In the academic year 2009/2010, the academic research budget was (J.D.450000). Academic research witnessed noticeable development as follows:
- Updating the regulations in a way that facilitates academic staff's support.
- Supporting publication of many books and researches as well as participation in international, regional and local conferences.
- Increasing the ceiling for supporting book publication, conference participation, research projects in various academic fields to motivate research and authors, from the academic staff at the University and to increase their academic production in the field community service.
- Laying out special strategies that aim at activating academic research at the University.
- Launching new graduate studies programs in coordination with the faculties concerned.
- Carrying out studies, and preparing statistics and questionnaires that assist in suggesting solutions to activate academic research.
- Holding symposiums and conferences in which experts from the University and outside may participate for the purpose of exchanging views and opinions and finding ways to support and develop academic research.
- Building a database for the Deanship of Academic Research and Graduate Studies to save all previous and current data and issue various reports and statistics.
- Developing and modernizing the Deanship's website.
- Supporting the outstanding graduate studies students through scholarships and fellowships.