supporting courses for the students.
- Fostering faculty capacity to recruit financing for research projects.
Second Strategic Aim:
Developing awareness of ubiquitous pervasive interactive e-learning, and the innovative technologies in the digital age.
This can be achieved through the following objectives:
- Fostering e-learning, blended and pervasive education. They should be developed to be more effective in collaboration with all stakeholders.
- Conducting special training courses on innovative modes of learning.
- Providing new teaching material to keep up with the technological progress in teaching methods.
- Embedding capacity building training and technical support to improve performance of both students and faculty.
- Establishing an e-learning platform that motivates off-campus students to study at PU.
- Initiation of partnerships with local and regional universities in the field of e-learning.
- Starting new programs in blended e-learning through activating partnerships with local and international universities.
- Initiation of motivating regulations in search of sustainable excellence according to local and international norms
- Fostering quality and performance indicators in e-learning according to the local and international standards and norms.
Third Strategic Aim:
Contribution to scientific research processes, outputs and marketing at university level, through training relevant to its strategies and ways to deploy international projects.
This can be achieved through the following objectives:
- Making available relevant databases of refereed accredited journals to be utilized by faculty.
- Encouragement of human networking and cooperation among faculty members in the realm of scientific research.
- Sufficient faculty training in the field of scientific research, originality and plagiarism.
- Fostering supporting programs in research, like statistical programs, monkey search, and training faculty how to use.
Fourth Strategic Aim:
Advocating the internationalization of education through cooperation with international universities, initiation of joint programs and facilitating the exchange of faculty and students.
This can be achieved through the following objectives:
- Implementation of all agreements and memos of understanding with universities and other industrial and service institutions
- Training faculty on methods of proper submission of applications for project support grants, like (Erasmus +).
- Implementation of cooperation with international universities.
- Encouraging the utilization of scientific conferences in human networking with distinguished scholars from other universities.
- Proposed Projects of Cooperation:
- Joint programs and activities to be organized at PU.
- Delegation of experts on three-day faculty training missions at PU.
- Provision of Smart Classrooms.
- Exchange of online material produced by prestigious universities, institutions & Organizations.
- Exchange of faculty and students in certain programs.
- Adoption of good practices in international universities.