
دليل الطالب-قسم الادارة الفندقية و السياحية

Faculty of Arts Council

Dr. Ghassan Abdul Khaliq
Acting DeanDr. Ghassan Abdul Khaliq
Dr. Omar Kafaween
Dean Assistant / Chairman of Arabic Language Dept.Dr. Omar Kafaween
Dr. Khalil Nofal
Chairman of English Language Dept.Dr. Khalil Nofal
Dr. Amjad Al-Zoubi
Chairman of Humanities Dept.Dr. Amjad Al-Zoubi
Prof. Salem Sari
Rep. of Development Studies Dept.Prof. Salem Sari
Dr. Lina Ashour
Chairman of Counseling Pyschology Dept.Dr. Lina Ashour
Dr. Faisal Al-Omari
Chairman of Graphic Design Dept , Chairman of Interior Design Dept.Dr. Faisal Al-Omari
Dr. Mowafaq Abu Hammoud
Chairman of Development Studies Dept. / Chairman of Journalism Dept.Dr. Mowafaq Abu Hammoud
Dr. Mohammed Al-Khawaldeh
Rep. of Journalism Dept.Dr. Mohammed Al-Khawaldeh
Dr. Walid AlKailani
Rep. of Counseling Psychology Dept.Dr. Walid AlKailani
Dr. Hala Abboushi
Rep. of Arabic Language Dept.Dr. Hala Abboushi
Dr. Mohammad Al-Jayouse
Rep. of English Language Dept.Dr. Mohammad Al-Jayouse
Dr. Marwan Allan
Rep. of Graphic Design Dept.Dr. Marwan Allan
Dr. Shahrayar Mahmood
Rep. of Interior Design Dept.Dr. Shahrayar Mahmood
Mr. Fateh Assaf
Rep. of Humanities Dept.Mr. Fateh Assaf
Dr. Amjad Al-afeef
Rep. of Local CommunityDr. Amjad Al-afeef
 Mr. Riyadh Al-Khawaldeh
Rep. of Local Community Mr. Riyadh Al-Khawaldeh

معلومات الاتصال

طريق جرش عمان، عمان ، الأردن

النشرة الإخبارية

ادخل بريدك الإلكتروني وسنرسل لك المزيد من المعلومات
